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Then it was revealed the three bullet casings each contained a different word: one said deny, one said defend, one said depose.
Now I am wondering if he had an entire magazine of bullets with words carved on them in case he missed the first few.
Kitboga has done immense damage to India's reputation
Thanks to him, I cannot think about the word "redeem" without automatically associating it with India.
I wonder if the yelling scammer guy is aware of his own popularity.
I got 31.
When I was doing this, I realised that almost nobody is using AI to make corporate art. This makes me think things.
I empathise with you greatly. Having to live in a society that values politeness over truth does me irreparable pyschic damage on a daily basis. At my old job, I stuck headphones in and turned on loud rock music whenever the conversation strayed to politics.
Ultimately, you have to ask yourself what you personally want to get out of bringing up counterarguments. It is supremely unlikely that anyone in your circle will change their mind or even internalise your point of few past a few hours. They likely won't remember what you said, only that you disagreed and marked yourself as an outsider.
For me, it was probably Crusader Kings II.
This happened around halfway into the game's lifetime, with the Way of Life and Monks and Mystics expansions marking the transformation from a grounded feudal politics simulator into a wacky reddit screenshot generator, with a slew of event spam I had to download mods to turn off. This was further followed by expansions that expanded the map to include cultures and regions that weren't at all comparable to the european feudal system and in addition slowed the game down to a crawl.
I have barely looked at CKIII. Beyond the fact they've got to recreate and overhaul all of 2's features to make it worth my while, the game seems to be designed for people who loved horse popes and/or want to play Medieval Bridgerton. Everything else that bothered me about CK2 is still there: limited diplomacy, can't intervene between two vassals fighting especially when one of your vassals is directly related to you and countless other things.
This has happened in a few other games but CKII is where I saw it happening in real time.
A friend and I were talking about the changing attitude about the way games are made, marketed and sold to consumers by corpos. A very interesting question was asked that I'd like to repost here:
When was the first time you saw something that made you realise "I am no longer the target audience" for something you used to love? This needn't apply to games, it can be anything you took part in and enjoyed doing but no longer do due to the thing being changed beyond your power.
I was probably near 100% in favour of them until Summer 2020, when I witnessed both the prevalance of people in open spaces and a lack of rise in cases and I began to question everything I was living through. This was shortly followed by the BLM U-turns and then my faith was severely shaken. By late 2020 I was 90-10 fearing the government rather than the virus and by Jan 2021 I had turned into Patrick Bateman.
I can't remember when the U-turn on masks happened but I think that also contributed to my eventual turn. I certainly never trusted government sources after that.
I initially supported the popular response to COVID (lockdowns, school closures). I was completely and utterly wrong about this and I lament ever having had those opinions.
Grandparents also might not be available at that stage in life - by the time I had turned 18, God had succeeded in killing all my grandparents save one.
For reference, we have had only one incident that could be tied to incel ideology in the past few years. The incident itself was notable for a reason not often discussed, namely that it could have been prevented if a public servant had done their job correctly.
I think it's apparent that the existence of incels scares the shit out of centre-left/left aligned women, particularly those in the public sector. Potential threats of violence aside, the incel memeplex provides powerful competition to the worldview put forward by the predominantly liberal society, which encourages meekness, reassigns social failings concerning men to individual ones and denies their lived reality. Shutting down this memeplex and ensuring the young man conforms to the expected view (even if the young man in question refuses to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears) is of paramount importance, as the young man is only in school for about 6 hours a day but is exposed to online and offline belief systems for the rest of his time.
This suggested policy is stupid. We already have Prevent, which by itself does nothing and is a glorified list of potential terrormen that is written to but apparent never read, given that every news article I read about a lone wolf attacker he is almost always "known to authorities." I have written on this subject before, and in that time I see that absolutely nothing has changed. Educators, politicians and journalists will continue to misdiagnose the problem and suggest nonsensical solutions.
The market currently is godwaful.
When I was looking for my first job, things were good enough that you had recruiters advertising for jobs in batches. You would see things like "5x Node Developer" or "3x Python Developer" and substantially more jobs overall. You even saw junior jobs. None of that is true anymore. Jobs are much rarer across the board, almost always advertised at mid-senior or above. In the two months I've been following the market so far, I've seen about 3 junior jobs total. Granted, employers were already phasing out junior/graduate positions in favour of outsourcing or talent poaching pre covid, but recent events have expedited that massively.
Part of the cause is that, as one of few industries still permitted to operate during the Covid Response, all spending and attention went into tech, leading to a bloated sector extremely vulnerable to cutting off free money. My job was made possible only by magic investor money, the company did not make a profit for the entire time I was there. I cannot yet say whether this trend is permanent or will be better when the line go up types decide to lower interest rates. I fucking hope not. Making a computer do my bidding is the only thing I'm any good at ;_;
I do not think AI will have a substantial impact as other factors. I tried tools like Copilot back when they were first coming out. They were useful extremely intelligent, auto-completes but didn't replace the two important parts of software development: paring down what it is you need to make to a deliverable and saying no to things that aren't worth doing. I think its impact will still be noticable and people who don't integrate tools into their work will be outcompeted by people who do.
I think BC is a real person and I think his disdain of us and the values we possess is genuine, as his desire to reinstate a antiquity era moral phantasm over what we have now.
This is almost entirely* the product of the past 5-10 years of the handling by the government/media alliance of every altercation between groups perceived to be white and groups perceived to be non-white or oppressed, most notably the Manchester Arena bombing where the government was more afraid of blowback against protected communites and threats to the status quo than they were about the fact that 23 people had just been murdered by a suicide bomber.
It doesn't actually matter that the suspect doesn't yet conform to the theist boat person stereotype. What matters is that enough people do not see this person as part of their ingroup and resent the fact this person has been brought into their country either to inflate the GDP graph or serve some impossible kumbayist phantasm of human unity. It is endlessly amusing to me that many left of centre commentators and politicans are citing the return of the EDL as the cause of this. The EDL is dead and has been for about a decade at this point. To me, this unrest is more remeniscient of the protests in Ireland around migrant housing that flare up whenever one of the occupants commits a crime.
*The remaining product is the fact it was 28-30 degrees here for most of this week and quite warm in the past few weeks, when the country only really functions at around 5-20 degrees and beyond that things start to break down.
Cooperation is not necessarily a sign of slave morality - individuals in warrior cultures cooperate because it is in their best interest to do so, rather than being quasi-forced to co-operate (primarily through commiseration) by the innate seethe and cope one experiences by being at the bottom of the totem pole. Fasting and discipline may be vital one's greater interest of becoming fit and healthy. In contrast, the modern day's Body Positivity movement is a direct slave moralist reaction to this and to fitness and health in general - it seeks to denigrate the achievements of those who are fit and healthy, deny the effects of their lifestyle on their health and repurpose their lack of Will Save vs Food as an expression of personality.
It is also not the case that a culture (or indeed a person) is entirely one or the other - N said that people and cultures are usually a mix of both in some proportion.
I don't think neckbeard shaming ever really left. The terms just changed to something that could not be used to directly attack a person's appearance. Low status men were still free game.
Jo wasn't a candidate, nor was she the candidate. she was a supporter of a larger movement. No one knew who she was before she died, she didn't have a diehard group of loyalists who believe that the state itself was trying to take down their messiah. If this doesn't move the needle then it is because the centre american politics has been long drained of undecideds.
The French riot every time something happens. In Summer 2020 when the Floyd meme came to France, French policemen held their own counterprotest against accusations of brutality.
This place is the only place I have ever felt that it was worth it to discuss The News:tm:. Everywhere else is a complete dumpster fire. This was arguably always true but ever since the new decade the quality of the average internet user has decreased substantially.
The report feature on any subreddit (esp political subreddits) is often weaponised as a super downvote. I was hoping we were above that sort of thing.
I voted SDP. Though they are the literally who party, and the various minor joke parties all came ahead of them where I live, it was the only time where I've ever voted and experienced zero hesitation when putting an "x" on the ballot.
Labour's victory was invetiable, given the electorate's love of the colours red and blue. For their performance over the past 2 years, the tories won far too many seats. This is probably to be expected, given the demographic makeup of the country and the top heavy age pyramid. More worryingly is the rise of the green party and a number of Members for Gaza, who are functionally a proxy for political islamism in Britain that neither of the big two have really got a handle on.
I do not expect things to improve in meaningfully in any way, given that Labour is 99% the pensions ponzi scheme party that the tories are. I at least take solace in that Farage won his seat and that the SNP have been utterly blown out, all over their chosen star buying an illegal camper van and her replacement shitting the bed at every possible opportunity.
Stop using the report feature to say "I don't like this."
I see we are already retvrning to reddit. I suppose this was inevitable.
Some people get the doubt of a difficult upbringing, others get told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Oh no, I am fully aware that conflict theory is real and this is all motivated by an subconcious or actively concious belief that Men Bad, I just want these people to explain their logic.
Sexless men fall into the Oppressor side of the Oppressed/Oppressor dichotomy for reasons I cannot fathom. Criminals, depending upon their ethnicity or upbringing, usually receive some form sympathy along the lines of it not being their fault or that society caused them to behave as they do.
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If this passes, I hope other anglo nations follow. I despise the switch to BST, I always feel the lost hour of sleep but never feel the hour I supposedly gain back. I don't care whether Noon-Is-Noon or not, it is my heartfelt wish that the time chicanery ends.
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