@AhhhTheFrench's banner p
BANNED USER: last straw


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users  
joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: last straw


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Banned by: @Amadan

Well this is some crazy shit. Why do you believe in a make pretend fantasy to start with?

  • -25

Nope, they "find" your ancestors for you. That is what you pay for. Mr. Chippy fry hidden post history 3 posts person.

Dude, 24 is a fine age to start over. Have you tried being an impractical romantic? If you see every relationship as transactional people can sense that and you'll never have a good time. Life isn't about what you can get from people, it is about what you can give. If what you're doing isn't working, try doing the opposite.

There are a ton of websites like this, https://moccialegal.com/ They have contacts in the communes that will find "your italian heritage" and get the paperwork started. It can take up to a year to go through the process. If you actually have Italian heritage you can do it yourself in about 2 years or so or pay someone about 5k. Many firms only collect from you if you get citizenship so it can be a risk free proposition for you (another reason why everyone gets in) https://www.italiandualcitizenship.net/money-back-guarantee/

You can already pay a firm to find your "italian ancestors" about 10k to become a dual citizen.

Yeah we have free travel of goods and people in the USA, banning a guns in chicago etc...was never ever going to work.

You're in rare form today hydro, no modern human needs to worry about 'rabbit starvation', plus you can just eat the brains, everyone knows. Mal de caribou... it isn't just rabbits, you need to eat some organs if you're not eating fruit and veg. Get with the times! the last person to die of rabbit starvation was probably born in 1800.

Wait what? Every abortion ban country has a ton of related deaths. What are you on about?

My point was you won't always have the most sympathetic or logical subject to prove your policy goal. You just take what you've got and run with it. Blocking abortions does indeed kill mothers, even if it didn't in this case.

I mean you can look up the stats yourself. Murder and suicide rates in any country banning guns with the same or close GDP of the USA are a tiny fraction of what ours are. Do I think the tradeoff is worth it? Yes. But it is still there and obvious. Are you really linking me to a comment recommending only your opponents be disarmed? Come on man.

I'm a 2A guy but stabbings are a stupid example, you can stab a few folks that might die or shoot like 200 that will die in the same amount of time. America would be much "safer" if we yanked every gun. (It would mostly stop suicides and gang bangers, but statistically "safer") A better example is that we still have 1A while most of the world does not.

What is OLD? Also, who can't eat in front of people? Huge red flag to start. Who wants to go to church as a date? Red flag for both of you. Why drive all over the place for a date with someone that won't eat food. Red flag for you. So 3 Red flags on this whole thing.

Sexual mores are byproducts of evolutionary kinship knowledge creation and gene propagation. Without being hijacked by culture or religion you should be negative on casual sex for your mate and positive for yourself. You have been deeply hijacked if I recall correctly.

You don't have access to the こんにちは、尊敬するお客様、どうぞ中に捨ててください。Auto Shower 3000? A kid every 10 months or your yen is refunded.

This makes me far less anti-anti_dan. What a well reasoned comment. The quadruple think required for all of this can be reduced down and you have done so. Please continue.

A bit of both I am sure. But damn, some folks need to eat some red meat and bust a nut, or get on Test.


Should the tip of the spear of the hard right be lead by sexless online incels?

It might not be the perfect case, but maybe black people shouldn't have ride in the back of the bus.

  • -15

Right, but you're at least going to jerk off in the shower right? Like sheesh. I am typical minding it again, I know. But really I've been scolded enough times by people saying we are only here to have kids. How do they think that happens and why do they think humans want or need sex? You can't have it both ways.

I mean you can technically go without a lot of things. You don't need food 3 times a day, or water. But life is much better if you get those. Jerking off daily is also not odd, why would it be uncomfortable? Why not enjoy all life has to offer, we're only here for a short time and then back to nothing.

Yah might be a mutant. I require sex at least once a week and usually much more. Have you been checked for low T?

Also, why do you want people to suffer for things? Isn't having things come easy a great joy?

Well as the right is so often doing, they are 'directionally correct', abortion bans do cost the lives of mothers the world over.

I've dug ditches and worked in finance. This isn't the issue. Credentialism isn't what is stopping diggers from working fake email jobs.

Did someone really say that to your face?

No it doesn't, unless your super religious. Most people don't give it a second thought.

Ah...Well. I'll take you at your word. But it doesn't take much - one miss on vacation, or a few forgotten, or another medication etc..My wife takes them on time every time and if she forgets we take a few days off. Again, I don't know of anyone having a kid on accident in our circle, and if odds were really 1% with perfect use and 10% real world there would be a few.