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joined 2023 August 06 13:12:35 UTC


User ID: 2613



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 August 06 13:12:35 UTC


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User ID: 2613

How heritable is male infertility and what environmental factors affect it? My twin brother and I were conceived via in vitro fertilization because of some problem with my father's sperm, and now my brother and his wife are trying to conceive and are having difficulty and it's looking like the problem is my brother's sperm. It seems the problem has to do with the sperm's ability to get inside the egg.

My father is not completely infertile, because he conceived two daughters naturally, but they were conceived very far apart, so my parents were trying for a long time without success. My brother is also not infertile because his wife got pregnant before they were married, which she aborted. But now they've been trying for two years.

How concerned should I be? And what can I do about it? I'm not married, so I hopefully won't be having children any time soon, but I want to maximize my chances when I do start trying.

It doesn't make sense for infertility to be highly heritable, but father and son both having the same problem is highly concerning.

Throwaway for privacy reasons.