I read all of it, but I always thought it was a niche (not a comic book guy, it was recommended to me by one). Also I missed his cancellation, what did he do?
Wow that was my thought exactly. Is that a well-known comic book in the US?
I see, any chance that you from 10 years ago would say something drastically different?
I'm approaching 30s myself. Compared to a peak of around 5 years ago, I can already feel a material change in libido and how much it affects, although i find it difficult to disentangle whether it's my libido that is shifting or the effects of being in a LTR.
As it stands, if I wasn't in an LTR I would pass up exactly 0% of effort and consequence-free sex opportunities, if those existed. I will know in 5 to 10 years, if the libido changes become more pronounced.
Out of curiosity are you over 30? I can't imagine any man 15-30 endorsing this attitude, to be honest.
I largely agree with you but I just want to point out that the situation is much less symmetrical than you make it out to be, at least in video games.
What I mean is that the woke feminists demanding only ugly women in all the games never intended to actually stoop as low as actually playing the games in question. They don't have an interest in engaging the media, they only have an interest in using it as a kudgel.
It's more like when you kill your enemy and display his corpse. You even get this sense from the developers themselves: to the extent that they care about the game, it's due to it being a propaganda vehicle that allows them to push an agenda.
It's the old lament about how video games used to be made by neckbearded (white) autists and everything has gone to shit since.
Wow damn what a twist. I remember him for his insightful posts. He was such a long-time member too, I wouldn't have expected this.
Wait, Kulak left? And he was grifting, and somehow became an extremist? Can you share a bit more context?
How many of these fundamental innovations were from ethically Chinese researchers? I would say a very large percentage.
I've been a paying daily user of OpenAI models for more than a year and a half. Yesterday I cancelled my sub.
At least for the work I do (programming), R1 is another class. I've been using LLMs as basically advanced text editors this entire time: I know what I want, they just do the boring job of typing it out.
For the first time ever, it feels like a real inflection point has been reached. Whereas ChatGPT was more or less useless to me when I needed a solution that depended on an understanding of a relatively complex system, R1's reasoning output seems to basically match how I would think about it, and gives me incredibly useful stuff I would actually have to engage my brain to do.
But I realize this is entirely dependent on the user. Terrence Tao would not have the same impression of LLM's usefulness as I do.
Sorry I don't know much about this debate, what are the benefits? Are they mainly convenience wrt not needing to switch the clock twice per year?
Being in charge of a health insurance company is like being a world leader: you are going to be making decisions that result in some people living and other people dying. There's no way around it. Your whole job is allocating scarce healthcare resources.
Do you think it's always a tradeoff between who gets treatment, never a tradeoff between profit and treatment?
BDSM is a fetish and participation in it motivated presumably by lust. DV, while superficially similar in that both involve violence (simulated vs. real) seems to come from a completely different place than BDSM. Anger, low impulse control, and both intensified by alcoholism in most cases. Presumably no one wants to be the target of DV, but it would not surprise me if the BDSM community contained more subs than doms.
Edit: I've caused quite a ruckus with misplacing my comment it seems. That's what you get for posting on mobile. But I'm still on my phone and at work so I will move this later when I find the time
Can you link me to some articles about drug use causing insanity? I'm very out of the loop. The last I read on this question was Scott's "more than you ever wanted to know about marijuana" article years ago.
I'm most curious in the mechanism. I find it hard to imagine that any sort of serious "insanity" doesn't correspond to heavy, mechanical (+deleterious) changes in the brain. I.e. if this is serious I expect neurodegeneration and neurotoxicity to be involved.
But I would be very interested if a more "subtle"/soft mechanism was the cause. E.g. something like trauma, or "he couldn't handle the machine elf truth", etc.
nobody wants to live there.
Wrong, I'd like to live in both Moscow or Sankt Petersburg, and probably wouldn't mind many other places.
No, Croatian
Wasn't sseth a LoL YTer in the olden days? I might be mixing him up with Dunkey though
Yeah, mine too, and it's pretty funny since we are a Slavic nation, one that might not compare favorably to Russia when it comes to civilizational accomplishment and so on.
A certain aspiring class in our countries seems to be possessed by a complex of lesser value, and would rather see their neighbors fail, even though to a German we may as well be the same. Like that scene in Borat.
Then again, probably all parties are guilty, don't doubt for a second that Russians are bad winners and arrogant. Slavs may be fine individually, but our group characters on average and in a political aggregate will never be able to overcome our history and circumstances like Scandinavians did, for example. Nobody is even interested in that.
That didn't last too long, though.
What do you mean?
Dursleys are people who say “settee” and “pleased to meet you” and so on.
Not English, what is the connotation here?
Hermione’s background is upper-middle.
I'm rusty on my HP lore, but where is this implied? I don't remember her family situation being discussed much in the books or shown in the film.
Anecdotal, but in my experience material concerning mothers with borderline personality disorder seems strongly oriented toward women, while the material oriented toward men is far more concerned with getting over a borderline ex-GF/wife than dealing with a borderline mother.
Do you know where I can read up on this?
Off topic but whats the best intro to Civ4 for someone who can't even parse the map? Aside from playing the game solo obviously that's the best.
I remember moldbug saying he will not come on Twitter, did he change his mind?
The footnote (no. 28) continues the argument:
I support embryo selection but I don't buy the argumentation Gwern puts forward in this footnote. People may be fine with rolling the dice naturally, but still take issue at monumental, population wide changes due to engineering.
"Yes, I'd love my kid to be selected from a better distribution, but I fear long-term effects if this policy is implemented at mass-scale because I am not a geneticist and it seems risky" is a perfectly consistent position.
Those are all more or less well-defined terms you could bump into depending on your social circles. It might be beneficial to just read up on them a bit
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Thanks for the exhaustive reply. What's the type of woman you're referring to, though? Should I be able to infer that from context? (Aside from "young, attractive") Sorry if that's on the website you linked, I haven't read it yet
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