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User ID: 1782



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User ID: 1782

Not to mention a huge contingent of Americans hate the Mexicans who are immigrating to America.

It depends what part of the construction industry you want to work in. Plenty of engineers, estimators, project managers, and Union field workers clear 6 figures a year.

The biggest money is definitely in project management. Once you are running your own jobs, you’ll get bonuses based on how under budget you can bring those jobs in.

If you’re interested in running jobs, you’d probably start somewhere as an assistant project manager and work your way up. The salary isn’t great for an APM, but long term that’s a good way to go.

If you prefer to stay in the field, joining an electrical union is a sure path to good money. Even moreso if you can get in with any of the big utility companies. In the Bay Area, some PG&E electricians clear 300k a year and more through all the overtime they get.

Really just depends what your skill set is and the type of work you’d like to do.

Haven’t heard of this book before, but it looks quite good. Putting it on my list.

How would you go about paying for group therapy that isn’t covered by your insurance? Seems like using an HSA is a bit murky. It stings a bit having to pay $4k a year out of pocket.

It’s not realistic at your current level of self-esteem, I would agree.

If you’re simply looking for a woman, regardless of personality, many commenters here have suggested a “mail-order bride” type from Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe. And they’re not wrong. Millions of women would kill to move to the US even if it meant marrying a person with autism.

I would take these suggestions seriously. But I get the impression you want a woman to fall in love with you, not because you think that’s more romantic or respectable, but because it will pump up your ego. I think your desire for a relationship is a bit misplaced. Trust me, a relationship does not heal your insecurities, that has to come from within.

I think if you were to conduct a poll of self described left-leaning voters, the trans issue would fall very very low on the priority list. Twitter, the news, and an extremely loud contingent has made the trans conversation appear much larger than it really is.

What is your goal here? To establish meaningful relationships? Is that actually what you want? There are many lonely people in the world who would be happy to find a friend, but friendship is not about what a person can do for you, it’s about what you can do for them.

If you’re just looking for people to fluff your ego or be your servant, it ain’t gonna happen.

I don't think it's a red flag or uncommon. But it's a lot easier for me to pair my socks when folding laundry than when pulling them out of the sock drawer. The easiest way to pair them is to fold them together at the top like this:


Is there a way you can change how we hide and unhide post replies? I found myself trying to collapse comments and, especially when I’m deep into the comment order (4th order and beyond), the comment collapse function is quite the challenge. I find myself closing comments that I didn’t want to close. Reddit seems to have this figured out well by simply tapping right next to the commenters name.

I use an iPhone on Google chrome for my usual scrolling.

Start with beer, it won’t make you as sick. Also, have a good time, sounds like a blast.

I’m still reading The Power Broker by Robert Caro. I expect this will take me at least another two months to finish.

It oscillates between extremely interesting biographical details and rather dry early 20th century state government procedural details. His prose is really good though, some of his paragraphs spark and crackle off the page.

It could be a station wagon, but it could also be a convertible:


Im not really that interested in the culture war surrounding bud light, but I am interested in knowing your thoughts on the difference between coors lite and bud light drinkers.

Agree with you on Free Bird. I also think Bohemian Rhapsody deserves a nod.

Started The Power Broker by Robert Caro. RIP new books for the next three months.

It is cartoonishly expensive. Bay Area living.

What does TheMotte think about hiring a home cleaning service? There are a few wrinkles I consider when hiring a monthly or bimonthly cleaning service:

  1. I am very cheap and hate spending any discretionary income on anything, let alone a cleaning service.

  2. I have it in my head that I will buck up and actually clean the bathroom, but I've been living in my apartment a year and hardly ever do. (I've had cleaning services come by so it's not like my bathroom is completely disgusting).

Number 2 conflicts heavily with number 1 and causes me guilt. I feel like cleaning my house (really the bathroom) is something I should do without paying for a service, but I find it to be something I never get around to doing. So I'm pretty much at the point where I'm going to throw in the towel and schedule a monthly cleaning service. It's not cheap, $160 for a one bedroom apartment, but clearly I can't handle this chore myself.

I'm laughing as I write this post because it's so ridiculous, but here I am.

Apt Pupil is great. Really, his whole novella collection Different Seasons is some of his best work.

The Long Walk is also good. Even better when you know King came up with the idea while an undergraduate. Once you’re done, check out The Running Man.

If by recreationally you mean once every 3-4 weeks, then yes. In the past, I’ve taken them for particularly bad hangovers, but found the rebound anxiety the day after to just not be worth it. I’ll also take a very small dose if I’m going to a particularly stressful social event or if I’m experiencing bad anxiety while trying to fall asleep. But generally I space them out enough that I don’t feel it’s a problem.

5-15th percentile. I’m a little surprised I’m THAT low, but yeah, I’m only a semi rationalist.

Depending on what books you’re reading, if I met you at the office I’d be super interested in having a conversation about that. I’m a big reader myself and know very few people in my life who read books consistently. People who talk about their passions (especially if their interests are similar to me such as books, golf, history, movies, theater) are almost always interesting to me.

Do you feel anymore confident when drunk or on benzos? I tend to be socially anxious with people I meet, but if I’m drunk or using benzos, I feel much more confident and can actually enjoy the conversation. That’s obviously not a solution, but may give you a sign on what you need to work on. It tells me that I have the ability to be social, it’s just a lack of confidence or calmness that disallows me from doing so.

It’s also simply difficult for more introverted, introspective, or “thinking” type people to make friends. We are quite in our own heads and it’s difficult to be present in social situations.

The people that I’ve become closest friends with tend to be those who are the opposite of me. It’s almost like they can’t “feel” my awkwardness and just sort of plow ahead with the conversation. We admire each for different things; I admire them for their social ability, they admire me for my intellect and organization (organizing trips, meals, golf, etc).

But yeah, there are few people in my life I’m totally comfortable with. It does suck, not gonna lie, especially when I think about how much better my social life and career would be if I were a “normie.” I guess my advice would be, do the things you enjoy even if it’s awkward. I personally love golf, softball, and musical theater, so I join teams or take classes. Even if I’m not making lifelong friends, I’m still doing an activity that I enjoy, and I take satisfaction from that.

Getting a full nights sleep and exercise also helps my mood.

I was thinking of more common coins like nickels, dimes, and quarters. Even post apocalypse, assuming some semblance of society returns, I would expect the return of a monetary system. It might take some time to get there. The first few years after a nuclear winter or devastating pandemic would be absolute chaos, but once an equilibrium re-forms, people will need to trade again. And coins are a lot easier to use than say shells or giant stones:


I could be totally wrong. Maybe people no longer trade because everyone is too busy killing each other for valuable resources.

Do you think coins would be valued in a post-apocalyptic world? I don’t think dollar bills would be, but I could see coins still being used as a medium of exchange. People like shiny metal.

At first I thought this was a pretty inane question, but after thinking about it for a bit, I found it rather interesting. Taking your question 100% literally, how does one withdraw millions of dollars in cash? Based on this Reddit post/comment it does seem like it’s possible:


Who knows if that’s true, but it sounds pretty reasonable to me. I have to imagine this is an incredibly rare occurrence.