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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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User ID: 626

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If you were going to increase the birth rate how would you do it?

Assuming I have control over / loyalty of the CIA / all the other glowies, it's pretty easy. Bribe Taylor Swift, and all the other female role models, to start having kids (make the bribe dependant on staying within a marriage for good measure), bribe a few media outlets to cover it positively, and have anyone who covers it negatively meet an unfortunate accident.

It's really hard to say if it represents the actual community, because there's some loud voices that want to make the newest ideology the only one, but I do think there's a lot of people like me, and still are, even if we're no longer the majority within the trans community. I think there's a lot more of us than you'd guess

Well, my guess was roughly what you're describing. I saw a pretty big generational difference in the trans community, and figured the more old school view is probably still strongly represented, but trended on it's way out I was wondering if an insider's view was different.

But my problem here is that this isn't a question of numbers and loudness, but one of position. Ten thousand reasonable trans women, who aren't bothering anyone, and just want to live their life, will easily be outweighed by a single Dr. Ren Massey simply by virtue of him being a doctor, and being in the position of training other doctors.

I have a bit of trouble taking someone seriously as a "trans woman" if they just want to self-identify, don't have dysphoria, and aren't even taking HRT

Well, if I understood the new approach to the issue, it's less about being trans without dysphoria and HRT, and more about taking HRT without dysphoria. The way you described it, HRT / pronouns / gender affirming care generally is something we do, because it's the best way to alleviate suffering. I'm not into causing unnecessary suffering, so I can go along with that, but the new view on this matter seems to be that there might not be any suffering involved to begin with, so this is where my patience starts to wear thin - I didn't sign up to be a part of anyone's grand project of self-expression.

most cis women I meet who identify as "non-binary" just seem unhappy with society's concept of "female", or are viewing that concept through a fairly narrow lens. All that said, if you're actually going out and getting surgery, I'm going to take you seriously.

That's interesting, because that's the opposite of my instincts. As long as it's about "roles" it's no skin off my nose, it's when doctors encourage body modification to express one's non-binariness that I'm starting to think that things are getting out of hand, and we need to put a stop to it.


This week was also pretty slow, but I'm pretty satisfied with the progress.

  • Icon for bomber wings

Nothing fancy, but it's here! Still, an important feature when deciding which ship you want to send in for the job.

  • Finishing the map AI

Last I was only able to set up a basic AI system that took the player ship "aggro" into account. However, all that meant was relative prioritisation when there was more than one player ship on the map. In the event there being only one ship (or several being grouped into a fleet), it would mean instantly drawing the attention of every single enemy on the map. The goal for this week was to make it a bit more subtle. Not wanting to implement a whole-ass sensor system, that make the player invisible to the ships further away, I opted to add a distance component to the aggro calculation, and a threshold for reacting. I also wanted to make aggro "infectious", so:

  • Ships detaching from a fleet would inherit the fleet's aggro
  • Ships joining a fleet would infect it with their aggro, if it's higher.

Killing an enemy ship now also causes an increase of aggro for all ships participating in the mission, so as you progress through the map, you will draw the attention of more and more ships. This doesn't mean much right now, as enemy ships don't join each other to form fleets yet (unless by accident), so this does not increase the difficulty of each mission. But I like how it already causes a few things to emarge from it. You can, for example bump up aggro for your fighter wing, and use it's superior speed to draw the enemy away from rescuable ships.

I made a little video to show off the mechanics, but it's been a pain in the ass to get to to a manageable size and still have it be readable. I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Goals for next week were:

  • Fix bugs introduced in this week

- Something weird happens when a friendly ship gets shot down causing a crash. - Shooting down a ship does not remove it from the list of active AIs (which is why the debug aggro information is still shown after the mission, in the video above).

Are two known ones. Hopefully there aren't any more, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  • See if there's any low-hanging fruit to make the AI more interesting.

Like I said joining into groups would be cool, as that would increase the difficulty of the mission upon encounter. I was also wondering if I should it "lore friendly". Right now, once an AI locks in it will automatically course-correct as it chases you. I was thinking of forcing it to way until it exits subspace, adding a subspace cooldown, etc. OTOH it might be too early for this right now as it would make the enemies too easy to dodge, it might work with a sensor system, and having ships be invisible while in subspace.

  • Reinforcement mechanics

I was considering having the System Map be active even in-mission, and letting the player call in reinforcements from there. The problem with that is it would imply time still flowing in the system map, which in turn would imply the possibility of parallel battles. I think I'll opt for High Fleet mechanics again, where the world-time will freeze for the duration of the battle, but ships that happen to be close enough to it can be called as reinforcements (perhaps with some distance-dependant time-cooldown).

  • More annotations / code refactoring

If I need something menial to not tire the old noggin too much, I might opt for this one instead. There's a whole bunch of stuff one can break by accessing each object's fields directly, so I want to hide them via annotations, expose some methods to change, that will guarantee everything working correctly.

That's a bit low effort and antagonistic, so even though the message is perfectly fine, the form might get you modded.

In any case I don't follow. If they converted to liberalism how does Marxism enter into it? Or are you saying their conversion was bullshit, because they were Marxist?

I thought the St Petersburg metro got started under the Tsar? If they continued to expand it while keeping it's style, I guess that should still count.

Well, I included Trump on the list, he's no Adonis either.

The basic idea behind trans ideology is that sometimes you get a person, a trans woman, who is born as a guy. Despite this, they feel a strong desire to modify their body to have breasts and a vagina. When they modify their body in this way, they become much happier - it is one of the most successful medical interventions, on that axis.

Hi! I was skipping a lot of the conversation you started, because I didn't want to contribute to the "explain yourself now, trans person" dogpile, but my ears perked up at that one.

My understanding is that this view is pretty outdated. WPATH seems to outright reject it, and to only use it cynically as a foot-in-the-door thing in countries with lower trans acceptance. They hold that it's all about "authenticity" and self-expression, and that doctor's empashis needs to be on removing barriers, and on patient autonomy. They don't even think it's about transitioning from man to woman, or the other way around, and are happily endorsing "non-binary" surgeries.

Would you say they are out of line, or is it that you're more old-school and no longer representative of the community?

Well, the twist is that the "actual" Marxism came from a lot of the people that were just described as having converted to liberalism.

For example, in response to "don't call people nigger on the public square" I would expect you to invent "offense" for the most milquetoast word describing you that was never considered a grave offense.

Oh this is interesting. After interrogating free speech to such an extent, surely you'll be able to give us a precise way of determining what is a "grave offence".

Musk reportedly banned the word "cis" on twitter despite his aura of a free speech warrior.

I see the word "cis" pop up ony feed all the time, so I have no idea what you're talking about. By contrast, progressives have argued at length how they should be able to call people "cracker" or "gusano", or invented offense at completely mundane things like the OK handsign.

Oh god, now I'm gonna have nightmares about corporate HR ladies seeing right through my poker face because they can sense my feelings as they drop prog talking points at lunch.

Every single one of the theorists at the core of the analytic Marxism movement – not just Cohen, but Philippe van Parijs, John Roemer, Allen Buchanan, and Jon Elster – as well as inheritors of the Frankfurt School like Habermas, wound up embracing some variant of the view that came to be known as “liberal egalitarianism.”

Oh, how the turn tables. Where is all that "liberal egalitarianism" now, in the era of "only white people can be racist"?

I do not mean to be purely combative,

That's ok, I was mostly being contrarian for the fun of it, though it is interesting just how far I can take stuff like I wrote above without leaning into LARPing.

Though one problem I have with the question you're asking is that the parameters aren't clear. What is "communist beauty"?

  • They do get some points in my book for preserving / restoring the beauty of the past, which is rather controversial under contemporary capitalism. Does it count? Or do we say it doesn't because someone else built it? If the latter:
  • Does any work created under communism count? They did have some bangers. Good fantasy, good scifi, some decent songs... though you might say they're just a product of their local cultures, and not exclusive to communism, and therefore they don't count, so:
  • Do only works created under communism for the glory of communism count? Because if we do that for capitalism, we're only left with Ayn Rand. I think only the religious were able to pull that one off, and they lost their mojo by the time we started getting Christian Rock.

As much as I'd like to hear from other parts of the world, this is why I'm ultimately skeptical of discussing Culture War in non-Anglo countries. Culture War commentary has to be an adversarial collaboration, with both sides being insanely plugged in, to get anywhere close to the truth. Otherwise the mainstream narrative will be able to run circles around anyone who questions it.

Well, at least we have enough of Ze Germans here that it worked out in the end...

Thats what we have now! Capitalism produced Reagan, a square jaw movie hero turned president. Communism gave us Brezhnev, Castro, Mao and Kim Il Sung, all manner of fat ugly aesthetically and behaviorally discomforting golems.

That was half a century ago. We now have Biden, Trump and Kamala.

Even communist attempts at beautiful art were mediocre shitpiles, with Soviet Realism being a pastel pastiche of the colouring of Old Masters overlaid onto garish parodies of reality.

Still better than capitalist attempts at beautiful art we are currently being served. We just had a thread about how capitalism can't even do proper pop-culture slop anymore.

Communism is UGLY and gave us brutalism, plasticised film dolls ironically more unnatural than the west, and unaccountable leaders who didn't have any physical charisma at all.

In capitalism the mere suggestion that we should have beautiful public spaces will get you purged from the party.

This does not secure one against the all too common delusion that if noble men were in charge, none of the horrible stuff would have happened.

I used to scoff at this too, but I warmed up to it somewhat. Communists have easily been in the Top 3 Most Bad Faith Groups in my experience, and while I can imagine a noble man bumbling his way into a famine, I have a harder time imagining him endorsing the early revolutionary terror.

I adjusted immediately. It's a feature I had no idea I needed, until I tried it out.

It seems to me there's a non-trivial distinction between shutting down a network to try to prevent influence and data gathering by a semi-hostile foreign government, and shutting down a network to try to silence domestic political speech.

I'm pro free speech, but the distinction seems pretty blurry. Twitter is also gathering data, for sure, and I'm pretty sure you could also portray what they're doing as "influence". I guess it all depends on your relationship to the United States.

I justify my anti-TokTok stance by it being an ADHD-inducing brainrot machine, not by any political influence it has.

As an opponent to the AfD, I thus would have liked it better if Hoecke had won 51% in Thuringia, because then he would have to deliver, and show how pushing asylum seekers to other German states would solve the manifold social, demographic and economic problems of East Germany.

If nothing else, wouldn't he at least have shiny new crime stats to show?

Because the west is still marketing itself as supporting free speech, and claiming it's different from / better than the autocrats in other parts of the world.

Though I suppose I agree that by now one shouldn't be surprised.

The balkanization of the internet will continue, and has been since before the arab spring when it became clear social media censorship / influence was a security threat to autocrats, an influence vector for the west

The Arab Spring was irrelevant, and if that's all that happened, western goverents would be more than happy to preserve the Internet in it's old form. What signed the death warrant on the Old Internet was Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. The establishment thought that their foreign and domestic enemies will forever remain behind the curve in the "marketplace of ideas", when that assumption was disproven, they opted to take the autocratic route themselves.

Overall, interesting if not surprising times.

Nah, I'm on team "nothing ever happens". AfD could break through the cordon sanitaire, and they'd just end up as the next Meloni.

I think it's the opposite, the lawyer is the one who'll have to adjust when called out because they depend on longer term trust relationships

That doesn't help when they're working for your opponent.

Funny, my reaction is the complete opposite. Getting upset at Trump's lies is like getting upset at Gillette after discovering that there, in fact, might be something better a man can get. It's the lying while telling the truth that I find insulting.

Now, you don't have to pay lip service to Trump's lies. Yet!!!

In stark contrast to lies of the establishment, which I am forced to pay lip service to.

(exactly same feel as Chrome, it's built off Chrome)

Don't sell it short! It supports vertical tabs, which Chrome does not, and has a built-in adblocker that will survive the coming manifest v3 Apocalypse.

Progressive just wasn't a word used much at the time.

It's not about the word, it's about the ideas behind it.

it's not that modern progressives are claiming some past non-progressive ideology as their own,

Yes it is. Every single time, when someone complains about the new Star Trek departing from it's original ideals, a modern progressive jumps in to claim the old Star Trek as well, and thus invalidate all complaints about the new one.