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even if they are the type of people incapable of replacing a smoke alarm battery
I realize this is completely a tangent, but the fact that there are people out there able to tolerate their ceiling birds constantly chirping at them is one of the biggest sticking points to me that parts of America are completely incompatible with each other. The chirp is so obnoxious for me that it's a drop everything immediately and break out the ladder (and run to the store for batteries if needed) sorr of thing.
I mean they ended up better than pretty much all of the Axis powers except maybe Italy
Or anprim?
The original was ordinary cheesy high school drama set in California in the 90's, none of the identity politics garbage like in the reboot
Zach was the guy you're talking about; problem with him is he's going to want not the job you're offering but your CEOs job.
Funny you should mention that, there was supposedly a Saved By The Bell reboot/continuation being made where Zach is now Governor of California, no joke
Edit: even worse, they actually made it
Was 2020 really already 5 years ago?
I'm no wehraboo but for Bastogne, the Allies had already gained air superiority in France. Bastogne was playing defense (and I won't downplay the courage of the 101st, it was a damn difficult defense) for 6 days until the weather cleared and air support could relieve them.
Meanwhile on the Eastern Front virtually all major Soviet victories (Stalingrad, Kursk, Bagration, Berlin) still had the Soviets taking far more casualties than the Germans.
Do you have any specific examples?
I am (and always have been) pretty far right, but at a bare minimum discussion forums like here are at least sources of entertainment. I enjoy arguing with people, and I can get marginally more intelligent debates here than I can on /pol/.
Was that article written by AI or by an idiot who can't google things?
The entire complex is barely distinguishable from an office building and even the nearby Old Anchorage City Hall is more appropriate as a major government building than the current State Capitol.
Yes, the Old Anchorage City Hall 800 miles away is "nearby"
Similar to how Las Vegas overshadows the capital city of Reno
I realize Carson City is close enough to Reno that you could almost call them suburbs of each other but Reno ain't the capital.
Leopold Ashenbrenner has made some insane predictions for future power needs.
"I predict that within 10 years, computers will be twice as powerful, 10,000 times larger, and so expensive that only the five richest kings of Europe will own them." - Professor Frink, The Simpsons
Dang, everyone was doing the no pipes Factorio challenge before him
Not for sensitivity reasons really, it'd be goofy to have the easternmost places on earth in the West American ocean.
Just change the name and location of the Prime Meridian to the American Meridian, problem solved
You might even call such people "rootless cosmopolitans" or something similar
Speaker of the House becomes president after Vance if both were taken out at once. If Vance gets assassinated a few days/weeks/months after Trump then it would just be whoever Vance's VP is
I didn't like it because he clearly isn't actually very familiar with Tolkien but insisted on making a tortured analogy put of it anyways. "Dark elves" are a Norse mythology thing, not a Tolkien thing.
How common is "Grandma died, don't tell anyone and keep cashing her checks"?
As Clausewitz famously said, war is a continuation of politics by other means. Another way of looking at it is that politics is a continuation of war by other means.
Similarly fighting games (Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, etc.) seem to have a much higher percentage of black fans than video games as a whole, and I'm sure their are other genres/subgenres where this is the case. I haven't seen many black grand strategy fans (or as fans of other autism simulators generally like Factorio), though that may have more to do with the PC/console split skewing white for PC gamers.
Foreigners and Americans alike always seem to forget that if it isn't ratified by the Senate then it isn't legally binding. By it I mean any treaties and international agreements.
At least a million:
Similarly in Japan, the Kurils were occupied by Russia with American assent and the Japanese inhabitants removed.
Even bigger than that was the removal of ethnic Japanese from Manchukuo, as well as from China proper
It’s not any worse to make it up so a dam doesn’t get built than that so you can name something after yourself
Preventing a dam getting built prevents thousands of people from having jobs, megawatts of power generation from being built, etc. Naming something after yourself adds a little bit of extra work for encyclopedia and wikipedia editors and other academics. How are the teo actions remotely comparable?
Migrating them to our Azure tenant is pretty easy, but we are stuck with a bunch of useless IT people (initially), usually White. It's nothing agains them, but they usually know nothing. I don't want to bore anyone with the details, but these people have no idea how a domain controller works, let alone anything in the cloud.
There is far greater demand for IT people and software developers than there are competent IT people and developers. The median software dev is an idiot, being baseline competent puts you in the top quintile of tech workers (if not higher) in my estimation. Even more H1Bs won't really fix this because for every actually good foreign dev there are several dozen borderline retarded Indians with the same credentials and qualifications (but not the actual competence).
Also, likely not coincidentally, most of the competent foreign devs I've worked with are either Eastern European or East Asian. Hispanic devs seem half decent, at least in comparison to Indians.
There is a direct causal line between outsourcing software development to Indians and the enshittification of the software that runs most of modern civilization. Shitty Indian devs are hardly the sole cause of this, but they're definitely a major one, and bringing them en masse into the US (as opposed to the current status quo of merely outsourcing and then having competent US devs fix their mess) will only accelerate this rapidly.
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The problem is these arguments have been applied before the movie flopped (see Ghostbusters 2016) and even for ones that didn't flop (like Captain Marvel)
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