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joined 2022 November 02 19:35:21 UTC


User ID: 1782



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User ID: 1782

As a white man of Irish descent (in other words, very very white), growing up, I always liked darker girls more than whiter/paler girls. This was true as early on as elementary school when I was most attracted to a girl of latina descent. Even as I got older, I always felt more attracted to latina or middle eastern looking women, women who had a caramel skin, large dark eyes, and a curvy/muscular body. Don't get me wrong, I've dated and been with other types of women, but from a purely physical standpoint, it feels like my white freckly pasty skinny Irish genes are attracted to sunkissed tan curvy women.

Does anyone know how to donate funds directly to Haitian citizens? I've been reading about all of the graft and waste for various charities donating to Haiti, and I literally just want to send individuals money. It wouldn't be much, maybe $200 a month, but I feel like even that small amount could help a family or two. Has anyone ever looked into sending money directly people in need?

Gary Gilmore too. Subject of the (long-winded and overcooked) book The Executioner's Song.

Cool. I can’t feel jealous of your salary now because computer science and machine learning is something I would never be able to do!

What is your graduate degree in if you don't mind me asking?

Awesome. Appreciate the rec. I'll check it out.

Grid storage may not be economical without subsidies, but a ton of it is nevertheless being built in California and Texas.

Interesting take. As a person who could also be described as clinically depressed and neurotic, I actually don't mind this part of his personality leaking into his writing. I don't mind depression or neuroticism leaking into anyone's writing so long as the writing is still entertaining or amusing. It's when you have the dull self-pitying storytelling that I get impatient and bored.

Have you ever read A Supposedly Fun Thing I'd Never Do Again? It's vintage David Foster Wallace and is quite good.


Not that I know of, but I thought there was a lot more overlap between the Motte and Astral Codex Ten than there is. I don't read much of Scott's stuff myself, but he seems to have a much larger following than The Motte does.

I don’t have answers to most of your questions, but it’s possible he did not have a car and couldn’t use the drive thru. My guess for why he still had the gun/silencer was he wanted to keep them as a trophy. Either way, very stupid move on what was otherwise a nearly flawless assassination.

I went to an in-person ACX meetup for the first time today. I didn't find it too awkward and actually really enjoyed the conversation. I was surprised that many of the attendees had either never heard of The Motte or only had a very passing familiarity with it.

What’s an eight sleep mattress?

Go on Spotify and look up beginning singing lessons and practice them in the car. 20 minutes a day and I promise you, you will see improvement.

Next step up is taking a singing class. You can usually find a 8 week program for around $300-400 and it’s a fun way to get out of the house and sing with a group.

Good luck.

It’s not reconcilable with what happened in 2020. And that is because there was no election fraud. Those who believe there was have been duped.

Seems like the polls were way off in Florida. Nate Silver had Republicans up by 5 - 6%, and it looks like they're going to win it by 13 points.

Andromeda Strain is pretty boring. Crichton was just starting to figure out how to write novels with that one.

Wish I would have read your edit. I'm not going back through that again.

I read all of your posts on this site; I must admit I experience a bit of schadenfreude when reading your woe-is-me posts. But I'm not completely cruel. Reading your posts about living in Thailand made me feel very excited and happy for you. It sounded like you were having the time of your life over there. You put too much pressure on yourself to be successful. You hold yourself to this ideal of what you think you should be and as an outside observer it just seems so exhausting. My advice is to strongly consider going back to Thailand. Go back and continue to explore the social connections you made. Take a year; hell, take six months. It's not the end of the world or the end of your career to do it. And you might find that what you think really matters now doesn't actually matter all that much. You're a young guy, you have plenty of time to be miserable. Go back to Thailand and embrace that experience of feeling good that you so clearly had.

I know that you won't listen to this advice. But really, take a second and think about it.

I don't know why a person would do this, but if he used his credit card to pull cash, that would be considered a "cash advance" which comes with its own set of fees and high interest rates. Only a truly desperate (or stupid) person would choose this option.

I can’t speak authoritatively on the subject, but it seems like corruption in Haiti was simply unmatched anywhere else. That, coupled with the fact that Haiti was essentially a pariah nation from the time of the revolution (1800) until after the Civil War AND the incredible level of sovereign debt they agreed to, left Haiti an incomparably poor country.

Here is a good, quick podcast on the history of Haiti since the revolution. I recommend listening to the entire series, but this is a good, quick recap:


I just switched over to Firefox from Google Chrome. I agree that Chrome has gotten significantly worse, particularly the amount of ads on Google searches and YouTube. YouTube started becoming completely non-functional, so I decided it was time to switch over. I installed Firefox and downloaded uBlock right away. Now I don't experience any sponsored results when using Google search or YouTube. It's glorious. Firefox was also really easy to transfer over passwords and bookmarks so it was a fairly seamless transition. The more challenging part is that Firefox doesn't work as well for iOS, so I'm still using Chrome on my iPhone for now.

Nixonland. This one is gonna take me a while.

I also just subscribed to Harpers, I’m enjoying it.

I think the difference between Tucker Carlson on Crossfire and Jon Stewart on Comedy Central is that CNN claimed (not sure they claim this anymore) to be a nonpartisan news source. The people who watched CNN watched it thinking that they were watching the news (a lively/inflamed version of the news, but the news nonetheless). Meanwhile, those who watched The Daily Show knew they were watching a comedy program. He makes this very point during his appearance on Crossfire.

Things are probably different now. I don’t think anyone turns on FoxNews, MSNBC, or CNN thinking they are getting nonpartisan unadulterated news.

Good for you on re-learning the piano. I've found it difficult staying disciplined enough to practice 30 minutes to an hour everyday, which realistically is what is required to learn an instrument. I dabble in the piano from time to time as an adult, but man...learning an instrument is just so damn hard. As I get closer to middle-age, I'm much more impressed that I used to be by those who can play any instrument.