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In related news, coronavirus research in Wuhan lab goes on.

No need to be worried, plebes. Trust USG, trust CCP, trust the experts.

Why are NTY journalists who are literally on less than subsistence pay higher on the totem pole than your average chemical industry executive? Power. They can ruin that executive and make him kill himself if they round up enough of their colleagues. You can't buy that. Billionaires have tried and failed.

This is like saying that cop is more powerful than CEO, because cop can arrest the CEO not the other way around.

NYT can indeed "ruin" even otherwise rich and powerful people, but the decision to "ruin" someone is not made in any democratic way (by "rounding up" friends) and is made far above any "subsistence pay" regular journalist.

In this clip, Sam basically fails to articulate a single moral principle beyond "Well, that's just what our society had decided is right and wrong" and when dude says society can change it's mind over time, Sam's only meek response is "Please don't".

Pitiable performance indeed, and the fact that we still have such debates is even more pitiable.

Morality based on divine command is, historically, extremely late development (and it is debatable how effective it was). 2000+ years ago, if someone asked: "Why shouldn't I rob, rape and kill my fellow citizens of my city?" the answer was not "Zeus forbids it" or "After you die, Zeus will torture you forever in Tartarus".

The answer was, TL;DR: "Because good person does not do such things, and you want to be heckin' good person" and "If you are caught, you will be crucified/impaled/skinned alive/fed to wild beasts".

I interpret the question as deliberate shitposting and trolling in bad faith to rev up outrage and gain more clicks, as does nearly everyone replying to it.

Just like whole "New Hampshire Libertarian Party".

Looked up the first person, Jeremy Kaufmann. More recent xeets:

Today I will be doing my duty to help save the word libertarian

What actually changes for an average Ukrainian whether they're ruled by Putin or Zelenskyy? Superficially, Russia appears to have a stronger economy. What gets worse for a Ukrainian citizen if Putin wins?

Regardless what you think about Ukraine war, this perfect representation of Greedy American stereotype is not the best way to win hearts and minds for cause of libertarianism.

Most generous thing to say is that Mr. Kaufmann should concentrate on New Hampshire gasoline tax and leave world politics to others.

In practice, nuclear weapons have some tactical uses,

In practice, no one knows.

On both sides of iron curtain, thousands of books were written about tactics and strategy of nuclear warfare, but it is all, so far, only theory. It would not be surprising if real WWIII proves all of it as useful as was pre-1914 military science shown useful in WWI.

Jewish orgs are already drafting lists of specific students they want to see deported

Exactly the kind of Jewish orgs you would expect.

If The Donald wrecks the economy enough to ensure blue landslide, then nothing of this would matter.

From Red perspective, this makes sense. Not many foreigners or green card holders are involved in Red protests and activities, even if the Blues gained the upper hand again and wanted to use this precedent.

Why is LGBTQ so important for liberals in terms of foreign policy?

Good question.

To steelman it in proper hardcore IR realist style, it is about (Blue)American Empire acquiring permanent class of supporters, collaborators and fifth columnists world wide.

What were German minorities for Third Reich, what were Communist sympathizers for Soviet Union, LGBTQ+ are for Global Rule Based Order. And unlike these, they are permanent presence. You can get rid of ethnic minority, you can get rid even of ideological/religious minority if you are willing to get dirty, but LGBTQ+ are born every day. Even most hard core regimes would balk at gulaging/executing 5% of population in every generation, for forever.

Yes, this sucks if you are LGBTQ+ (or suspected to be one) in unfriendly territory, but it rocks if you are GAE.

My experience has been that normie conservatives basically all hold that Hitler and Stalin were equally or near-equally bad, and that fascism and communism are equally bad.

Yes, normie cons always held this view, and now normie libs hold it too (even more so due to current events in Eastern Europe).

On the left people will absolutely argue that communism is good

"left" as online people with hammer and sickle (and often rainbow, trans and Palestine flags), not as anyone remotely close to respectability.

occasionally you get someone who will argue that Stalin, while very bad, wasn't as bad as Hitler

Yes, this is the other mainstream respectable academic view. The 50's are over, you will not any more find Stalin's admirers in the academia and respectable professions(excepting Grover Furr)

Including professed Marxists like Zizek, here is his take on difference between Stalinism and Nazism

(most people would see killer who forces you to bow before him and lick his boots before he kills you as not lesser evil than ordinary killer who just does the deed withou any ceremony, but YMMV)

Yes. Great power should be able to easily overrun small shithole country in three day special operation (and then get bored by decades of guerilla warfare and go home).

The implications of late Eastern European events are:

Either Russia is shithole country too or Ukraine is Great Power too.

Those who could fled the country

"Laptop class" from big cities with passports and money, and large numbers of them since then returned, when they were less than welcomed in the West and their cash ran out. Thank NAFO types, well done.

Mainstream? As in, I'll turn on CNN and see it?

When respected university press publishes book by Germar Rudolf, respected reviewers call it "stunning work" "scholarship of the highest calibre" "book that enduringly changes what we see" and the book is awarded many prestigious prizes, you could say that Holocaust revisionism had gone mainstream.

There are extremely few Joe Sixpacks in the US, even among the otherwise immigration skeptical, who don't think that Middle Eastern Christians should be allowed to move here

This thread originated with claim that "Christians are the most persecuted group in the world", not only Middle East.

Would be Joe Sixpack happy with new Latino, African, Indian and Chinese Christian neighbors? According to web page cited elsewhere in this thread, number of persecuted Christians in the world is about 380 million (and it will vastly increase when it becomes known that being persecuted Christian is a guaranteed ticket to the land of freedom).

weed out Muslims pretending to be Christian for nefarious purposes.

Nothing "nefarious" in trying to escape dirt poor and war ravaged place, and how would you indeed find out, of millions of asylum claimants, whose faith in Christ is genuine? Bible knowledge tests? Polygraph examinations? Brain scans?

No one even slightly mainstream questions that America in WW2 was good guy.

If "WW2 revisionism" means the idea that the major combatants, Nazis and Soviet, were just about equally bad (Nazis 100% and Soviets 99,9% evil), it is not universal point of view, but, by now, common one that can be published in mainstream academic press.

The implications are now just starting to percolate into mainstream debate, and the question "Was it right choice for High Elves to join fight between Orcs and Ogres, and if so, on whose side? is now open.

I had no idea who Ian Carroll was

Someone with 1,2 M Xitter followers is not exactly nobody.

Here is his Xitter and his Youtube channel

This is one of the drawbacks of a purely spiritual religion that isn’t concerned with genetic ties.

This is drawback of being world religion with billions of adherents. If you really tried to "defend" every persecuted Christian everywhere, you would find yourself in perpetual Iraq style quagmires all over the world (which would be rather suboptimal situation even for world's first super power).

how evacuating Crimea results in Russia collapsing.

Losing Crimea implies total destruction of Russian army as organized force, and this definitely means, if not Russia collapsing, Putin's system collapsing, with unpleasant results for Putin (and his friends who fail to swith sides early enough).

What, in this scenario, comes after Putin is debatable.

If there was a large Jewish community being slaughtered in Syria, Israel would defend them militarily and they’d be right to do it. Christians get slaughtered anywhere in the world and Christian countries actively ignore it and really couldn’t care less. Why would people want to join a faith whose followers can’t be bothered to stand up for each other?

There was large Jewish community in Syria.

It left, mostly to Israel. Israel is defending persecuted Jews by giving them asylum.

By analogy, does Tucker Carlson supports open borders for Christians? Does he advocate that any Christian in the world should be let into United States?

The hypothetical scenario is "imagine you live in country organized on racial principle, where master race is in charge, and you are not the "master race", the hypothetical question is: "how big hike in living standards would you accept in exchange for perpetual subservience (for you and all of your descendants)?"

If you want better (but even more provocative and inflammatory) analogy, here is it.

Imagine the world looks as it is, except there is one large country looking like something from far future (Star Trek future, not Mad Max future).

In this land, ordinary menial laborer has big house affordable elsewhere only to millionaires, flying car and personal holodeck entertainment. Even basic health care can treat nearly all illnesses and diseases, including old age. The land is orderly, crime and violence is something unheard of.

What country is it?

It is Israel. Great Messianic Kingdom of Israel from Nile to Euphrates. It is Jewish land, but Gentiles can live there if they know their place.

As Gentile laborer, you live in Gentile community, travel to work and back in your flying car on specially designated Gentile flight tracks, and have to obey and defer to your Jewish bosses. While you have mansion and flying car, every Jew has Versailles sized estate and personal starship. And this is how it always will be. You and your children will be always laborers, will never rise up above their station. This is how G-d wills it.

Will you sign up for this deal?

Alternatively, if the Messiah decides to add country where you live to the Kingdom and bring the Messianic Order there too, will you fight, protest or welcome your G-d ordained overlords?

In this thought experiment, how do you square 'unprecedented GDP growth' with 'ten bucks per hour'?

In this thought experiment, the growth is unprecedented compared to other white countries. Compared to rich blacks who live in big houses, drive big cars and sit in comfy offices doing nothing, your life of menial labor is rather miserable, always had been and always will be.

Add some context to this hypothetical scenario:

1/There is whole huge continent out there, that is 99.9% white with whites in power, with numerous countries, and most of them are infernal hellholes of starvation, plague and war with absolutely nothing resembling any "civil" or "human" rights.

2/ You do not know it, and if someone told you, you would refuse to believe him. You believe that all wealth of the country was created by white laborers working for ten bucks a hour, and if the black bloodsuckers exploiting you went away, you will be fabulously rich and live like people in Hollywood movies.