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joined 2023 March 18 17:38:59 UTC


User ID: 2275


Quality assurance

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 18 17:38:59 UTC


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User ID: 2275

How would you even go about teaching this sort of reasoning?

Love in the Time of Cholera. Fiction, and art in general, is capable of articulating sentiments which do not come around often in real life. The artifice is far from "artificial" in the modern sense. So far (I'm only about 80 pages in), Marquez is saying a lot about love and its counterfeits. I'm eager to continue.

It seems to me that what Trump is doing has worked; both Panama and Canada have, for now, capitulated to his demands. In spite of all the smoke and confusion, I'm optimistic. If leftists hate Musk and Trump as much as Reddit indicates, then it's a safe bet that the Left is in for a bad time.

Please, someone check my apparent ignorance of the nuances of trade wars, and of economics more broadly. Suppose that Trump 'is successful in annexing Canada and Panama. What material benefit does this provide to the U.S.? I'm optimistic because young and smart people are eager to build the new world which has been promised. And what more American an expression of hope and opportunity than in the conquering of new land?

American culture is far more tolerant of nudity now than it ever has been. When else would television shows like The Boys and Game of Thrones get away with showing so much of the human anatomy as within the last three decades?

I think this position is true in principle. Women are attracted to men on a mission. That user's solution seemed extreme. But if he had directed his energies into making meaningful strides in his chosen passion (such as, say, hiking) then I think there would be a lot to commend in it. And, as a happy side effect, he may well have become more attractive, or at least more fulfilled.

Because for me "learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu" would be the project of many, many decades

You'll be decades older anyway.

The Emperor's New Groove is a cartoon, but it hits a couple of these beats. For a slightly more mature beat, try the Road to El Dorado and the Prince of Egypt.

Has anybody here founds success with hypnotherapy? I've been toying with the idea of trying a couple sessions, but the one hypnotherapist I contacted priced at £100 per hour-long session, which seems very high. I wonder if CBT might be the better way to start with therapy.

I'm in the UK and it's both dark and rainy this time of year. I've just started with vitamin D pills and melatonin before bed, so I'll report if I notice any big changes compared to last year. But apparently vitamin D helps a lot of people in my situation.

Funny, because my dad hates McCartney's Wonderful Christmas because it's so repetitive.

People often say that the best way to learn singing is to get a good coach, so that you don't learn bad habits common to autodidacts. But since I want to save money and get a good head-start, what resources or even outright advice would you give to someone teaching themselves breathwork and basic singing technique? I'd like to pick it up as a hobby and think I have a good voice to work with. I know to breath with my diaphram and to relax myself when singing. But my range isn't where I want it to be. Plus I want to produce a strong, consistent, reliable sound.

But the US military do have powerful radars and cameras pointed at the skies. They have lots of space assets, they are very interested in space.

To build, maintain, and coordinate these interests would imply a great deal of cerebral endowment. You may become king of the skies by luck, but you sure as hell don't keep the kingdom that way.

You'd like the 2002 film with Jim Caviezel and Henry Cavill. Sturdy action film which makes good use of the premise.

What are the health benefits of nicotine, if there are any?

I picked up the snus habit from people at work and am already at a pretty high dose (though I only do about four a day). I've heard things about nicotine helping with everything from testosterone to Alzheimer risk, and apparently it can help with focus. But I doubt there's a lot of public motivation to investigate these positives since nicotine use often means smoking or vaping, which do have deleterious effects.

Why might you not have ADHD?

It would work best if it operated in the same spirit as those "American politics with no context" videos on YouTube; mainly aiming for comedy, across both political aisles. Cinemasins was originally a comedic channel before they began using the premise as a way to deliver actual criticism. If a Politicalsins did this it would quickly become subsumed into the mud-slinging contest.

Joe's decline is yesterday's issue. That VP Harris willingly concealed his decline is a now-issue. Plenty of footage of a grimace-wearing Harris standing next to doddering old Biden to sell the narrative that she's especially duplicitous. The emperor had no clothes and she knew. This will be the angle Republicans use against her.

All dictatorships are dysfunctional. Anyone who says otherwise is making a partisan and inflammatory claim.

Was Cincinnatus in the wrong when he briefly became dictator to solve a crisis in Rome? Are there really no scenarios where a dictator has done good?

Trump was exposing himself to further danger for the sake of a visual display. And he was indeed holding up his protection while they did their thing. But in the end, it was absolutely worth it and the correct move to make.

In fact, him doing this in the heat of the moment amid gunfire is largely the reason why it was the correct move. It was a display of masculine bravado. Perfect contrast, not only to the sitting president, but to pretty much every other politician. The resulting photographs alone are invigorating. Trump is effectively an avatar of masculinity in a culture which largely degradates it.

To be fair, just about anything looks amateurish and gratingly simple when compared to Better Call Saul.

Do you think he was telling the truth about his life? It seems nearly too adventurous to believe, though that may be owing to my shelteredness.

What resources have y'all used to teach yourselves how to sing? Specifically contemporary style -- or whatever you call what Sinatra was doing. If anybody happens to know any good teachers around the Cambridge, UK area, that would be fantastic too.

My fear with doing much beyond simple vocal exercises is unintentionally accruing bad habits. It just seems smart to learn the basics of breathing and vocal technique myself, and then to enlist the help of a vocal coach. That will make things a lot faster and less hazardous. Also, I live in a dorm, so practicing at home isn't much of an option. I do plenty of singing in my car though. What's been helpful to you guys?

Do you have recommendations as far as recipes go, for making veggies taste good and making you actively want to eat them?

I've been stationed in England for over a year now. If I had to choose between the two extremes of our day lengths, I'd absolutely choose the summer 5 am to 10 pm day length because it means more chance for sun. Folks weren't kidding when they said lack of sun makes you feel blue.

Interestingly, the president Jimble episode is really disliked on the smiling friends subreddit. But the trailer for episode 3, Alan's Adventure, has a really funny bit where he argues with the store worker.