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joined 2022 September 07 05:34:11 UTC


User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

Start or join a local nightwatch? Go uuuh, "help" the druggies out of your neighbourhood, either they get lost or they start shit. Either way the problem will be solved.

makes normal people go “huh, okay” and they shrug and move on

Don't know where these normal people would live, around here people (even normies) think it's a weirdo gender-bender-cult thing.

Yes. Also conspired with other "researchers" to cover it up, also lied under oath to congress about it.

Talk about bad advise lmao, a teenage boy will never be caught dead with a tampon stash in their backpack.

It does help that harris is only half black and there is enough media around to point to where her "indian heritage" is used in a creepy DEI sort of way.

Basically the standard practice is you get care if the people who just tried to kill you decide to give you care.

Wow, that's some real bullshit, if I were on Trump's campaign I'd make it a talking point about dems being baby killers or something. That's so beyond the pale it's unfunny, they tried to kill the baby? Fine, but if it still survived after being born it should be treated like any human with dignity.

The real failure is failure of management. How was this update allowed to over-ride client's specific update staging and rollout policies? Why did management allow the devs NOT to dogfood their product. It's been my experience with software dev, if the devs aren't dogfooding, the product probably sucks ass.

My local TV station was on full damage control/max gaslighting. They focused on the riots themselves and the cause for them was an offhanded remark by the talking head, mentioned only ONCE, saying the murder by the immigrant was "racist fake news on twitter", while saying this an image of Tommy Robinson's twitter account was on the screen.

I don't know what these people think they'll achieve, with such obvious brazen lies. They've again reached firey but mostly peaceful levels of blatant obvious lies. I think it will backfire even more spectacularly.

Russia has been intensively bombing Ukraine with thousands of missiles for several years and they have not yet broken a country of 30-40 million.

Russia isn't waging a total war of destruction with Ukraine. It would be extremely easy for them to destroy power delivery infrastructure and this water supply if they wanted to.

If anything, despite what western propaganda would tell you, they've tried to minimize civilian casualties. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are using civilian housing, hospitals, schools, what have you

launching a war of aggression and invading unprovoked

Lmao, It must feel nice to ignore geopolitics an completely ignore the US meddling in Ukraine's elections. i guess Russia should have just rolled over dead and allowed the US to completely cut it off from the Black sea. Get real.

  • -11

Feels like it, considering the ideological capture of the big subs' jannies and the governemnt sponsored shilling (for example Eglin Air Force Base)

Can't tell you about mixed indians or epigenetic causes, but specifically she is very much down for corruption and sex for favors.

When the simulation runner is a degenerate gambler and just created a universe so he can embody into the meat npcs and throw dice.

I can not put into words the schadenfreude of Hillary's "deplorables" speech while some one in the crowd yells pepe. Hillary vs Trump was pure kino.

I don't think they'll dare with Hilldawg, her health also seems to have declined perilously.

Ugly was parading him about, him obviously mentally declining just to squeeze out some more extra personal influence for his handlers.

The Holocaust is the biggest defining characteristic of Nazis by a lot.

I mean like, it's not. The jews and various leftoids want you to think that. But by far the germans didn't think of it that way. Most of the civilians were perfectly fine with a house, husband-and-wife-son-and-a-dog styled national socialism. The jews weren't the raison d'etre, they were just an obstacle to the real goal.

but is hardly worth her getting fired over.

Oh no it's worth it. It's worth it in a sort of escalating frenzy, you want her to be made example of, you also want this to continue and build in fervent scale and spread throughout the memeplex.

and then not used to build up the replacement.

I don't even believe they have a path to a meaningful stepdown bar any end-of-life instant expiration issues.

Cancel culture is BACK baby.

I can only imagine this face while reading that


norms-damaging individuals

Good, the status quo norms got us into Ukraine-sandpit-boogaloo and would get us into a hot WW3 sooner if they would have gotten hilldawg into office.

Fuck it, just make them pay ME personally a % of that sweet sweet profit. Make it a good amount.


Always has been huh, at this point they should start putting Ohio's flag on rockets and space ships instead.

I didn't think they would be stupid enough to try and make him an obviously innocent "convicted felon", yet here we are. The black vote is going to explode with the court shenanigans and the shooting.

Ah yes, point blank and multiple shooters. Really, it's all the same thing.