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I doubt there's going to be much of a legal battle. Laurence Tribe believes it's the law of the land, but Laurence Tribe believes a lot of stupid things - the more likely outcome is that the first plaintiffs who try to enforce it inevitably get slapped down by the courts, and this fades away to nothing.
Stapling a green card to college diplomas was always dead in the water because it's a fantastically stupid idea. Trump periodically voices his support for this idea (he did so in his first campaign as well) because he doesn't know any better, and various other GOP and tech figures support it as well, either because they don't know any better too or in many cases are eager to take advantage of the fact that Trump doesn't know any better. But it'll be dead in the water in Trump's second term for the same reason it was in his first term - by what can only be called divine intervention, amidst all the masturbatory paeans to migrant moxy, Donald Trump placed Stephen Miller in charge of his immigration policies, and Miller is not an idiot. Between Miller and whoever he recommends to be director of USCIS, the legal landscape for employment-based immigrants is likely to be harsher, not softer, just as it was in Trump's first term.
In my own entirely unscientific personal experience, most Indian couples here in the Northeast tend to have one kid or none at all. It fits with the general trend of India's birthrate declining and the diaspora thus following the trend of their co-ethnics as well as the new society they're in. The birthrate is probably still at least somewhat higher than American tech workers, but I suspect that doesn't last a generation.
How do I convince my girlfriend to eat more?
She's very skinny; usually not skeletal, but there are weeks where she oscillates between skeletal and skinny. She denies having an eating disorder and I don't think she does, but she is very finicky about her food and hardly ever eats meat (sushi being her one exception, she loves that). She says she's not a vegan, but vegan options are always her first choice and she'll only go non-vegan if there's no other option. She's 5'5'' and weighs about 100-105 lbs, so she's underweight, but not to the point where the casual observer would be concerned about it. I think she'd look and feel a lot better if she had another 10 lbs on her frame and a less restrictive diet, but when I raised the subject once she just said "You don't want me to get fat, right?" and insisted everything was fine.
I've never really had this problem with a girl before; it's usually the other way around where they might not stay in shape, and I've generally found that easy to handle because when I work out and stay fit it creates an impetus in their minds to do the same. Do any women here have any advice for how they'd like this subject broached if they were on the receiving end of the conversation, or if they think this sort of thing is fine? Do any men here have any experience with this?
Given the news recently about NASA turning to SpaceX to help bring the two stranded astronauts back to Earth, and pointedly rejecting Boeing's pleas that their Starliner capsule was fit for the task, I'd say they'd probably be more favorable to Musk if he were detained on foreign soil. They clearly don't like the guy, but it would require pigheaded dogmatism to overlook his benefit to the US government and leave him to languish in a foreign prison.
Then again, pigheaded dogmatism would not shock me from these people.
You can see it if you sort of squint at it, since the loss of the titular ring and the fall of the gods of Valhalla have loose parallels in the Shattering and the subsequent destructive wars waged by Marika's children against each other. But that's stretching things. It is true, though, that Elden Ring has hardly any Japanese or Asian influences in it and is in its core sensibilities a thoroughly Western game. This is not really anything new since FromSoft has done this before and to even greater extents; they also did Bloodborne, which as a Gothic Victorian game with a Lovecraftian story could not be less Asian if they'd tried.
Yes, but the vast majority of migrants still go to the countries closest to them. Most Venezuelan migrants went to Colombia, Brazil and other Latin American countries, for instance.
In this circumstance we haven’t yet seen a country this large in modern times collapse into Civil War and Bangladesh has a radical Islamic party waiting in the wings, Herazat-E-Islam.
Bangladesh collapsed into civil war in 1971 and millions of refugees did flee, but virtually all of them went to India. That's likely what will happen again.
My only observation is that I have been told many times by smug Europeans and Australians, on this forum and many others, that they have found a way to "true multiculturalism" and "peaceful cohabitation" that continues to elude American society, with our polite segregation and constant miasma of racial tension. To which I have always pointed out that the only reason they are able to believe this nonsense is that their societies are still less diverse than ours, with national populations that are still, for the moment, supermajority white. They will learn better, one way or another.
His whole schtick is posting this bait about how white people are subhuman and deserve to be replaced by supposedly enlightened subcontinentals like him, never mind that it's trivially easy to check the stats on how much his Muslim cohorts in Britain consume in services relative to the taxes they contribute. He should really just be blocked as there's no point engaging; it's just racial revanchism masquerading as bourgeois indignation.
But again, how much criticism did Paul Ryan get for his own ethnic identity when he attempted to allow essentially unlimited immigration from Ireland to the US (something that no Jewish-American politicians have succeeded in doing for Israelis, I might add)?
Not to defend Paul Ryan or his immigration policies, but no part of his proposed policy could be construed as allowing "essentially unlimited immigration from Ireland" - what he was trying to do was give Irish nationals access to E3 work visas, which are currently reserved for Australians, and which have an annual cap of 10,500 recipients. At best there'd be a few thousand more Irish visa holders in the US per year, and realistically less than that - the E3's annual cap is never met because Australians prefer to remain in Australia than move to the US, and I doubt it would be any different for the Irish given that they have free access to both the UK and the EU.
More importantly Paul Ryan has never served in the Irish army, or paraded around Congress in the uniform of a foreign military, which is something we're supposed to just pretend is normal when IDF members do it.
Considering Kamala Harris's genetics (parents both PhDs, father a Jamaican econ professor at Stanford and mother a Tamil biologist at LBNL), the fact that she attended Hastings is surprising, and doesn't really lend itself to "probably at least as intelligent as Hillary", however snobbish that might sound. It's not even like Howard, where you can claim you attended because you were really committed to the cause of HBCUs - Hastings is just a really mediocre school.
They won't charge you just for reading and replying to the email, though they will probably tell you that they won't discuss the particulars of your case until some payment is made.
I'm easily disgusted, and I became disgusted with myself. I was disgusted by the little bit of flab under my chin, I was disgusted by my skinnyfat paunch, I was disgusted by my weak forearms, I was disgusted by my diet of microwave dinners and Diet Coke. I resolved to have a body and life I could look at without feeling disgusted. I don't know if this is considered the "healthy" thought process or motivation for physical change, but I don't really care if it isn't. I like feeling the difference in strength when I move things around, I like being able to run and swim longer, and I like the difference in how women behave around me. But I've also been doing it for long enough now that it's become an integral part of my daily routine, so I just do it without thinking too much about it anymore.
In my ideal world we would simply take a page out of the Islamic playbook and install a version of the kafala system in America. Immigrants work for fixed terms, with the privileges of the labor rights that don't exist in the Gulf states (employers can't withhold your wages or confiscate your passport etc.), and are rotated out at the end of their terms with no expectation of permanent residency or citizenship.
It's not complicated at all, and in practice we see Muslim states in the Gulf that are majority-helot and still structurally and culturally stable. I'm not advocating for anywhere near those proportions, but if the Kuwaitis and Qataris can understand that their supposed brethren in Pakistan and Indonesia will not be alchemically transformed into good Arabs by the magical power of ummah solidarity, we should stop pretending that our civic myths mean much to immigrants, who are by nature essentially just mercenaries.
"What it would look like" in Europe would probably be the forced population swaps between Greece and Turkey after World War I, or the ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe after World War II. There already exists a model for this in Europe, it's happened before. But nothing like this happens without state force and a willingness to resort to violence, which means nothing of the sort will happen as long as people continue to believe (as they do in Europe) that they just need to vote harder to solve the problem.
I'm very skeptical of the idea that South Korea's birth rate is a product of gender war. It just seems like a miserable place to live, where children are drafted into the rat race as soon as possible, forced into 4 A.M. tuition classes for exams they're going to write a decade later, coming home at 10 PM, then doing it all over again, until you eventually graduate, get a job and can inflict the same rat race on a new kid who has the misfortune to emerge from a South Korean womb. An endless labyrinth of status games that makes the experience of parenthood and childhood uniquely awful, even by the infamously taxing standards of East Asia.
It may be that the miserable nature of the South Korean lifestyle makes dating logistically difficult, and as a consequence men and women develop mutual hostilities simply because they have fewer opportunities to come into intimate contact with each other. But I'm just speculating.
One point of commonality between Korea and the West is that these stories of "gender polarization" are really just about sharp radicalization of women, and the author's need to coach that observation in both-sidesism for political correctness. There's a graph that circulates on Twitter frequently about how Western youth are supposedly polarizing sharply away from each other, with women becoming more left-wing and men becoming more right-wing, and if you actually look at the graph it just shows men becoming mildly more conservative, a change that is barely perceptible, while women are stampeding to the left.
I think it's certainly true that white journalists and commentators are reluctant to put a spotlight on black criminality, but I also think there's an element of class-coding at play here. Tyson is of course a very rich man, but he codes as culturally lower-class. He's a boxer, he's got a tattoo on half his face, and while a lisp like his would make anyone sound dumber than they are, I doubt Tyson was ever very smart to begin with. I believe it's similar to what's going on now with Diddy, and the attendant rumors around Jay-Z - these guys may be rich, but they're rappers, which is inherently coded as culturally low-class, no matter how many times they get invited to the Met Gala. Accordingly there's an unspoken assumption that criminality is simply inherent to their milieu, and whether justified or not, they are ascribed lower moral agency when it comes to determining how bad their crimes are. "These people are just like that", etc. Whereas men like Bill Cosby (America's Dad!) and Jonathan Majors (He went to Yale! His characters are so artsy and sensitive!) come from a higher cultural standing, so they have no excuses.
She wrote a whole book about a serial killer pretending to be trans to prey on women in women's spaces.
This is a flat-out lie that instantly betrays the fact that you have never read the book in question. The serial killer in question is a marginal side character in said book (whose plot is about the investigation of a woman's disappearance decades ago and the police's prevailing theory being that she was a victim of said serial killer, who refuses to talk about it). And at no point did he ever pretend to be trans, or claim to be trans; nor does anyone in the book attribute transness to him. He was abducting women off the street and from bars and bus stations after drugging them surreptitiously, not "invading women's spaces". The plot point about him (on one occasion) wearing women's clothing is used as an example of how he was able to get away with his murders for so long because he didn't conform to what people's ideas of what a rapist and serial killer looks and acts like - seeming pudgy, effeminate and non-threatening rather than a bearded, scowling thug in a dark alley.
Most people talking about Rowling this way are simply regurgitating motivated talking points they've seen from trans activists, and could not be bothered to actually look into any of these claims themselves. I doubt you could tell me the name of this book or the offending character without Googling it, but you're absolutely sure she "wrote a whole book about a serial killer pretending to be trans" because Contrapoints or some other breadtuber said so.
I don't think that's their reasoning. Mostly they're reacting to the Nick Fuentes strain of antisemitism which is essentially third-worldist at its core, lamenting supposed Jewish predations against hapless black and brown people, who in the Fuentes-verse imagining are just trying to live in peace, and who would surely never be coming to the West in such large numbers were it not for the wars instigated by global Jewry.
My firm has contracted private detectives semi-regularly to do background checks on key figures in legal matters, including our clients and their associates. On occasion, we've also contracted them to "dig for dirt" on parties on the other side of the case (usually financial malfeasance and things of that nature), but this isn't a common thing. It only comes up in obvious cases when we already have strong reason to suspect there's been malfeasance.
Whether the portrayals are accurate depends on the kinds of fiction you're consuming. The NYPD and Scotland Yard don't work with "consulting detectives" to solve murders, so that part is complete fiction. I suppose it's possible that private clients may hire private detectives to investigate murders if they're unsatisfied with the police resolution or handling of the matter, but I've never personally come across something like that. My experience with private detectives as an attorney is that they're either doing corporate investigations that we can't be bothered to do ourselves, or they're snooping on wives and husbands for things to use in custody battles ("she has a drinking problem she's been hiding from the court", "his best friend is a convict on parole", etc).
Hanania is not opposed to lax border enforcement. He thinks Americans should embrace lax border enforcement and cultivate a servant class of Mesoamerican dwarfs similar to the domestic workers of Asia and Africa, and that failure to do so is self-sabotaging racism that stops us from living like feudal lords.
If the DA is using public funds to pay an inflated salary to her boyfriend who is prosecuting a defendant, and the boyfriend is spending that money on gifts and vacations with the DA, then the DA has a pecuniary interest in the prosecution and directly profits from it. That's essentially the conflict claim here.
By now it's very well established empirically (just look at Europe) that when white people as a class get governmental power and there aren't too many lower class people around who have a very dissimilar modus vivendi that your average high status white would find disagreeable to fund they introduce "democratic socialism" and start taxing people/companies/transactions (discouraging innovation and hard work) and use the money to set up a welfare state (discouraging innovation and hard work). This predictably leads to less innovation and growth, which leads to large scale economic welfare loss for the population as a whole. The final result of this is that everyone ends up poorer and worse off, little different from the purported negative impact blacks have of the population as a whole.
You will find very few places in the world that don't follow this "empirically established model" despite having negligible white populations; in fact, this sort of thing is ubiquitous in the third world, just with much worse outcomes. Ghana cratered its own economy by abandoning the successful model left to them by the British and transitioning to a centrally-controlled, price-fixing regime set up in the name of social justice and wealth distribution; that decision was made by third-worldist hero Kwame Nkrumah, and persisted for decades until it was partially abolished by the coincidentally half-white Jerry Rawlings. India has a welfare state and affirmative action system that no Western state can match for its all-consuming presence in the lives of ordinary people. No one on Earth loves redistributionist politics more than black and brown people do. Europe is certainly more socialist than America, but relative to the rest of the world, not so much.
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It's the courts that have the final say, and the courts have said it's not valid without further Congressional action, which is why the Archivist said she can't legally publish the amendment. I imagine that if she tried publishing it herself, the ensuing litigation would just end in the courts referring to their prior decisions and striking down her action.
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