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User ID: 625



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User ID: 625

Moreplatesmoredates would be the place to start researching it.

If looking ripped is the goal, then eat a shit ton and lift weights. Then go on Ozempic and get that 5% body fat. Will get you ripped without hair loss and acne.

Leo Varadkar is the son of a Marathi Hindu from Mumbai. That already predisposes him to a certain view of Islam. He has stayed in India for a extended durations and his medical internship was in KEM hospital, one of India's premier govt. medical hospitals. This means he met a lot of poor & conservative Indians. This makes him even more likely to have a realistic view of 3rd world Islam and the baggage that comes with it.

Having someone well informed that close to power must make a difference.

Is this sarcasm ? So other than ~0.1% of the world population, no one else is worthy of a partner ? What kind of utter bullshit is that ?

You need help my man. I have seen the ugliest, most useless bums find a partner who genuinely loves them, have kids and live a content life. Relationships are literally the easiest thing. There are exactly as many men as there are women. Every ancestor of yours had a relationship. It's that simple.

Dating apps is not real life. Social isolation is the real disease. Get out there, meet people, be yourself, and lose some of that cynicism. God, nothing kills a vibe like deep cynicism. Give it enough collisions, and eventually something will work out. The rich, charismatic, virtuous and attractive might find a partner with fewer collisions, but there is no upper limit on how many times you can roll.

It's not that bad out there man. If you are white, and in such a deep resentful rut, then just move to a South-East-Asian country. You'll find someone who loves you for what you are (white) and what you bring to the table (citizenship). No, that's not gold-digging. She will still love you, in the truest sense with deep gratitude for the life you provide her. Go be happy.

To me, Biden's visit means more than people are giving it credit for. Biden's visit was a clear signal to Hezbollah and Iran that if they interfere, the US will fuck them up.

Hezbollah is effectively an offshore branch of the Iranian military. If Hezbollah interferes, they risk a full American intervention in Israel.

Dating apps have destroyed the horniness component of social events. They haven't just enabled a new style of dating, they have completely cannibalized the previous setting.

70% men and 25% women who are in relationships

Second, call me a broken record, but : "Self-delusion, self-delusion, self-delusion". If you do an activity to date women, women smell your desperation and run away. If you do an activity because you like it, it will cater to your gender, and therefore be mostly male.

Choose an activity you can see yourself liking that single women also love. Lie and delude yourself into believing that you are doing this activity purely for the activity and not for the single women. Force yourself to show genuine interest in activity, until you eventually start getting interested in it. Now, that you're convinced you are not doing this activity to date, engage with the rest of the social group without any care for their gender. Why would you care, you aren't doing this to date. Overtime, you genuinely forget that you chose the activity for the women. If you remember, then gaslight yourself. Now you have single female friends who see you as the safe man around them. You have never made a move on them because you do this activity for self-actualization and not for women. Your platonic female friends notice that you have been single for a while. They ask you if you want to date their friend. You are reluctant because you don't do this for the ladies. But well, you are single, and their friend does seem cute. What's the harm. Afterall, you might have gaslight yourself, but self-delusion is eventually just that, delusion. You don't TRULY believe that you're happy being single. 1 date, 2 dates, 3 dates, and eventually you meet a woman who likes you back. Maybe it works out. Congrats, you now have a girl-friend.

Wait what ? How did you manage to get past women's walls, all while having started as a desperate single man ?

It's classic method acting. Play the long game. Self-delude. By the end of it you have a partner. And guess what, you are just as likely to have found some real friends and a genuine hobby in this process as well.

milieu is really unusual for having a low ratio of single women?

never drink your own koolaid. Your milieu didn't just happen. You drank your own koolaid that women like self-driven men who work on themselves. Yes they do, as long as it is the things that they find attractive. And as long as that drive puts them in common spaces with them over prolonged times.

this is what I’ve done in the past month

Consistency is key. Especially if you want to find a partner rather than just get laid. Pick 1. You did so much dude. Just rock climb, a LOT MORE. Like 3 times a week. You aren't going to date any of your rock climbing female-friends. But they might set you up with someone eventually. Keep your thirst out of the gym. bring it to dinner parties they invite to you later.

Yep, fully agree.

A peaceful resolution is more so the "least violent" resolution than one that has no deaths. Mine is a fairly violent suggestion .... but still less violent than all the other options on the table. A temporary ceasefire might delay the violence, but it can't be called a resolution.

Fair, the typical Harvard going brown person is pretty woke.

I might be in a bubble. My circles are first gen immigrants, STEM-school MIT/GATech types or fans of geopolitics who have a less rosy view of conflict resolution than the average starry-eyed liberal. We're past our 18-25 angry-youth phase.

Anecdotes as just anecdotes...But, Even at their worst, my Muslim friends had "We can condemn the attacks by Hamas, while still caring for Palestine" style takes. Their response to the Gaza invasion is despair, but I have yet to see the "Israel is evil" style takes that I'm seeing from the left and middle-eastern protestors. One of my Muslim friends was humble enough to acknowledge that their biases on the Palestine issue were wrong.
The liberal Hindus around me are smart enough to not outright say it, but they have coloring their speech with a Israel-sympathetic bias.

Your point still holds though. I steer clear of the Ivy-league types, so I might just be insulated from the worst of them.

Can we stop using brown as a proxy term for muslims ?

There are 1:1 as many Hindus as Muslims in the middle-east + south-asia. If you mean muslims, say muslims. An average brown person is just as likely to be rabidly pro-Israel (hindus) as they are to be pro-Palestine (muslims).

That being said, the average hindu immigrant in the US is a typical corporate coconut in every sense of the word. They will parrot what the coastal white elite tell them. So I have been seeing a lot of the diaspora respond with 'Hamas are terrorists, Gazan Civilians have been suffering under Israel for decades' style social media both-sides pandering while privately being sympathetic to the Israeli reaction.

none of these movements have been eliminated once and for all

Looking outside Muslim communities, Tamil terror in Sri Lanka was successfully eradicated through incredible violence. Unfortunately, this article might be right. Because the Sinhalese killed all the next-of-kin of the LTTE leadership. Left no room for revenge.

alternatives that have legitimacy within the societies from which these young men emerge.

This is why the rapid liberalization of Saudi society is so important. Iran can try as much as it likes, but Sunnis will always bear resentment towards them as Shias. If Mecca/Medina becomes westernized, then these men will finally have internal leaders with legitimacy who can steer these young men away.

humiliated young men

El salvador has managed to lock up 100k men almost overnight. So it can be done. It seems like the most achievable peaceful resolution to this war. Kill the terrorists and imprison all young and likely suspects. Let the absolute gravy-train of aid flow into restoring society for women and young children. Employ all older men with families in hard labor towards rebuilding Gaza on the south side of the strip. Ideally on a patch of land in west bank, but that's unlikely to work.

You can release the once angry youth back into society once peace has been restored over 20 years or so. Once stable society exists and the majority has known an improving life for the last couple of decades, the residents lose the appetite for violence. Most non-murderous Tamil, Sikh and Naga insurgents in India were happy to integrate into India when it became clear that they can still wield local power in a democracy without violence. But maybe Islam draws out a different kind of anger.

An ugly solution, but somehow still sounds better than all the other alternatives.

Muslims make up 1.3% of the US population. Even if you assumed that the Democrats completely disenfranchised the Muslims, they simply aren't a big enough voting bloc to make a difference. Now, Muslims can't exactly swing Republican. Also, we're talking about specifically targeting Hamas, and the global Muslim ego getting hurt as proxy. This isn't some targeted disenfranchisement of Muslim.

From a political calculus perspective, going full pro-Israel + anti-Hamas is not disastrous for democrats. I know that there are more emotional and ideological factors at play here. But it would be unbelievably stupid for the democrats to keep digging their grave here. There simply aren't enough Muslims for being Pro-palestine to be worth it.

oof, my first time being captain obvious

such is life.

He isn't loud enough for a large enough cult following. He isn't famous enough to sell his own books. He doesn't have friends in the right places. And the title sucks.

I was talking about Hanania.

I will juxtapose it against another rat-adjacent book that is targeting normies : Tim Urban's - What's our problem

It came out earlier this year and has done much better than Hanania's book seems to be doing. It seems to be doing as well as Freddie Deboer, Cenk Uygur, Bill OReily & Chris Rufo , stabilizing around rank 60-80 in the competitive social sciences and political commentary categories... which is to say, pretty damn good.

He (edit - Hanania) isn't loud enough for a large enough cult following. He isn't famous enough to sell his own books. He doesn't have friends in the right places. And the title sucks.

If someone makes a Tim Urban style version of Hanania's book, I'll bet you that it sells.


obviously the highest "ROI" of my charity money is to be had in Africa

Not entirely true. India is a lot poorer than people think.

India as a whole is already poorer than a bunch of African countries. But entire regions housing 400+ million people (Bihar & UP) have sub-saharan Africa level HDI.

On the bright side, the YOY improvement in UP and Bihar is astonishingly fast. But, 50% growth over a small base, is still a small number.

It's a real shame. Bihar has some of India's smartest, producing the highest math scores in the country, but the entire state has been run by gangsters for the last 50 years. You know Biharis love math when their biggest celebrity is a math teacher who finds geniuses and sends them to IITs. It's no surprise given that Bihar was home to India's Archimedes in Aryabhatta & inventor of proto-medicine in Shrushruta. The Biharis are notoriously hard working, cultured and scrappy (for better or for worse), but the region has been stuck in a 1000 year slump (post islamic invasions), which shows no signs of changing. UP was in the exact same situation for decades, but has been turning a new leaf with a much needed hard-ass leader in Yogi. (India's most popular state level leader, very much a Modi++)

Funding schools, education and manufacturing in UP and Bihar is the surest way to pull these regions out of poverty. Sadly, almost every NGO is in cahoots with the worst aspects of society. So you really need to know someone on the ground level to fund the right institutions.


Africa is an entire continent. You can simply start with funding the Africans you no issues with.

Wildlife conservationists are a good place to start. The East Africans, North Africans, West Africans & Southern Africans are geographically and culturally distinct. Pick your poison ?

It's the water that gets you.

Ok, If you are going to India ........ hit me up. India is an amazing country, but doing it wrong can leave you with a slum-dog millionaire impression of the place.

I'd recommend:

  • Western ghats = Mumbai - Goa - Hampi - Bangalore - Mysore - Kochi- Madhurai. Best cities, great food, ancient civilization, crazy architecture, rainforests, safe.
  • Leh Ladakh = Alien Landscapes, peak bike-trips & glacial lakes beyond imagination, safe.
  • Himachal = Mountain temples, Buddhist towns, Alps but better, safe.
  • Few days in Delhi. No more - Amazing last-millennium architecture. Scratch the Taj Mahal itch. Epitome of gluttony. Worst people.


  • Taj Mahal & Golden Temple- The entire region has 1 thing to look at. It's like Niagara Falls. Worth looking at, but really out of the way. Too touristy as well.
  • Rajathan, MP - Everything is far away. It's hot. Food is meh, and sorta unsafe. Great architecture, but Delhi + Ajanta/Ellora + Maratha Forts cover about 90% of the same. Udaipur might be worth it. But again, kind of out there.
  • Chennai, Varanasi, Kolkata, Dharavi, Hyderabad - Yeah just skip.
  • 7 sisters states - Safety is hard to gauge here without a good guide. You're better off doing Nepal or Bhutan with a good friend instead.
  • Bangladesh, Srilanka
  • Vaishnodevi, Ganga - Too crowded and dirty. Better places on the recommended path with no crowds and honestly, better architecture & views.

Most of the standard worries of white people visiting India are borne out of stupid things that no Indian does.

Don't shop on the street. Proper stores will have reasonable prices, with fixed rates & higher quality. I spent ~25 years in India and never ate shit from the streets. There are a million better options more a marginally higher cost.

The best chaat in India (my favorite cuisine) costs about 2 dollars of a meal. They have indoor AC seating, use mineral water and wash hands after every serving. You don't have to go eat at the street side spot to save 1 more dollar. Your loose-motions are on you.

You can get a properly hygienic bis-ass meal in India anywhere for under $7. If you must eat on the streets then remember that all food in India is prepared fresh. The best way to make sure no pathogens touch you, is to see the shit get cooked in front of your eyes. If it was exposed to fire for a few minutes before you eat it.......you're good. Do not eat cold chutneys and sauces from random places please. Lots of times, your sickness is not due to food, it's heat stroke. India is a hot country. Stay hydrated. Don't spend the entire day in scorching heat. My only 2 cases of terrible food reactions came from drinking unpackaged-cold-water and heat stroke respectively.

Same thing with hotels. Good hotels costs between 50-100$ a night. It's cheap, pay up. Don't try to go stay at the $20/night spot and then complain when the toilets didn't have soap in them. You brought this upon yourself.

Same with visiting completely random desolate spots. India is a big country. We have a lot of guides for everything. The curated stuff is good. If you're hiking through the forests of Jharkhand and get caught by violent Naxalite–Maoists then that's on you. If no Indian visits there. It's for a good reason. Thankfully, the spots I recommend (Western Ghats, Delhi, Himachal & Leh-Ladakh) are quite safe. Just don't hike through a Tiger or a Leopard sanctuary.

Don't be an idiot. You'll be alright.

I was crying laughing. It had to be Trudeau.

There are 3 kinds of books:

  • Fiction novels
  • Textbooks
  • The rest

Fiction Novels entertain & enlighten. Textbooks educate. If your textbook can be condensed into a blog it isn't a good text book. If your Novel can be enjoyed just as easily in a video, then it isn't a good Novel. A book should be borne out of necessity, not narcissism. Sometimes you are desperate to express an idea or tell and story, and every medium falls short. Books are the last resort. But they work.

Growing up, I thought I was immature not not being able to enjoy non-fiction. But, I've since realized that non-fiction books are prime candidates for blog-i-zation. If the cliff notes for a book is no better than reading the book itself, then that's a gross failure.

The best non-fiction is either sufficiently fictionalized to be fiction novel, or sufficiently dense to be a textbook. There are no other types of books.

naah, can't recall that one :/

Probably one of the other resident south-asians ?

contiguous landmass occupied by different kingdoms and the occasional empire.

That's exactly why we call it a civilizational state and not a nation state. Until the 1900s, most Muslims on the Indian subcontinent wore the same Hindu clothes and continued practicing the same animist traditions of their ancestors. Large portions of Indian Christianity are also rooted in 3rd century traditions that significantly diverge from western Christianity.

Despite strong divergence after independence, Indian Muslims and Christians continue to believe in what would be considered Hindu belief. (Karma, purity of the Ganga, and reincarnation.

Both China and India are civilizational states. The west is too. Just because the west now successfully exporting their civilization out to the world, does not mean that it is somehow the 'obvious common answer'. It is a highly opinionated view of the world that China and India in particular do not easily agree with.

I often joke that there is no group more Catholic than a atheist woke leftist and no group more protestant than atheist urban careerist. Even when new ideas arise from the west, they're squarely situated within the central axioms of life that the whole western hemisphere believes in. Those central axioms tend to be different in different civilizations, and the same observations can lead to wildly different conclusions when set within these differing contexts.

Indian atheists are nothing like western atheists. Indian secularism looks nothing like western secularism. What respect and soft power mean is fundamentally different. The core axioms of a civilization are the seed, and over millenia, it leads to each civilization converging to different stable states. Not sure why that is so surprising to the average westerner.

You got me. My contrarian ass came up with perfectly mirrored response to what I saw as an unreasonably negative knee-jerk reaction from OP.

It's weird. You'd think that an atheist who's seriously dating a white woman, plans to settle in the US and lives in one of the leftist-est zipcodes in the country would be doom-n-gloom about the current state of India.

But idk. I would have been a doom-n-gloomer if I hadn't spent my 4 undergrad years in a smaller town with a diverse population drawn from the lower rungs of society. Congress (Socialist) era India was a nightmare of proportions that my hyper-urban sheltered ass could barely phantom. Starting with the ideas of Vajpayee/Manmohan and finally, the agency of Modi to execute, things have started changing. Sanitation, direct-to-person Welfare delivery, bureaucrat accountability, on-time infrastructure projects....those little things have changed the lives of your average (cripplingly poor) Indian in unimaginable ways.

I remember you or someone else framing this as India implementing Woke policies way before anyone else in world while we are far from an economy that can even support such welfarism

I have phrased it as such before. There was a reason Nehru was chided as Vishwaguru. (Professor to the world). He should have become an Oxford professor. Would have been excellent for India and the life-expectancy of his progeny.

I do worry that India will move from a poor country with some economic significance due its large population to a somewhat poor country with not enough people or industry to be of any significance.

Mate, my veneer of optimism runs thin. Don't make me face the my true fears. I want to be an optimist. But, I agree with you. Being a cripplingly poor country with billion+ people is a terrible predicament to find yourself in. Especially when the worldwide TFR is dropping rapidly, and India while somewhat insulated, will inevitably see the same decline.

Finger's crossed ??

Commentators in the west frequently tempt themselves into 'us vs the rest of the world' narratives. Non Christian / Non Anglo-Saxon societies are all viewed from a 1000 ft lens, where all nuance is readily thrown out in favor of stereotypes. India isn't some shallow extrapolation of headlines you've seen over a few years of news. It has layers and layers of nuance, each of which follows millenia long lineages. I couldn't tell you if Indians still like Shahrukh Khan, and you've got external viewers confidently predicting a deterministic path for the country.

From a civilizational perspective, India has the longest history of being a sanctuary state for those persecuted from outside. Jews, Parsis, Buddhists and in fact Sikhs and Muslims (Ismailis, Shia, Ahmediyyas, ex-Muslims) too have found India to be the one country that has welcomed them with open arms. India is the only civilizational state, that has never bothered to proselytize or expand past its borders. Most of India's famous losses have come after being too trusting or too forgiving. Sounds like a liberal place to me.

From a recent perspective, no country has had its democracy tested more often than India. Yet, its democracy has held together. The electoral process is iron clad and no-one dares interfere with the electoral commission. The Supreme court routinely overturns the Govt. of the day, and occasionally even the titular President (Gyani ZailSingh) has refused to fall in line. In the face of much resistance, the institutions have remained strong and healthy. Western nations like Canada and the Scandinavian block have never faced similar existential threats to their democracy. A homogeneous people living under the gentle embrace of Pax Americana. I'd argue that India is a much stronger democracy than any nation barring US/UK & France.

India is not western, yet. I agree and I rejoice. The Indic civilization has undergone 1000 years of erosion at the hands of Turkic people, Brits and some of our very own Coconuts. But, we've preserved some religion agnostic ideas which have shaped the very foundation of life in this subcontinent. Indians haven't fully westernized yet, and there remains some hope to recover ideas that aren't inherent Abrahmic. Not sure where that will take us, but most immediately, that little bit of resistance might be the one thing that lets India maintain a 2.0 fertility rate, unlike the rest of the world undergoing population collapse.

WOW, I don't think you realize how monumental this is.

The India subreddit likely the most anti-India place inhabited by Indians. Even the most moderate individual used to get banned within a day. It was well understood to be run by hyper-liberal woker-than-is-humanly-possible type mods. I kid you not. There were rumors of the sub being run by a Pakistani, is how incredibly anti-India that place used to be.

If even /r/India sides against Trudeau in this story, then there is true bipartisanship on the matter.

It'd be odd for India to start whacking Khalistanis in Canada about 40 years after the Sikh insurgency. Even more odd is that people with higher bounties continue to live free lives in Canada. If the Indian Govt. had to do a covert assassination, Nijjar wouldn't make it to the top 100 list.

“Over the past number of weeks, Canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar,” Mr. Trudeau said.

“Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.”

An Interpol notice was also issued for Nijjar. He was accused of being the leader of the Khalistan Terror Force

Trudeau himself seems misinformed since the guy was never granted Canadian citizenship. (might have been a citizen?) The guy came to Canada in 1997. Used a false passport. His refugee claim was rejected, but 11 days after that, he married a woman who sponsored him for immigration. That, too, was rejected. As of 2016. his Interpol wanted notice mentioned his nationality as Indian. (assuming that the screenshot being used by top media houses is legitimate)

otherwise model citizens

Are we going to forget the 1985 bombings. Model citizens who're only responsible for the 'worst terrorist act on Canadian soil'. The Sikhs overall are great people, but they do have a larger violent underbelly than most other Asian immigrant groups.