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User ID: 1555



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User ID: 1555

In the US the secret service will always have one or two people assigned to collect and destroy all DNA left behind on napkins or glasses by the president. I'm assuming it's the same for other western heads of state.

You can look through CSL Seqirus' press releases for other info on which countries are receiving the vaccine if that information has been publicly disclosed.

Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile:


40 million doses of adjuvant:


EU's 650,000 dose order of Audenz:


Finland offering Audenz vaccine to labworkers and farmworkers in July 2024 from the EU vaccine order:


The EU has already started receiving its 650,000 dose order of Audenz and has reserved 40 million more when production increases. ASPR has had a reserve of Audenz for 2 years. I don't know how many vials they've purchased. They've just reserved 40 million doses of only the adjuvant, which they think will help them update to newer strains if they need to. Nobody is vaccinating yet because they don't know if there's going to be a pandemic.

The political desire to do this was complicated by the cold war and the realization by both the US and USSR that helping to create public health infrastructure in the very weak and nascent states where the disease persisted was strategically important to expand their spheres of influence.

The rough blueprint to eradicate birdflu would be to find every live or dead, bird and mammal on earth(and at sea) and vaccinate or cremate them. What I'm trying to communicate is that any serious virus with an animal reservoir is impossible to globally eradicate without several orders of magnitude more political will or state capacity than has ever existed. Smallpox was so easy to eradicate with a vaccine and quarantines that the U.S. and USSR accidentally realized they were right next to the finish line when they set out on an initiative to globally eradicate it.

Y. pestis is really good at undergoing selection for respiratory spread during the course of a plague and is much better at being a viable respiratory pathogen than most bacteria...It still won't ever be an existential scale risk for 1st world governments no matter how extensively modified someone makes it

It was approved a few years ago it actually is ready to be in people's arms

I actually don't think that's true. Almost all of the infectious diseases we've driven (near) extinct were much milder than smallpox, but we still eliminated them because they had 0 significant animal reservoirs and so it was easy to do.

There is a reason why I give "Computer, what is the DNA sequence for extensively drug-resistant Yersina pestis?" as an easy example of an existential AI risk when talking to normies.

Normies don't need an AI to find that information. That information is available on google and in a trivially digestible way. What isn't trivial is that manufacturing your designer AI risk level bioweapon at the scale required to get it out into the environment and start snowballing requires $10 million in specialized facilities, equipment and reagents. At the moment surveillance for this type of attack is ok. AI, ironically probably makes this scenario less likely because the surveillance infrastructure is going to exponentially outpace AI assisted attempts to establish a new bioweapons lab. So many different pieces need to come together and just a handful of them need to be flagged to stop it completely.

My only hope is that the vaccines for both animal and human use are developed quickly

What am I missing? The FDA has already approved a vaccine for h5n1, and they've already started manufacturing a 40 million dose stockpile of the adjuvant via $121 million BARDA award.

We drove it extinct because there weren't any animal reservoirs of the disease.

Ok, I understand where you're coming from now. I think if there's a pandemic it will be hellish for anyone working in healthcare. On the other hand Audenz was already approved by FDA and updating the formulation with antigens for new strains doesn't require new clinical trials to be reviewed by the agency before the supplemental formulation is approved. The rollout preparedness is (relatively) good already. They've just spun up manufacturing a 40 million dose stockpile of only the adjuvant from a $121 million BARDA grant, but that's mostly just to get Sequiris' manufacturing flywheel started. Probably 6 months until vulnerable populations start getting administered a vaccine from whenever a pandemic is declared, with a 1 month margin of error. So if the vaccine actually works that writes off the most apocalyptic outcomes.

Is the anxiety about the 1st few months? How much do the existing antivirals and the approved vaccine temper their perception of things? Sequiris has been groomed for a few years by ASPR to be in a position to rapidly scale up their manufacturing, and they already have (a very small) global distribution of it. BARDA is probably going to announce and grant them a treasure trove if there's actually a pandemic.

such as increasingly required autonomous response capabilities within a network traffic analysis IDS/IPS which is situated much differently both physically and conceptually in a cybersecurity stack than a CrowdStrike EDR.

I've found that when people handwave in this specific way there's usually a more interesting story they're condensing for time. Who is increasingly requiring autonomous response capabilities for IPS? My read is that it's barely even true on paper in 800-53 rev 5 or CMMC2.

but a lot of stuff coming from the White House right now seem like they're just pivoting really hard to the Squad alignment.

What stuff? The SoS dissent memo? +?

Are the haptics of the Apollo pulsing in a particular way? Could I just buy a weak haptic device and recreate it by having it on constantly?

SBF was 100% going to get charged. The posters here were reacting to the tender treatment he got in the NYT and Vox right after the scandal, compared to how those outlets and journalist personalities would normally treat a "tech bro scandal" (e.g. Coinbase, David Sacks, Joe Lonsdale). A lack of pure vitriol from journalists was weird, and on the part of NYT, was likely the result of a political editorial decision. But there's only so much damage control anyone can run for massive securities fraud.


Size of the loss is a huge factor in sentencing. Shkreli got 7 years even though the investors he defrauded actually made >2x returns, and frankly he got lucky with his judge. SBF isn't quite as infamous as Shkreli, but he's close. 20 years is a better guess.

Doesn't MPMD co-own a telehealth clinic? It's shortsighted of him to leak personal health information edit that Johnson disclosed directly to him (as a prospective client for MPMD's defunct health consulting business).

You should consider if writing long chunks of text is actually paying your debt to the community. People waste a lot of volume here speculating (in detail) about things that could be pruned to 1 paragraph if they just looked things up, or tried to ground their idea with a fact that could quickly "sanity check" it.