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joined 2023 November 15 15:18:11 UTC


User ID: 2750



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 November 15 15:18:11 UTC


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User ID: 2750

The fact that you think Islam isn’t worth losing “too much sleep over” is akin to a blue state New Englander saying that illegal immigration has no negative consequences worth worrying about. Geography saves you from having to live with the consequences of your tolerance, which amounts to little more than a virtue signal.

Atheists have spent decades now sweating and tryharding to explain how Muslims are really no worse than Christians, when only one of those two religions is throwing gays off buildings and subjecting women to state-sanctioned torture if they get too uppity. It’s a meme at this point that the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church was considered one of the most evil men in the world while having opinions that would be considered a bit too gentle by more than half the Middle East. Whether you were or are one of those atheists, that level of disingenuous both-sidesing demands a sharp rebuke.

That depends. Have you ever made a rolling stop at a stop sign for an empty intersection?