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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

Kordemsky’s Moscow Puzzles are a nice supplementary resource. Maybe Art of Problem Solving prealgebra.

The first episode. The portrayal of the first battle is ridiculous and at odds with the rest of the show, iirc.

LoGH is amazing once you get past the poor pilot.

War and Peace. All those French phrases aggravate me. I already have to lean on a dictionary for Russian literature, and I have too much ego to pick up a translated copy.

Wouldn’t that get balanced by the lack of conscription for Israeli Arabs?

That must have been the inspiration for Dark Souls basilisks.

You can definitely learn to code well if you were Caltech material 20-25 years ago.

Nitpick: the abstract says that the effect of home team losses on rates of DV goes up by 10% in the presence of gambling, not that DV goes up by 10%. I wonder if there is a corresponding improvement for victories.

Go to db.chgk.info instead of reinventing the wheel. You don’t even have to translate the stuff :)

I’ve not seen such even once. Different bubbles, I guess.

Do modern people generally consider Julius Caesar (whose campaigns in Gaul were probably within an order of magnitude of all Vikings across all time wrt killing and slavery) a monster?

If you don’t set the high bar at prodigy level, we have counterexamples in Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon.

All but one were eaten by Henry VIII.

The tenth percentile of the general population is living off some combination of government aid and crime. They’re certainly not cashiers; even restricting to college students, the tenth percentile will not have the work ethic or the numeracy for this.

There’s a Roald Dahl short story with a similarly structured (much tamer but profoundly uncomfortable) punchline.

O. Henry’s “Gift of the Magi” comes to mind, too, but that one is heartwarming.

Better yet, the prostitute is a therapist moonlighting for extra cash.

Is the gameplay any good by modern standards? After a long hiatus from both, EverQuest felt horrible, but WoW Classic held up pretty well.

Thinking back on it, I retract my judgment from RTwP. Neverwinter and Dragon Age 1/2 were perfectly playable. The thing that turned me off was the Baldur’s Gate and Planescape: Torment engine, which had low-level casters with few spells per rest and concurrently made resting a pain in the ass. Thus casters were a liability 80%+ of the time. Never finished BG1 because of this (Torment was good enough to suck it up for the duration) and haven’t tried BG2.

Do you really prefer RTwP over turn-based? I’ll grant that it works well in Faster Than Light (and is preferable to the singularly shitty turn-based implementation in Fallout Tactics, which runs both options), but for the most part, the good games that have it are good in spite of it.

How did you get viscera in your nose in the first place?

Mess with some higher math. A fully solved Linear Algebra Done Right (3rd edition is preferable, the problem sets are way beefier and better organized) or a run at Project Euler could keep you entertained for a long time and maybe build motivation for something bigger.

Yes, graph theory is math, or at least the math department that gave me a doctorate for a dissertation in graph theory seems to think so :)

Nope - what I know in the area is downstream of coursework and messing around with Project Euler.

A lack of major bugs would be unfaithful to the source material.

Mind sharing some details, or mentioning when you have it on Arxiv? It’d be really cool to have something better than Miller-Rabin, followed by trial division over a pre-generated list of primes if composite.