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joined 2022 September 07 05:34:11 UTC


User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

Of short-term thinking?

Monarchy? I guess the bureaucrats and regulation are on par with democracy but by virtue of the king doing whatever he damned pleases he very much could curtail the excessive bureaucratization of society.

I don't want to start shilling for Hans-Herman Hoppe here but he's right on the money. You need the ruler(kings in this case) to care about the well being of his domain, instead of having a revolving door of politicians who are only in the game to get theirs and get out.

The old ottomans have exactly zero intersection with the current culture of that hellblasted sand pit.

your kid looks like you but has the intelligence-related-genes of someone much smarter'

Yeah, that's not about to happen. Especially in the face, a lot of those genes are doing multiple jobs and almost anything else in the body also affects the brain/neurons.

Oh no, it gets so much worse. You drop off "goods" and have all clothes and ameneties be plastered with ads. Companies pay top dollar to have their t-shirts and logos be worn by Manflesh-Eater-1368 while he guns down Hoodrat-caught-with-five-gram-of-crack-2318

Well, then he'll just pardon himself.

That being said. Someone close to me did have an NDE, and he still swears by it decades later. He described it as "perfection", beyond the most perfect bliss you could ever imagine, of a totally different ontological kind from anything that you could ever experience in this reality. Frequently when he retells the story, he reminds me "I've done a lot of drugs. I know what drugs feel like. This was no drug."

I do believe that, even if these states of consciousness are nothing more than the result of brain chemistry, they're clearly very exceptional states that merit further investigation.

I've had an NDE but I can't disentangle the profound sense of bliss from also being pumped up full of pain killers by the doctors at the hospital.

This is the most hilarious thing I've seen this month

Don't take any of those class of drugs. They really fuck with your head.

Here's the thing, Tate is very much a forced meme. He's one of those PUA types who gets conflated on purpose with anything and everything on the right in order to tarnish by association. Even on /pol/ one of the most "based" and "red pilled" of all places still allowed on the internet he has been roundly mocked as just a hedonistic degenerate. Shills would post about his latest exploits and tribulations and be met with sneed's seed and feed posts like clockwork.

Maybe I'm just weird but moral authority does not follow from being omni. Also, I'm really down for some greek/roman style polytheism.

All of these problems can be mitigated if we relinquish the autistic-like need for the one deity to be omni-anything. Why should it be omniscient, omnipotent or omnibenevolent?

Trump should campaign on dismantling the FBI and the ATF. Can't imagine a more redmeat sort of deal for his base.

but with every major institution aligned against them the conservatives will almost certainly lose.

The US' track record with insurgencies hasn't been that great. It will be an even bigger shitstorm when the insurgency is coming from inside the house instead of being on some one else's hell blasted sand box.

Why couldn't it mutate to become more deadly?

It could, but its a random process and if it mutates to kill you quicker it prevents its own spread.

Derive meaning from providing for a family but without the power and deference your grandfather received.

Yeah and she can pound dirt. And may god help any man who falls for this bullshit.

They were postscript, lightweight collection of text. You could also embed fonts, images. When adobe realized they had something on their hand they could fill with random shit to "provide value" and use vendor lock in now they have a whole JS runtime in there, "web forms", "rendering 3d objects", fucking FLASH, god knows what else unspeakable nightmares from beyond the black lagoon.

he wants to change Twitter into some sort of "super-app" where one can do everything on it,

Have these people not learned from the trashfire that PDFs became because of Adobe's bullshit?

Don't be so sure, at least for some the best path to atheism is autistically researching the origin of the holly books. When you see the profane and base materialness and petty power struggles of the Church's body it really sours the whole thing.

Our tastes are probably different and I sort of liked Enterprise. You should really give Strange New Worlds a spin, Picard is god awful, except the 3rd season which is somewhat manageable. Discovery is a crime against humanity and Lower Decks is fine-ish.

It's worse than that. The game ostensibly already existed, a Chinese mobile clone of their IP with all the bullshit already worked out. Existing engine, most of the skills are the same as the chinese clone. They jsut gave the chinese devs permission to completely use their IP instead. Then monetization loops glazed on top of that.

It's every bit as scummy as you can imagine.

Women like social standing competitions and people and relation things. Find a way to incorporate social status signaling into your betting games or whatever and you'll get that audience.

instead of political statements and author pets

Dunno, that mousy looking commie in the parka was extremely blatant and offputting.

Abstract, platonic pedophiles and other horrors from beyond the stars

but you can't really force regimes like Assad or the Taliban to take them back

Yeah, you definitely can. At gun point. Load them up, ship them. Dump them. Country too "dangerous"? Not my problem.

There's nothing particularly stupid about their racial grievance narratives. As long as people continue to define themselves in ethnic and racial ways and discriminate based on that you're going to get fucked while "not playing the game".