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joined 2024 April 20 01:45:46 UTC


User ID: 3010



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User ID: 3010

I can't imagine anyone would ever endorse that last explanation, it's deliberately absurdist.

It's absurd because you said a single gene, but many genes differing in frequency between races, each with small average effects, leading to things like lower IQs, higher time preferences, and less disposition for empathy across different races, is not absurd.

Maybe word spread among the Cambodian community that this was an easy scheme with lagging enforcement.

Everyone in town would know this, so it wouldn't produce a race difference.

Maybe they lacked the understanding that a government would ever be interested in stopping you from picking up natural bounty off the ground.

This can be due to racial differences in frequencies of genes that have effects on cognition. If they speak English, it's unlikely it's due to non-genetic factors; they would have the same knowledge environment, independent from genes, as other English speakers in the area.