You can always reintroduce the fat via a good dip. Mayo mixed with literally anything is a great time for fries.
Buy those cheap frozen surimi crabsticks, and spool them out. Unroll them into a single sheet, then tear apart into 1/4 to 1/3 inch strips.
Take the entire mass of gloopy reconstituted fish, throw in about 1 tablespoon of oil per 4 sticks used, and just toss it till its all evenly ish coated.
Air fry at about 350F for about 12-20 minutes, opening the basket every 3-4 minutes to toss the mass around and keep it from sticking together.
You'll end up with crabstick chips. Toss them with a final splash of oil while hot, then add on any seasoning mix, sans salt. Garlic powder and pepper work great.
Just tossing the crabsticks in whole or rough chopped also works, just that it becomes more like a dumpling-ish appetizer than an addictive tv snack.
Nixons silent majority, and Clintons Sister Souljah could only have come about because of progressive overreach. Turns out Weathermen college kids did not have a large corpus of auto workers eager to join the cause of socialism, and whites were not willing to lie down and die to sate black bloodlust.
It is telling that progressivism has reverted to black issues once again despite decades of demographic progression. ADOS remain an intractable feature of US cultural dissonance, and the (bad) intellectual arguments used to externalize self responsibility for their poor state has been more deftly coopted by intellectual superiors such as sexual paraphiliacs, islamists and Indians.As more are included in the umbrella of 'other people are responsible for why we are so shit', the umbrella shields less and less. Eventually everyone just loses, and the next phase of wokeness might be the scramble to see who gets to remain under the remnants of this intellectual umbrella.
Broadly the biggest issue with wokeness is the introduction of thought terminating cliches that only require self-invocation to exercise, as opposed to collective consensus. Terms have been assigned significant valence without need for review, and at peak wokeness it was necessary to grovel in advance at the mere prospect of a new term being theoretically introduced at an unspecified future date, leading to pre-emptive self-abasement and outgroup preference signalling to convey ideological purity. The keystone logic allowing this subversion of logical order is the attribution of all disparate outcomes to external factors, placing the burden of responsibility on others who are presumed able to exercise power. This incentivizes weakening of self to force others to exercise their power and resources for yourself, and this is the defining presentation of wokeness.
Wokeness required coopting existing high-valence terms and applying it without necessary scrutiny. Genocide is thrown about casually by wokists because genocide is understood to be a Bad Thing. But what if there is no actual genocide? Then just change definitions! Trans genocide is because trans people commit suicide at higher rates, and the lack of trans health care is what causes suicides, so trans health care MUST be mandated to prevent genocide. To effect this, suicide must be redefined as solely due to the trans experience or lack thereof instead of considering other psychological or temporal events, health care must be expanded to include puberty blockers for minors so as to prevent even the possibility of suicide, and trans people must now encompass the entirety of nonconforming presentations so as to ensure everything gets redirected to trans advocacy instead of considering crossdressers or tomboys or autogynephiliacs. With social justice language employing the progressive stack to artificially inflate the moral value of the disempowered, it was inevitable that actors would seek to performatively disempower themselves to exploit the social meta.
Accepting this unreality was acceptable only when indulging it had manageable consequences. ZIRP facilitates economic unaccountability, allowing all manner of sinecure and commisars to be present because scalping a few sacrifices was preferable to having mass revolts from employees more scared of peer social sanction. But as economic and social reality ground its way back to the forefront, it became impossible to continue hiding behind social justice language. Crime is real, even when committed by blacks. Mass child rape of white girls by muslims did happen, despite frenzied attempts to abuse statistics. Migrants did surge over the US border, bringing crime instead of good vibes. Transwomen are actually stronger than natal women, because men are THAT much stronger and transwomen being 30% weaker than men matters little when men are 70% stronger than women. DEI hiring did not increase corporate bottom lines and instead brought increased dysfunction. And with each turning of realities screws, it became more and more difficult for wokeness to assert the value of its foundational presentation. Given the speed of the vibe shift, it just transpired that the screws were much shallower than even skeptics may have dared realize.
It lifted its own geofencing and is pulling in restriction data from a FAA API to populate US specific geofences. DJI used to just utilize NOTAM universal warning zones as first point of contact, but various ATCs around the world kept putting in requests for temporary geofences for special events that DJI just ended up witb different APIs to submit. Not sure what the latest firmware is like, but I hear its made things massively easier for a country to issue geofencing restrictions without any users, even DJI, knowing why.
Honestly, as a third worlder, I find these intellectuals to be disingenuous blowhards. Railing against the first world is easy, because there are sympathizers in the first world eager to take up any cause that undermines proximate enemies. Railing against their own elites is harder because of the obvious risk of bodily harm but also because the intellectuals want to be the elite and thus want to preserve the system for themselves to take over. The first world being heckled isn't even the same first world enabling the third world elites to stay in power; Shell pays off Bruneian royals to have first rights to extract resources, and both the Shell executives and Bruneian royals buy property in High Street with their share of the loot.
The other group that I find to be disingenuous blowhards are the first world anticorruption campaigners. Moralizing from afar is especially tedious for a recipient to hear, and the anticorruption westerners are usually the most clueless and sanctimonious dickheads to ever lecture us. We don't really like corruption here already, but some bespectacled nerdy woman lecturing us makes us reflexively band up to our kin. Better my neighbor reap the rewards than some NGO pretending to be useful.
Sorry, I missed something. Why is MoR associated with SSC? I vaguely know something about LessWrong being the 'less racist' offshoot of the SSC culture war discussions, and Yudowsky is associated with LessWrong for (reasons???), but I don't know how that leads into MoR being a culture war flashpoint or even signpost.
Not quite a tangent, if you think about it. The language of 'exploitation' is employed by failing nations to externalize their own responsibility for failure onto other countries that are willing to accept said responsibility, whether or not said country actually did anything. Bangladeshi intellectual employs the language of colonialism to blame English self-flagellants for their current woes, even though it is Pakistanis who engaged in * actual * genocide. Pakistanis are both too poor to be bilked for sympathy, and also more likely to declare that the job should be finished than issue even a cursory apology. By contrast local activists in the UK or US are eager to take up the Bangladeshi cause to castigate their proximate opponents.
Similarly, Nigerian or Congolese or Saudi governments engage in direct transactions with foreign entities to let their own economies and resources be exploited. Oil or minerals buried underground have no worth if they are not extracted, and waiting 50 years to MAYBE develop the necessary industry and intellectual capability to exploit said resources is itself a threat when neighboring countries would immediately attack if the land owners are too weak to protect themselves, like Guiana.
Most of third world exploitation by first world powers is not done by the first world, but by the rules or local power brokers who sell out their own people. The khaleeji nobility reap all the profits of their oil resources and spend said profits in Europe. Meanwhile South Korean chaebols who let their people be low wage factory slaves were strongarmed into domestic reinvestment for industrial development. Whenever a country cries against the evils of colonialism, it is useful to ask where the monies received in exchange for selling out their people actually went.
Palestinians played the game badly, but they are a useful player for antiwest types to cheerlead, and thats where the Palestinian momentum comes from. Jews have been a lousy cause to advance, because they are actually winning. They achieve on their own merit, so there is no glory to share. By contrast the Palestinians, should they win and kill every Jew, will OBVIOUSLY credit the brave warriors of the Columbia BDS executive committee for achieving such a great victory, letting these children bask in the glow of their participation trophy.
This is similar to the US in Iraq/Afghanistan. Our error was in being too concerned with casualties, when in war they often are the point.
Casualties, and humiliation. The failure of Afghanistan for the US was in trying a consultative approach, putting in local leaders who would exercise the necessary political authority to stabilize the violent tribes while staying their hand in conducting pogroms and massacres. The peace of the Taliban was an imposed one by the rifle, just as the peace of Timur was one of the sword and the peace of Shah (can't remember which one) was imposed by the Raj. Humiliation and subjugation destroys the root of a poisonous tree, and while the soil will grow another cursed plant later on, it will have to take a new form and promises at least a generation of brittle peace as it grows.
Israels peace with Jordan, Syria and Egypt would have failed were it not for their own internal coups. Israel may not have flown the star of david over Cairo, Damascus or Amman, but their internal rebels did, and that is itself enough to incentivize peace while buying time to deal with internal struggles. Israels light touch is not what rewarded it with peace, the incompetence of its enemies is what gives Israel each of its future days.
Under the Ottoman rule peace was enforced via subjugation. The Muslims were content to let the Jews and Christians live so long as the Muslims remained supreme.
but good luck advocating this murderous and hateful belief to the rest of the world.
The Arabs are right now celebrating their victory over the Jew and promising endless Oct 7, and immediately after Oct 7 we had the NY DSA and elite universities rush to celebrate the slaughter, complete with swastika signs and giddy promises for more slaughter. You are free to castigate those supporting the moral position of an Israeli state exercising the right to defend itself, but your own moral position is shared by loathsome belligerents that would rape murder and flay you apart, in that order only if you're lucky.
Roma Imperiale, not Melonis rump. There are better things to do with thet.
Doctors and engineers are a valued commodity, so the trick is to redefine every military aged male who declared their intent to be an aspiring rapper. From aspiring rapper to charity case thinking about turning his life around, this refugee will surely accrue positive value for Sweden in n=ERROR years.
Jordan and Egypt at war with Israel is a massive loss for those 2 countries. The inertia of peace keeps them from rattling the sabres to sate domestic bloodlust. Being in a belligerent state makes obvious the precarity of their domestic military and economic capabilities, exposing the regime to internal threats that are much more willing and capable of stringing the existing leaders up from lampposts. Its better for Sisi and Hussein to shrug their shoulders and say 'the US is forcing this peace on us' than to actually mobilize and expose how weak they really are.
The ones who signed the treaty are not the ones who wield the knife to stab the Israelis in the back later. Arafat signing the Camp David accords would have seen him deposed in an internal Fatah struggle, much less any Hamas action later on. Hamas signs the ceasefire now because all the other Gaza militants are similarly degraded, leaving Hamas relatively strong.
Also, they are pretty stupid. My characterization of 'playing the game right' is more a reflection of their maximalist strategy having unexpected payoffs, not that they received their expected payoffs. The expected Hamas payoff for launching the Oct 7 attack was to prove the IDF incapable and spark a regional war that would crush Israel in a tidal wave of West Bank and Hezbollah militants, or failing that to sit back and eat a campaign of retaliatory airstrikes that leave Hamas intact underground. That payoff did not happen, but the new allies of Hamas - western activists cosplaying as revolutionaries to attack proximate enemies - were happy to take up the Hamas cause for themselves, giving a payoff where one failed earlier. Even if there were no actual payoffs, Hamas and its supporters are perfectly capable of scribbling in their own reality to their internal stakeholders who are themselves predisposed towards conspiracism and matyrdom.
Wikipedia is particularly captured. Source pollution and semantic abuse have allowed pro-Palestinians to cite dubious sources as fact instead of opinion. The page you cite already stares Oct 7 is a tactical Hamas victory, and on its Oct & attack page it cites a Haaretz article for the IDF being responsible for killing its own people oer the Hannibal Doctrine, conveniently locking the Haaretz article behind a paywall.
There is endless denial by Palestinian supporters that there was any crime committed by Hamas, and that if Hamas did do it then that it was glorious and the Jews deserved it anyways. Bafflingly the most prominent apologists are privileged western (including Israeli* like Haaretz journalists who write for leftist publications such as Vox or Jacobin) activists who do all the intellectual laundering to sanewash Palestinian objectives. A cursory glance of what the Palestinians themselves say they want - mass extermination of Israelis as per the Hamas charter, repeats of Oct 7 as often as possible - is ignored in favor of paeans to theoretical harmony that would exist the moment Israel lays down its arms. This utopianism flies in the face of reality for a theoretical unified Palestinian state, for the Palestinians have been engaged in Fatah-Hamas civil wars since... pretty much the beginning of the PLO.
A charitable interpretation is that underdog support blinds pro-Palestinians to the genocidal intent stated by the Palestinians themselves, using evolving language of 'trauma' to whitewash such language as temporary maledictions brought about by (maximally traumatizing) ongoing Israeli actions. Such an interpretation required willful self deception regarding what the Palestinians themselves openly celebrate and have done to great glee.
I mean the bigger deal is that Journalist is now a protected class on the same order of Doctors, Clergy and Messengers. It is definitely just a coincidence that the moral case for this class upgrade was promulgated by journalists themselves.
Its the same as Women and Children. Given the footage of fi refights, it seems that Gaza has speedrun progressivism by allowing gender conversions for its fighters, and even age conversion for its grown men to suddenly be 'children'.
Is this a Nixon Goes To China moment? Hamas/Qatar thinks they could extract more from vulnerable Democrats, but Trump will order the Sixth to just slave all munitions to Israeli fire control and at least give some kill marks to the US. If Trump is known to be maximally unsympathetic, then rushing a sellable victory is more important than holding out for Harris breaking with the Israelis.
After all, Israel has in the last year shown that it is not a country that you want to fuck with if you have the typical second/third world minor country type of corrupt, ineffective, and technologically/organizationally relatively primitive military.
I wish this were true. Military leaders may recognize that their corrupt inept armies cannot take on Israel at all, but there are plenty of stupid jihadis on their private telegrams who celebrate having defeated Israel comprehensively in every engagement. In these telegrams and social media the Israelis have retreated in shame from every battle, having lost thousands of soldiers who spontaneously disapparate to spare the jews the shame of having dead soldiers paraded before the victorious Palestinians. Palestinians keep crowing about their indomitable will and ingenuity coming up with novel solutions to defeat the Israelis and western sympathists are eager to signal boost the victories of the underdog because victory=moral support. In this information environment, the Palestinians do not think they have lost anything. So long as a single Palestinian is alive, the Jew is defeated, and the Jew being defeated means the Palestinians have won every battle. The logical order does not follow, but Palestinians and their supporters are uninterested in using logic, much less understanding it.
The only difference is that the Jews finally managed to organize into a cohesive unit as opposed to a billion squabbling factions and their enemies have somehow gotten even stupider than they were in the past. The only smart thing Israels enemies did was cut loose the most worthless dead weight. Jordan and Egypt both refusing to return to the 1966 borders where West Bank and Gaza were not under Israeli occupation is the singular political masterstroke that has made all their military defeats worth it.
Turn the other cheek when there is a promise of heavenly rewards. In real life continued cooperation in the face of defection just makes you a chump ripe for the taking.
The Palestinians have played the game right. Continued defection when cooperation is externally imposed by greater powers, promising violence in arabic and pleading innocence in english, lying to internal stakeholders to keep momentum going.
There are plenty of well meaning Israelis who believed that defense is itself an aggressive proposition, that opening their homes and businesses to Gazans would foster cooperation and love. Those people set up open air festivals and farming villages next to Gaza to facilitate such endeavors. For their efforts they were slaughtered and raped on livestream, to the cheering delight of the very Gazans they tried to help.
Did they stay home instead of voting? And were they in significant enough numbers to move the needle were they to turn out? I have very lefty friends telling me that supporting Gaza would have won Harris Michigan and North Carolina (I don't understand this one) for (((reasons -ok jew hate))), and that defund the police backlash will blow over once the social programs start driving down crime, winning over Pennsylvania and Geoegia. In their view this would have given her the popular vote by increasing turnout across the blue strongholds, and flipped the key battleground states. This seems too deep in the woods for me as an external observer, but at the very least it seems that my lefty pals have retreated deeper into their shaky mottes, even as more normies are ok talking openly about how theres too many ugly dudes in dresses talking shit about kids.
Harris lost 15m biden voters because she was too cosy with Cheneys? Is this the 'democrats weren't woke enough, so their supporters stayed home' argument? Democrats needed to be more woke, promise more DEI positions, legally enshrine black representation, force a ceasefire on Israel (but not Hamas). If the dems did that, then the army of disappointed minority socialists would feel welcome in the now sufficiently progressive democrats?
Sounds just like the DSA meetings I attended in college. Rooms full of white (literal) autists and their racial adjacents (asian autists, latino autists, tranny autists, black autists, white progressives) theorycrafting about the hidden socialists eager for the revolution. In your neck of deep blue county are there people of working class values there, or is it primarily class aspirants?
So perhaps someone can answer: are they TRULY captured, true believers in the cause, or are they engaged in a social signalling game, everyone hiding their power level in public for fear of social sanction.
My till-recent theory of mind is particularly uncharitable: young men pretend to be progressive to impress young women. Yet I have met single young graduate men who, unprompted, stated their commitment to inclusive work practices at business meetings. Like they say it before the beginning of their presentation decks which will feature some black woman in a hard hat all the time, even though their solutions are pure leetcode deskbound shit. Its like true believers reciting the shahada. What gives?
Instructions unclear, whole air fryer is filled with lard now.
Unironically thats another great snack. Get pork fat - like the actual solid cleaned caul fat from the butcher, not spreadable lard - wet then dry render as much oil out of the fat. Then take the remaining fat, which should still be inconsistently squishy because of some fat cells that would not have ruptured while cooking, and air fry at around 320f to 350f. The remaining oil will be expelled from the fat, leaving crispy tastiness behind.
You can then take the expelled oil and rub veg in it to not waste it. And airfry it. Mmm tasty.
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