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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

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joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Yes, I remember the "conversations" on reddit, because they were a lesson in effective gaslighting and manipulation. Month after month of tactical arguments msde in bad faith by accounts that went back to their home subs and gloated about how good they were at propaganda.

Those tricks don't work here, thank god.

Has your friend posted anything about his battery setup? Building one now, can always use more info about things that did or didn't work. Especially grid and generator charging.

If I spend an hour collecting articles, will you reply or do the Darwin ghosting thing?

Please let us know how this goes!

Hang on, isn't it the epitome of those imaged psy-ops campaigns? Am I missing some weird distinction?

Sadly that has about as much chance of working as responding with demographic data to "look at how dumb and illiterate southern states are."

Evidence that doesn't fit the programmed frame just goes in one ear and out the other.

I'd say sexbot manufacturers, but we all know what's going to happen to them.

The only safe bet is the ever-profitable "berating men for things done to men" industry.

Holy shit, there are so many red flags in that screed. People take this guy seriously? He's just spewing random figures in the hopes nobody checks them.

It's just an endless stream of "here's some numbers, NEW PARADIGM! insert sneer, more numbers, SYNERGY!""

Inadequately serviced demand for short-term grid stabilization is a market inefficiency and represents an opportunity for arbitrage.

And he just lathers on the sneering so he doesn't have to explain how this arbitrage scales to 100% seasonal battery storage and "10-15x overbuilding solar". It's as if SBF claimed the Japanese bitcoin arbitrage was a secret trick to dominating the world economy, rather than a rapidly exhausted pool of free money laying on the floor, like finding coins under a vending machine.

Look up the EU debate last year on declaring nuclear a "renewable" energy source for the purposes of regulation. It'll be entertaining even if it's not informative

Yeah. Mentioned last time this came up, but "fat acceptance" doesn't seem to have increased the status of "people of Walmart", just changed the explicit mockery to focus on their fashion, hair, non-designer-brand mobility scooters, etc.

Yeah, it was a reference to an old krautchan thing. Talk about dating yourself: may as well put up a "get off my lawn!" sign at this point.

On what? Fuck, did I miss hate day? That's like sleeping through Christmas.

(Seriously though I have no idea, please do a cafesplainer for us clueless boomers if you've got thoughts to share)

That battery figure is for storage watt-hrs, and can't be compared to generation capacity in watts.

California's "250 MW Gateway Energy Storage System" has exactly 250MWh of capacity, so can operate for... Exactly one hour. Compare that to a gas peaker that can produce that output indefinitely. This can be useful for frequency and voltage regulation, and help with daily wind intermittency and the solar duck curve, but it's not any kind of solution to seasonal intermittency.

That's what I was talking about before with using nameplate and lcoe figures to avoid thinking about actual operation issues.

Notice that almost all the gas shutdowns are long-delayed decommissioning in California. The north-midwest is rapidly expanding gas generation.

(The old) Letterland books and videos had even a retard like me reading newspapers before kindergarten, at the low cost of my parents' sanity. Although now I think about it my mom was pretty engaged with reinforcing the lessons.

After reading that post I'd honestly pay one of you guys to pentest dox me, because better a friend than an attacker. Hadn't realized there were so many automated tools.

Optimizing individuals for group dominance isn't the same as optimizing them for personal happiness. For the strength of the party, the ideal party members are unhappy neurotic messes with constant status insecurity and no personal relationships strong enough to cause "reactionary sentiments" on issues that affect friends and family (education, crime, etc.) Ideally in political therapy/reeducation and on plenty of drugs.

Well adjusted happy people with desires and sources of joy in their lives outside the control of the state are a weak link, and lead to embarrassing debacles like the California AA referendum.

You're telling me Finnish water parks don't stay open when it's 30 below? I'm extremely disappointed for some reason.

I've honestly never understood squirrel. They're so fiddly and the meat's not even worth a round of 22. At least rabbits have most of a meal on them. Is it mostly just bragging rights?

Have you read Miyazaki's Tigers In The Mud?

Whole thing(?) Not the best image quality I'm afraid, but enough to give you the idea. He's an absolute model tank and rifle collector who reads Nazi tank ace autobiographies. Really great stuff done in his style.

Remember that Scott was growing up in the golden age of "history's mysteries" with captain Riker and that guy from Babylon 5 who definitely wasn't saying it was aliens, but...

It's hard to remember what things were like back then without rewatching the X-Files. Atlantis was like kiddie's first cryptohistory theory for a 90's boy.

Solar is only cheaper based on naive LCOE measures, which are trumpeted everywhere for propaganda purposes. In terms of marginal price of electricity as demanded they are quite poor (and will get worse as electrification schemes progress due to winter heating and electric car charging being added to the grid, both of which are at their highest demand when solar is at its lowest supply).

No possible battery economics could support seasonal energy storage to allow Canada and the northern US to use solar for winter heating, when energy use more than triples at the same time that solar is producing less than 1/10th of its summer output.

Every argument I've seen for solar enabling bans of nuclear and fossil fuels has used the LCOE of solar as a flag to look "mathy," them collapsed into moralizing about The Climate Crisis in the hope that readers wouldn't ask for more details. They rarely do.

The reason solar makes nuclear non-viable is that it craters the price during summer afternoons, while spiking it on cold winter days. So cheap baseload energy doesn't pay, and everyone rushes to build gas peakers and even diesel banks for winter. Which is exactly what's happening everywhere.

Buy gas stock. Unless the ecos win so hard that they can just turn our lights and heating off to "balance demand", in which case go live in the woods.

I remember the "one child policy" being effective and highly celebrated by our intelligencia. Why should the "two child policy" be a worse idea than mandatory abortions, other than garnering less western support?

I find it helps to see him as a flawed man of his time from an era where many ideas we take for granted today were still unheard of.

That modern racist authors are capable of reaching far greater heights of racism means only that they stand upon his shoulders, and we owe him a great debt for paving the way for them long before the invention of tools like genetics or FBI crime statistics.

How would you categorize "NYT picks" like this? Iirc it was one of the top votes comments on the article, and that was in 2017 before the recent swing towards anti-white hostility Zach Goldberg has been documenting


It's my experience that most pride-flag flying liberals will say insane things like this when they think there'll be no pushback, because it's simply what they've been told all their lives. And mind this is about all white people, and can't be excused as just targeting "bad whites" of lower castes.

Haha this was a terrible name to pick, wasn't it.