Apparently "BIPOC" is a racial slur now.
The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.
User ID: 628
The 10th percentile are the ones breaking into bald men's heads looking for gold or deflowering virgins to cure their AIDS
I'd say those people are more like 2nd percentile. Either that or I have too high an opinion of the average human being (I find that hard to believe but am open to the possibility). I think 10th percentile is more like the people manning the tills at your supermarket rather than the dangerously stupid as in your comment. Would you not agree? If not then what percentile human being would you say is doing menial supermarket work?
US physicians (I will not call them doctors unless they are an MD, the word doctor comes form the latin docere, meaning to teach; unlike how the uncultured may think about it, true doctors are those with a Ph.D, not those with a BChir, there's a reason why in places like Germany these people are not allowed to call themselves "Doktor" but instead go by "Arzt") are so far up their own ass with how highly they value themselves that it boggles the mind.
I have met many many doctors and the vast majority of them are sub 98th percentile mediocrities pretending they are the intellectual equals of the 99.5th+ percentile thinkers. I've said before that the 95th percentile human being has a lot more in common intellectually with a 10th percentile human being than he does with a 99th percentile human being and something similar applies for the average doctor who isn't much better than a 95th percentile human but has the ego of a 99.9th percentile one (not saying there are no amazing doctors, I've met some of those too but they are the exception, not the average and they tend to be MDs).
I'd be very interested in comparing the average outcome of a NP with the latest AI models trained on giving medical diagnoses vs a lone doctor. My prior is that the NP+AI performs at least as well as a doctor in most non-surgical specialties. If so then the optimal thing for humanity is to cry havoc, give NP+AI combinations the same powers and responsibilities as "full" doctors and let slip the dogs of war on the protection racket US "doctors" are running. Of course this is a pipe dream (never mind the extreme litigiousness of the US meaning NP+AI malpractice insurance costs will be through the roof but that's a discussion for another day) but yeah, either we all grasp the nettle and do something like this or the economic rent seeking of the AMA will continue to extract blood from the rest of society.
If what you are saying was truly the real problem then the easy solution would be to allow foreign doctors trained in European countries/Australia/NZ etc. to come and work in the US without needing to redo their residency. Medical standards in these countries are no lower than the US in aggregate and may well be higher. Sure you can ask for equivalency exams (like how the UK does for foreign doctors) but there's no valid argument that the 90th percentile British doctor is worse than the 10th percentile American doctor, so why block the former from working in the US?
That we don't see this is Bayesian evidence that this is not the true objection for why the US medical cartel wants so few licenced doctors.
Modern day twitter basically forces right wing stuff on you the moment you go there. I want to read interesting material regardless of political valence (tell me about the history of cookbooks etc.), not see the libs get owned (eventually one gets tired of that sort of stuff) but that's what Twitter has as its "default meal" these days.
I use Twitter basically for Cremieux content exclusively.
This is outcome based thinking and basically one of the best ways to never truly understand why the world works the way it does. If you buy a game for $1 where a coin is flipped and you get $10 if it's a head then you did the right thing even if the coin flip turns up tails. The real life outcome is not important, what really matters is the expectation.
If you look at the very top Contract Bridge or Magic The Gathering players for example they evaluate their play based on expected values of the boardstate rather than whether that specific time what they did worked out well for them or not. The right play that led you to lose the round is not an issue at all while the wrong play that led you to win that specific time is something you need to fix ASAP.
Sure you can run Yahoo for $150M but for the board it makes more sense to pay Mayer $249M if there's say a 30% probability she ruins the company and a 70% probability she makes it good again vs paying you $150M for a 100% probability of the company being ruined, irrespective of what the final outcome of Mayer's tenure turns out to be.
Yes, I agree women are human. I just do not agree that being human gets you special exemption from the internal valuation process we all use to decide how much we care about a thing. If the devil came to me and gave me the choice that either Michelangelo's David gets crushed or a random human being named David gets killed I'd choose to save the work of art in a heartbeat. Inanimate objects can have higher value than average humans and recognising this doesn't mean you are demeaning these other humans, you are merely putting them in their rightful place in your personal hierarchy.
I'm actually in agreement with you that for most people they should value a sex partner higher than toilet paper (because toilet paper is easier to access than sex partners), all I'm saying is that we can think of edge cases where this is not true and it's not because the edge case is a woman hater, they are merely a personal utility maximiser and in their situation getting access to toilet paper brings them more value than access to yet another woman.
It all depends on how much one has of one thing vs the other because we value things based on marginal and not absolute utility. If someone easily has access to say 50 women for sex but no toilet paper (or substitutes like a bidet) then they are completely justified in valuing a deluxe 9 roll pack of toilet paper more than a 51st female sex partner. They are certainly justified in spending money they would never do on the 50th woman to ensure the toilet paper is kept in a warm, dry place because it's no great loss to them if this woman disappears for whatever reason like it would be if their toilet paper got all wet and unusable.
I consider you to be a disposable object to be used, and your feelings on the matter are irrelevant because you're not really even a person
This is how I treat my toilet paper. However I would not say I hate my toilet paper at all, in fact I am usually very grateful that it is present (assuming no bidet etc.) and would be very upset if it were missing.
Hate requires having a certain intensity of feeling and even if we were talking about particularly poor toilet paper I've got better things to do than give the requisite number epicycles to thinking so hard about the toilet paper than I can reasonably say I hate it (perhaps if it were the toilet paper used in all the toilets at my workplace so I used it on a daily basis then yes I might dedicate enough cycles, but if it's like a toilet in a shopping mall I rarely ever visit then sorry, I don't have the brain cycles to waste on hating the toilet paper).
For someone who's very sexually successful they may well have better things to do than waste their limited number of brain cycles on what exactly their next sex partner thinks, no different to how I have zero desire to waste brain cycles on what the guy sitting next to me on the train thinks, purely because of how abundance makes humans value things less, no hate involved (were the guy next to me on the train the only person I'd met in the last month I'd probably care about what he thought, but under current conditions, he's just an "eh").
Organisms that are supposed to reproduce, will. Defective organisms that are unable to reproduce will weed themselves out, and rightfully so. It's almost a tautology.
Agreed. Just take a look at Elon Musk's progeny. The expected value of grandchildren he's going to get from one of his normal children is much higher than the expected value of grandchildren he'll get from his trans daughter. Iterate for a few generations and the deleterious memetic mutations will weed themselves out.
are they running away to a hugbox in an effort to punish Elon Musk for supporting Donald Trump?
Personally I consider this to be a good thing. I'd say X is still balanced more towards the left than the right and these people leaving are the most extreme examples and basically incorrigible. They have twisted themselves into becoming beings that are not capable of producing more light than heat and so are a negative to have around. To use one of the left's own phrases: "the trash is taking itself out".
I was talking to someone who develops and sells their own perfumes recently and they mentioned that when getting insurance to sell their products it costs them more to get covered for sales in the US than the entire rest of the world combined!
I wanted to make a meme like that for rdrama.net around Easter time with the soy devil screaming DO NOT REDEEM to bloodied Chad Jesus wearing the crown of thorns but was too lazy. Anyways, there's always next year...
Block voting is the optimal thing to do when you're a relatively small minority. Even if you're 10% of the population if you consistently block vote and no other groups do you can be the kingmaker effectively every single election. Main party A and Main party B may get to win half the time each but through promising your votes off to the highest bidder (the party that pledges to give you the most stuff) and effectively guaranteeing your chosen side victory you get to win basically every single election. Pretty sweet, isn't it?
This is just the correct way to play the democracy game under the ruleset of the 21st century. Don't hate the player, hate the game. If you don't like it, do away with "democracy".
Democrat leaning but hates women (what I like to call "the pizzashill") gets you this pattern.
She admitted to weighting women much higher than usual for *mumble mumble* reasons.
I'm personally waiting for the postmortem gender breakdown between men 18-30 and women 18-30. While I wouldn't have voted for Trump for aesthetic reasons if I had a vote I also wouldn't have voted for Kamala for running a campaign that basically saw men only through the lens of what effects (positive or negative) they have on women.
They've got photos for all the BSL symbols in the same artistic style so it's not just random internet photos but rather images specifically made for the page. For instance here's the page for cat: https://www.british-sign.co.uk/british-sign-language/how-to-sign/cat/
I think it's pretty clear two fingers palm inward is indeed the BSL sign for the number 2.
I've never seen someone indicate two with the palm facing inwards.
That's literally the sign for two in BSL, see the linked page which has a photo of a person making the sign.
Interesting. I did not know the Agincourt origins were an urban legend. You learn stuff every day. I freely admit that I was misinformed and thank you for helping me improve my model of the world.
It always signals disrepect
Now this is a bit too strong a statement. For one the two fingers sign also symbolizes bunny ears so it doesn't always mean disrespect. I have fond memories of pranking friends with think back in my carefree youthful days.
It's not a number
This I also disagree with. Holding the index and middle finger up is the British sign language method of indicating two.
Extremely overrated Prime Minister of the UK. I have no idea why he commonly comes near the top of the UK's list of PMs. Sure he got the country through WWII but there was nothing exceptional about him personally that led to this. He provided competent governance in difficult times and little more (see what happened the second time he became PM). It was the times he lived through that made him notable rather than the reverse. Had WWII not happened he'd be almost as forgettable as Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Even the Marquess of Salisbury was a tier above Churchill.
I hardly think the West or its denizens are literally perfect, but they're still a gross improvement over how I've spent most of my life, and a very important difference between me and the Count is that I don't bite the hand that feeds.
I would say that I don't bite the hand that feeds me either. In fact this is a charge I would lay at the feet of the lower classes rather than apply to myself. They are the ones who firstly live off the taxes people like me pay and then instead of displaying gratitude towards us instead come out and say we need to tax the rich more. End result is that not only do we fund their lifestyle but we also continually get told that we aren't doing enough!
I don't think at all the that lower classes of the UK feed me in any way whatsoever. It's amazing how little value I get in the UK for how much taxes I pay. It's significantly worse than mainland Europe too where at least if you are a high earner and you get laid off you're given a big portion of your salary (think 70%+) for a period of time by the government until you can find a new job. The idea there is that because you put in more previously, now you are entitled to get more out of it. They have a contributory system.
The UK on the other hand has a redistributive system. My reward for losing my highly paid job here is that due to having more than £16,000 in savings I am not even eligible for the standard benefit the unemployed get in the UK! Sure you can say I benefit from living in a modern well run state but there's nothing particular to the UK's people or culture that gives rise to that. I would benefit in much the same way were I living in Singapore, the UAE or Japan all of which have very different social systems.
What I do benefit from in the UK's global tier financial prowess but that has nothing to do with the common man who if anything is envious about our success and keeps trying to bring us down a peg. The structures that enable me to have the job and earnings I have are the product of elites, not the proles.
or cause a breakdown of the religious tolerance and high trust a place is known for
Religious tolerance I agree is good. Trust though, as argued by Bryan Caplan in his Open Borders book, is highly overrated. There are clever ways around it that if you're smart enough to navigate mean you can live basically similar lives in a low trust environment as you do in a high trust one.
I'd rather not see a flood of unskilled immigrants bring the welfare system to its knees
I want to see the welfare system destroyed, it's corpse burned, the ashes grindered and launched into the sun. Western whites won't see sense through reasoned argumentation on why the welfare system is a capital-B Bad thing for humanity and I think bringing huge amounts of low tier immigrants with very different beliefs and lifestyles until they viscerally feel disgust at their taxes going to support the degeneracy is the best way to get it dismantled (note: this is not to say these people are more degenerate than low tier westerners, it's just a different kind of degeneracy that westerners won't be as accepting of).
Count makes a great deal more money than I do and is effectively unimpeachable thanks to Western norms of freedom of speech
Free Speech is amazing. I only wish we had something more like what the Americans do in the UK. Truth be told my belief system is very similar to that of the early Liberals of the 18th Century: it's fundamentally Western in origin but very different from the current zeitgeist in the West.
I am a finance professional as you guessed correctly. I make sure our markets stay functioning smoothly which has positive knock on effects elsewhere. Britain is a net importer, the common man benefits greatly from the pound being as strong as it is, if it were to collapse his energy bills would skyrocket to the levels of 2022, but permanently. Plus I pay huge taxes directly paying for the common man's lifestyle.
Indeed, the lesser sons of well-to-do families did a far better job running the financial system than the galaxy-brain quants and managers running it now.
If this is the case then how come they were all outcompeted by us? Those people can still try and enter the industry, it's just that when you have a 1v1 on a firm level where one has galaxy brain quants and the other has upper class art history majors the quants send the art history majors packing (side note: I'd probably say I know more art history than your average art history graduate from a non top ranked university, so it's not even like they can hold their own on their chosen field; this isn't me bragging about how much art history I know, it's me dissing the quality of the average art history course).
All of the problems the elites are flailing and failing to manage are purely self-inflicted.
I agree all of those problems are caused by the actions of elites (mostly because I see elites as the actors while the proles are the acted upon). Lack of housebuilding in particular has been a very big issue. I blame the acceptance of left wing blank slatist ideology for this though instead of any desire to defect against society. The elites of the time genuinely believed what they were doing was best for society. Fortunately they are capable of learning and nowadays you'll easily find many examples of elite human capital speaking out against each of those past mistakes.
I do not think white people are subhuman, most of my friends are white and so are some of the smartest people I know (far smarter than me). If anything I'd say the average white is better than the average non-white. However the difference is that the average white is here living the high life off my taxes while the average non-white is not.
his Muslim cohorts in Britain consume in services relative to the taxes they contribute
The Muslim cohorts in Britain right now are made up in large parts of the descendants of illiterate rural farmers. This is all due to poor selection policies of the UK in the past. I don't think they consume more in services than contribute any more than you'd expect of the descendants of illiterate rural farmers to do when placed in a welfare state.
These individuals are not "my people". Back home "my people" rule over them with an iron fist and keep these kinds in line, which is something the UK doesn't do and then acts shocked they go wild when all the restrictions placed on them to make them behave are removed.
Modern Muslim (non-refugee) immigration to the UK is no longer these types of people but rather mostly made up of middle class+ people who are going to have middle class+ kids and net contribute to society. That is what I am calling for more of, not more illiterate rural farmers.
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I freely and openly admit that the people above me are much more exalted than I could ever hope to be. I recently interviewed a candidate at work who was applying for a quant job and he absolutely floored me with how intelligent he was, telling me things I hadn't realized about the mathematical question I ask people a few short tens of minutes after seeing the question for the first time. I came away from that interview thinking that I had just come into contact with someone blessed with true shape rotator greatness.
At least I am at the level where I could appreciate what I had just seen, unlike the average 95th percentile person who is so far removed from it that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between me and this person had he been the one taking the interview instead.
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