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joined 2022 October 19 03:41:47 UTC


User ID: 1695



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User ID: 1695

You're calling the game over in the 4th inning.

This war, while started over the Ukraine, was not about just securing the Ukraine. It is clear that Putin knkws the US establishment will not rest until Russia is as clearly vassalized as Germany, until there are military bases in Moscow and the Russian border barely reaches the Urals, and until he is tortured and hung by some US supported Russian faction.

Therefore, because of the nature of this war, Putin is playing it as if he is fighting all of NATO, because he is. How many videos does one have to see of "Ukrainian" forces all communicating in English as they use NATO supplied equipment before that becomes clear and obvious to all parties?

Russia has already called the US establishment "not agreement capable". This title, normally reserved for backwater countries, means that the power and order of a state is such that any diplomatic agreements you might come to with one state entity, will be completely ignored by another entity, or even that very same entity. Do you think that Putin is unaware that such an irrational opponent would never let up its attempted chokehold?

Have you read any of the latest speeches out of our new Adolf figure? It is clear to me, not very hidden between the lines at all, that Putin knows that this war is the final one, that it will not end until NATO or Russia is no longer willing to fight at all, ever again.

So sit back and watch, we have only just begun WW3, even if the public thinks it is only some remote possibility.