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User ID: 1919

I sometimes wonder if the media had been a lot nicer to Jeb Bush, if Donald Trump would never have gained the attention and momentum to win the primary. But Trump caught on with so many voters unhappy with the system and the media. But I don't think other Republican primary candidate wins the 2016 election, tough to forsee some other candidate with populist tendencies appearing 2020, 2024, but seeing Trump's success I wonder what would have filled the vacuum.
My guess is that DOGE went after the just because its easy to cancel.
Given what you describe it sounds like you have options still. If the Federal gov won't fund you, then I would contact other places that might generate grants and are affected by wildfires, like the state of California or Canada, if your research is as helpful they would be interested.
Alternatively you'll need to bet on yourself. You can take out gov subsidized loans up to $20.5k a year, and live like your poor (roommates, donate plasma, meal prep every meal).
Even with a fellowship that probably excludes other employment, your graduate director knows this only makes sense under the old paradigm, and I think you could get a secondary employment as long as it doesn't interfere with your grad TA work and you don't advertise the fact.
Some people never have tuition reimbursement, and make it work. Life is often profoundly unfair, and one of the great lessons thats can be learned in grad school is transiting to an adult member of society.
One distinction: homosexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM) are different terms. As far as I know, the blood donation screening questions have always been activity based, maybe very early understanding and terminology was fuzzy (GIRDS). So claims of discrimination against homosexual men are conflating terms and missing the epidemiological reason of the bans. On current blood donations, the organization I donate with asks about 'new sexual partners in the last # month', STI questions, if you have ever tested positive for HIV or taken HIV prevention medication. Questions which maybe more finely target the MSM population they want to exclude.
One time when I was donating blood an old-time volunteer about how at one point blood donation was a free HIV test, so some men would donate and then call later and ask the red cross not to use their blood.
The main strategic advantage is that those areas aren't Russian or Chinese bases. The pacific territories I think also help with power projection into the Pacific Ocean.
The same reasoning I think is behind the Greenland talk. Where Greenland sits is too strategic if the arctic becomes a widely used shipping corridor. Even if Denmark keeps it but more seriously considers its defense to me that is also a win. A parallel to me is when Iceland was occupied by the British and then Canadians and Americans, to make sure the Germans didn't occupy it.
Tim Dillon best hits in my opinion: the corporate steak house rant, 'best podcaster in the world', 'leaving austin', describing 'big mike' to Joe Rogan, the unaired TBS tournament of laughs material, his rant on gin martinis.
Sorry, but as a grad school STEM student you're already eminently employable, it sucks to possibly be the cohort when the music stops (I do not think that will happen here) but the government isn't obligated to dump money in it. As someone who went through grad school unfunded, the whole system is quite unequal, but I saw funded people fail to complete their degrees and still do very well with ABD. I know the argument is that the funding gets people (including smart foreigners who will continue to work in the US after graduation) lucrative employment in the US and they will contribute to the 'scientific powerhouse' as you call it, but given how little people's coursework is often used in their later careers, and how an advanced degree just felt more of slog of mortgaging my youth for money later, I think we should look into this credentialism fueled education cost-inflation run amok and ask if there is a better way.
A lot of it too I think is parents pressuring children to beget children. More so in the past, a larger family is stronger than a smaller number of family members. So while dalliances of the same-sex variety aren't extremely persecuted you still want your homosexual offspring to marry an opposite biological sex to make the family stronger.
I'm not completely sure on this point, but with same-sex marriage inheritances can fall out of the family easier with the spouse as an heir, something that could occur with opposite-sex marriages but those also have the chance of biological offspring.
I've often thought while Mark Zuckerberg founded and owns facebook, someone with actual business experience should have been the one running it the whole time. Zuck would have had his martial arts phase a decade earlier, and maybe Cambridge Analytica might not have happened. Having the emotional intelligence of a lizard, might have helped at the start but lately its seems he lacks the ambitious and focus necessary to have really made the company soar; to me he's obviously a weather-vane shifting with political winds. The company to me, is essentially an advertising agency selling market research which wasted its immense money and enthusiasm in its early days on trying to become something like Google, but In my opinion with aimless inexperience and really nothing to show for their wastefulness. If most your profits are from advertising to boomers, what innovation is really necessary or possible? They'll probably stay relevant, QVC is till kicking, but I count them out of tech in my book. Of course I might be wrong, Microsoft has pulled ahead with this AI when previously Google seemed the true tech innovator so who knows.
One thing I realized in reflection is when Caesar Catalina can stop time, he's a stand in for the director. So the love story between Catalina and Julia, released in the same year Francis Ford Coppola's wife passed away, and she also has the film dedicated to her, I think can help explain some of the disjointed story.
Another thought, the tone of Megapolis feels like an old-school studio made epic picture. Big name cast (Lawrence Fishburne, Jason Schwartzman, Dustin Hoffman are in total background roles) big name director, very lofty original storyline. But it is a self-produced feature, studios refused to make it (and how much money it lost seems they were right). My thought is there is less of an appetite for studios for original epics, so movie like Megapolis will never be made in the future. Hence we are stuck with reboots rehashes rather than wholly new.
I think merely by paying this at any sort of attention at all you are creating the market for this material.
Happy St. Nicholas (the bishop of Myra) Day all!
A correction to point out, Nicholas II certainly has no legitimate living descendants, the communists killed all his family and the remains for all children were identified in and around the mine shaft (Anastasia's spurious survival is disproven). Current pretenders I think are descendants of Alexander III (father of Nicholas II) or Nicholas I (grandfather of Nicholas II).
I had a professor (native Russian teaching Political Science at a US university) who said that Jefferey Sachs deserved to be crucified in Russia for what he did with advising shock therapy. He also said the Russian leadership shared some blame for believing his policies.
Breaking up with someone who hates who you are seems net-positive for both parties to me. I had a friend who dated a girl who cried over a beer-pong game very early in the relationship. She was overly emotional was anxious all the time. To me all disqualifiers to long-term relationship material. But I think my friend thought she would improve, she was best he could get at the time, could fix her (who knows!). But they wasted each others' time dating for several fraught years, where I think they each wanted the other to be someone they weren't, or couldn't be. Now years after the break-up now are both doing much better by all appearances by being with other people much better suited to both of them.
Be prepared for a lame answer, I just have a really positive outlook on life in general, I dont think I'd pay for or opt for any unusual life extension. The last person born in the 1800s died in 2017
My goal is to live long enough to see three centuries. Beyond that all my money and assets is split between my parents, in the likely event I outlive my parents will change it to my siblings or their children. Funeral-wise my only requirement is a Catholic funeral, if I anticipate having a lot of extra cash, will give money to the presiding priest, servers, pallbarers, and pay for the meal afterwards.
Korolev's also had the benefits of state resources, sharashkas and priority in a state planned economy go a a long way.
Paul Dano as the character I thought was good casting,
Also love the novel.
Let us know how Irkutsk is. I think most non-Russians have only heard of it from the Risk board.
Not so much a rant against your post, but something I've wanted to say. I'll say its different, because it is different. When I was in grad school I remember one of my colleagues said the same thing, no difference between gay marriage and marriage between a man a woman. I wanted to slap her across her face. Such unthinking ally bullshit. To see that a regular marriage can have a physical manifestation of their love that binds them, a child, and her say that my hypothetical marriage between two men would lose nothing by not having any such possibility of that was such an insulting level non-thinking, and really missing the whole point. If my uncle had wheels he'd be a bike.
I liked it, but it does have some significant problems. It succeeds as spectacle but not as a narrative. I want more film-makers to take chances like this, but also this wasn't a masterpiece.
I did see Megalopolis! Its a self-produced, self financed movie by Francis Ford Coppola! There are some superficial culture war elements that are mapped onto this neo-Roman America (
The final dedication at the end of the film, and I think cinema-insiders fears of the future of movie production are why this movie was made now.
I assume non-citizens would hypothetically serve non-combat roles, if there was a need for draft probably would need a lot of ditch diggers.
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I think an alternative candidate still gets hammered by negative press, the media paints Obama as a huge positive, and the GOP candidate still plays by pre-Trump rules and cannot overcome those effects.
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