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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


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User ID: 218

Speaker of the House becomes president after Vance if both were taken out at once. If Vance gets assassinated a few days/weeks/months after Trump then it would just be whoever Vance's VP is

I didn't like it because he clearly isn't actually very familiar with Tolkien but insisted on making a tortured analogy put of it anyways. "Dark elves" are a Norse mythology thing, not a Tolkien thing.

How common is "Grandma died, don't tell anyone and keep cashing her checks"?

As Clausewitz famously said, war is a continuation of politics by other means. Another way of looking at it is that politics is a continuation of war by other means.

Similarly fighting games (Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, etc.) seem to have a much higher percentage of black fans than video games as a whole, and I'm sure their are other genres/subgenres where this is the case. I haven't seen many black grand strategy fans (or as fans of other autism simulators generally like Factorio), though that may have more to do with the PC/console split skewing white for PC gamers.

Foreigners and Americans alike always seem to forget that if it isn't ratified by the Senate then it isn't legally binding. By it I mean any treaties and international agreements.

Similarly in Japan, the Kurils were occupied by Russia with American assent and the Japanese inhabitants removed.

Even bigger than that was the removal of ethnic Japanese from Manchukuo, as well as from China proper

It’s not any worse to make it up so a dam doesn’t get built than that so you can name something after yourself


Preventing a dam getting built prevents thousands of people from having jobs, megawatts of power generation from being built, etc. Naming something after yourself adds a little bit of extra work for encyclopedia and wikipedia editors and other academics. How are the teo actions remotely comparable?

Migrating them to our Azure tenant is pretty easy, but we are stuck with a bunch of useless IT people (initially), usually White. It's nothing agains them, but they usually know nothing. I don't want to bore anyone with the details, but these people have no idea how a domain controller works, let alone anything in the cloud.

There is far greater demand for IT people and software developers than there are competent IT people and developers. The median software dev is an idiot, being baseline competent puts you in the top quintile of tech workers (if not higher) in my estimation. Even more H1Bs won't really fix this because for every actually good foreign dev there are several dozen borderline retarded Indians with the same credentials and qualifications (but not the actual competence).

Also, likely not coincidentally, most of the competent foreign devs I've worked with are either Eastern European or East Asian. Hispanic devs seem half decent, at least in comparison to Indians.

There is a direct causal line between outsourcing software development to Indians and the enshittification of the software that runs most of modern civilization. Shitty Indian devs are hardly the sole cause of this, but they're definitely a major one, and bringing them en masse into the US (as opposed to the current status quo of merely outsourcing and then having competent US devs fix their mess) will only accelerate this rapidly.

Japan also never believed they could outright defeat the US. The idea was that Pearl Harbor would give them 6-12 months to build an empire and defensive perimeter around the Japanese home islands, coupled with a mistaken assumption that the US would be willing to negotiate peace with them after seeing how much work it would take to defeat them.

You can't fake foreign language mastery the same way you can, say, literary analysis

Dropped out of the process node wars but still makes quality chips. If we're going for any non-cutting edge foundries the list grows quite a bit

There are only 2 companies with any kind of foundry expertise.


Does it matter if Tubman's story is fiction, if it was mean to be apocryphal anyways ? It's about what Tubman stands for, not her actual exploits.

It absolutely does matrer, especially since there are so many other individuals whose involvement in abolition and the anti-slavery movements have much more concrete documentation. Why jump to hold up the apocryphal one?

Perhaps most strikingly, o3 does VERY well on one of the most important and influential benchmarks, the ARC AGI challenge, getting 87% accuracy compared to just 32% from o1.

Is there a possibility that answers to this challenge were included in the training set?

For B and C: Spring Ahead and Fall Back

Forget about the whore - Kony embraces God and he's alright?

In the next life, if his conversion is genuine and he repents for his past sins etc. Doesn't mean he'll escape consequences (legal or otherwise) in this life.

The thug who murders someone's whole family sincerely converts and is forgiven - but the victim goes to hell because she can't let go of her hatred for this bastard?

Forgiving others (which doesn't necessarily mean trusting them or anything else like that) is one of the hardest commandments to follow, but it was given by the mouth of Christ Himself:

"Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."

In my specific subset of Christianity (Mormon) it's even more strict:

"Nevertheless, he has sinned; but verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, forgive sins unto those who confess their sins before me and ask forgiveness, who have not sinned unto death. My disciples, in days of old, sought occasion against one another and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened. Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin."

That Christians have been imperfect and unable to consistently live up to the requirements set by Christ doesn't make it somehow not Christian doctrine. We're imperfect, which is one of the reasons the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ was required in the first place. We're going to mess these things up, over and over again, but that doesn't mean they aren't things we keep striving for.

What if they took a drug that caused 100% of users to violently assault the next person they see? What about 50% or 10%?

Because other people using drugs does actually affect you in most cases. Whether it's something relatively small like having to step around hobo puke on the sidewalk, or something more direct like a junkie biting your face off because they're high on bath salts.

I actually pissed him off enough to get him to reply to my comments multiple times on one of his LiveJournal posts many years ago. The post was something about feminism, I don't recall the details though. The man is most definitely a culture warrior, and a terminally online one at that.

He's also probably the sole driver of traffic to LiveJournal unless he finally moved on at some point.

Christ is King of Kings, afterall

Maybe a better example is "Isaac Newton was a genius about physics and calculus but a complete crank about everything else"? Though I guess that's a bad example too, being a crank is kind of a sign of genius to me

Rule of thumb for me is game devs make 50-66% of what they could make doing boring enterprise dev work, with 50-100% longer hours

The fact that the YouTube comments for Kirby's Air Ride: Item Bounce haven't been closed yet is proof that YouTube doesn't have complete control over ideology on their platform.