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joined 2024 April 09 13:28:25 UTC


User ID: 2982



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User ID: 2982

Heart Attack Grill is a medicare psyop to discount the NPV of future payouts. Insurance companies should go full throttle on this: if youre covered and expected to be a significantly negative coverage incident, you should be offered the choice of premiummaxxing or a hyperindulgence event. Die now, get the a discount of the expected value of your future insurance payouts given as a cash dividend so your loved ones enjoy that bet.

Monkeypox was where it became obvious gay men were just uninterested in restraining themselves. Just wrap it up became akin to genocide by gay activists claiming discrimination, then immediately after that there was endless concerns about how gay men were being unfairly stigmatized for spreading monkeypox. Of course they should be stigmatized! They were barebacking against medical directive, complaining about being discriminated against and then demanding the external public make restitution foe the hurt feelings. Its pure moral hazard combined with crybullying to externalize responsibility and liability.

The narrative of the 90s were that gay kids were just normal people that happened to like the same gender. Sometime in the 2010s this got morphed into gays being a protected class, and now the chemsex degenerates have decided to lump their irresponsibility under the ambit of kink. If NAMBLA wasn't annihilated in the 80s it would be the vanguard of pedophilia, and it would be homophobic to not let them cavort with our children.

The funniest aspect of all this is the slowly growing realization among the Brahmins -actual subcontinental Brahmins, not just crunchy lefties - that being imported en masse to the USA by visa abuse does not mean acceptance of their presence. The Brahmins have thought themselves so smart, speaking ill of other minorities while sucking up to the majority race, and at the same time turning around to call the majority race idiots who need the guidance of the Brahmins. Turns out its not that the Brahmins needed better shudras to improve their loka, its that the Brahmins weren't entitled to prosperity to begin with.

AMERICA has not proven trustworthy? Gazans waited one negative second before starting the Hamas Fatah civil war, where gazans cheered gleefully as Fatah (and Hamas) members were thrown off rooftops and shot in the streets. Israel tried a Singapore On The Med model with the gilded cage for Gaza following the 2005 pullout. All that happened was the Gazans tore down the infrastructure left behind for them, deliberately impoverished themselves to demand greater aid from externals, and plotted to slaughter the few jews who sought to help them by providing employment. If Hamas rolled through and said 'we are going to Tel Aviv to execute Netanyahu' half the Israelis might have closed the highways for Hamas. Instead Hamas wanted roads paved with blood.

Gaza is Hamas, Hamas is Gaza. A good deal is them ruling over a pile of dead enemies, even as the list of enemies grows ever longer and stronger with each passing day. Left to their own devices the BEST case scenario for Gaza is authoritarian strongman rule by a western ally who had the funds and thr institutional backing to keep dissident elements in check. Left to their own devices and Gaza will implode like Yemen, with the only question being how many neighbors it tries to take out before fizzling out.

Didnt /r/drama go kind of nuts in 2014? I used to love that place as a lolcow farm that dunked on screeching libs but it went through several cultural changes and purges that its become just a meaner version of leftist subreddits now. Still a bit funny, but more monotonous

All I fucking see from people who voted for and supported Trump is euphoric glee that he's doing exactly what he said he would do. After being lied to and lead along by controlled opposition our entire lifetimes, and maybe the entire lifetimes of our parents too, a guy is actually making good on all the promises he, and the Republican party broadly, has made for decades

Personally I think this speaks to the larger conceit among liberals when it comes to their Message: Liberals are automatically right, and everyone who does not heed the wisdom of our words is just too stupid to understand what we are saying so we need to say it louder.

At no point in all this political discussion have I seen liberals consider that maybe their words have been heard and understood and have been found wanting. That the foundational reality the liberals aim at creating is not one that people want to live in, and that the path to get to that reality is even more broken than the end result. A nanny state run by Sorkins fantasy West Wing archetypes is great to a liberal, but when I watch that show I see careerist egoists unable to resist sticking their grubby fingers in everything they don't even have the interest to understand.

If the CIA was competent enough it'd set up its own network of shell companies or charities to just continue the work of infiltrating nations and cultivating domestic assets. Funneling everything through USAID or some other US centric organization just seems like a forced sharing of the feeding trough with other pigs that exist just to be the first up for slaughter when the butchering season begins. Actually once I say it that way it makes sense that the CIA would have a vast number of friendly organizations embedded in the bureaucracy that would be first on the chopping block. Being the biggest baddest hog in the swamp is a survival strategy, but so is being one step faster than the clueless pigs feasting next ro you.

I really wish to ask when the vetting process failed such that the vetters were these ideologues to begin with. Is it just that everyone with capability and independent thought left the US civil service because it is a bloated swamp that neither rewards financially or emotionally unless one has the specific temperament? Like I've dealt with other civil services before, and petty power politics and paper pushing bureaucratics protecting their iron rice bowls are common, but never have I encountered a bureaucrat whose mission is to destroy the nation they say they serve. Every functionary will claim that they are True American Patriots, but only the barest gust of wind is necessary to uncover the reality that they wish to create a New America that is in their preferred image instead of preserving an old or existing version of America. At least the corrupt bureaucrats here in Southeast Asia don't pretend to have the interests of the state at heart when they suggestively indicate which midget bar has the most discrete hostesses.

I keep telling all my Israeli buddies that they should just Migrant Fleet around the world for 2 years. Bury Jerusalem in a giant gelatinous cube to preserve it, then fuck off on a 2 year booze cruise (after buying shares in Carnival Cruise of course). They can return to the holy land thoroughly depopulated after the Arabs have killed each other endlessly to claim the spoils, and its not like the land itself there was worth that much to begin with.

Identifying and removing bad performers would be ok if its only white men who get affected. When it turns out, inevitably, that the performance distribution is heterogenous in the opposite direction of liberal platitudes, then a straightforward 'cut the deadwood' turns into 'racist federal employment fires blacks and trans workers'. We are at least approaching the point where this concern is less important than 'social cohesion' because even with these sinecures in place there is little social cohesion, so how much worse can things get.

One thing liberals are very good at is definitional warfare and data abuse. Redefine genocide to include cultural appropriation, racism to include every instance of disparate outcome by subconscious bigotry, poverty to include not having an apartment in a T1 city. Include low-crime Nigerians Chinese and Indians in the denominator of 'migrants' to make it seem like deporting Salvadoreans and Guatamalans is increasing the net crime rate of USA, include sexting into the definition of child sexual abuse so that White British remain the greatest numerator of child sexual abuse perpetuators so as to hide the dominance of Pakistanis committing group anal rape, exclude Asians and now Latinos from the definition of Minority to keep claiming that systemic racism is still a Thing.

By changing the presentation of reality the liberals keep justifying why even MORE help must be given for their interpretation, as opposed to what you see with your own lying eyes. To trust your own eyes, your own judgment, your own experience, is to deny the reality imposed by your intellectual betters.

There has been a new reality based adjustment away from liberal orthodoxies. Definitional warfare and rights lawfare need to hold the tough men with guns back from exercising their own agency. Turns out your fancy human rights law paper means nothing if your enforcement authorities decide to deport first and ask never.

Im just halfassing the different terms. Point is that irreligious PMC practice their interpretation of pseudoreligion apart from the people that practice the religion to begin sith.

Violence from minorities also works because progressivism has paralyzed the threat response mechanisms. As long as one party can accumulate points in the progressive stack, it is forbidden to actually address invalidities of the presented positions. So long as progressives hold levers of power, especially mindspace discourse via the universities and its agents of transmission in the media, there will be no way to communicate objections to stack abusers. Note that as we can see with Big Techs shift that many modern 'conservatives', and I dare say a fair few on this board, are ex-progressives who paused too long at the line for the koolaid and realized something eas going wrong. This means that antiprogressives who are proximate to the levers of power progressives are in charge of are naturally a subset of progressives, and in a time weighted distribution will never have enough numbers to stop the insanity.

The.insanity of the presented beliefs honestly is one of the more baffling aspects of Educated Cultists. A similar thing can be seen in girls who get REALLY into witchcraft and astrology, delving deep into objectively insane woo like your Third Eye being opened to the Aura around you and how shamanistic spirituality reconnects one to the astral plane. It is way too easy to attribute this to irreligiosity among the educated finding another conceptual escape valve, and the common thing I notice is that the Educated who buy into this woo never ever hang out with the original lower class practitioners of the art. No wiccan feminist ever speaks with an actual Louisiana or Haitian Voodoo witch doctor, no dharmic spiritualist ever prays at a shrine next to the old grandma burning hell notes, no Rajneesee actually interacted with ayurvedic doctor.

Technobabble is indistinguishable from religious invocations. Chanting to the a Machine God is silly to us because the recognizable words we understand are mutated, but stringing technological sounding terms together into a single compound word like german gone wild is exactly that. Dressing up a wrong scientific concept, like 90% of your brain is unused or biohacking through blood transfusions, is just misreading of reality, like sacrificing virgins on the solstice for a good harvest.

What happens when your data goes against foundational principles of your guiding vision? Thats where liberals fail. Using data we can better ensure that blacks are not actively or passively discriminated against in employment, education and law enforcement availability, thus bringing their achievements back up.

Well, turns out that all the free grade 1-12 tuition for URM (another phrase tortured into existence to exclude Asians) doesn't work if they don'y show up at all. DEI hiring initiatives to hire more black candidates of equal capability to white ones don't work when the black candidates simply don't exist. Restorative justice and sentencing reform doesn't work when blacks fundamentally commit more crime to begin with.

Same thing with homelessness and drug addiction and crime. Housing first won't work if the bottom 3% of permanent homeless trash all housing offered continually and just act as violent nutcases to drive out neighbors. Harm reduction does not lead junkies into care services just because they feel 'loved and seen'. Restorative justice (again) doesn't work when the light sentences just keep criminals on the street to reoffend endlessly.

Technocrats adjust their principles to fit the reality of data. Liberals pretending to be technocrats adjust data to fit their preferred reality. Scratch a liberal and a p-hacker appears. The continuation of such p-hacking despite repeated failures is what convinces me that liberals are captured: they hate the reality that creates this data outcome in the first place and actively strive to destroy the obstacles to their preferred reality. If blacks can't be assed to go into special ed programs, then just get rid of them entirely.

Edit: get rid of the special program, I mean.

That this was always possible, that deporting criminal migrants is simply a matter of pushing a fucking button saying 'do your jobs like what you joined the ICE to do" is what infuriates this entire conversation about migration so much. Democrats instated a sense of fatalism (the migrants will come anyways so theres nothing we can do to stop them) and then crippled the ICE to stop even border deportations, much less deportations in the interior, because there was no point anyways. Then the Democrats expanded asylum to include feeling sad, so every fucking border trekker was saying the same thing about gangs. Only after that was in place, where aspiring migrants see a big sign above the USA saying 'come over we wont stop you and we will stop ourselves from stopping you', did the Democrats turn around and say 'yup this is our reality now diversity is such our strength isnt it look at the fruit pickers and ignore the literal cartels claiming asylum'.

That Trump comes in and in less than a week starts deporting criminals that have decidedly negative expected value to the US population just makes the Democrat failure that much worse. If Trump can strike a deal where Bukele or Meliei accept unrepatriable US illegals for cash and then leaves the illegals to the tender mercies of those 2 leaders, the Democrats will be lost in the political wilderness for at least 3 cycles.

I think normies dont recognize the botting, or at least are ok with it as a brief respite. I certainly don't play enough to recognize meta compositions or optimal states of play, and getting botted only marginally affects my already poor performance because I'm just jumping around and spinning the camera to get the best shots of ass.

Humiliate the old regime and allowing a new one to root itself in place. The Japanese killed millions here in Asia, with two branches of my family snuffed out directly, but after a few apologies the Japanese moved along and got on with their own lives, letting the remembrance be for the smackdown they received for being such dicks as opposed to grovelling for eternal forgiveness. In turn the Japanese are able to adapt as the situation changes and consider abandoning pacifism in the face of Chinese militarism and ignore complaints from activists seeking to use Japan as a punching bag. I extract penance from the Japanese by not paying for my JAV, which I'm sure my ancestors smile upon me for.

Bot mode basically is the game acknowledging that you suck, and the game gives a few wins to keep the player presumably happy and not frustrated at sucking so hard. Bad for griefers who suck for the sake of sucking, or failsons with an overinflated sense of their own power level, but great for normies who feel emotionally satisfied enough to continue playing and provide free meme points once they return to Jeffs suckhole.

Theres a good thread on /r/seattlewa that delves into one of the many charities that exist to push homeless and black advocacy. The main one that caught my attention was africatown, and community passageways , where the nonprofits get initiatives sponsored and executed by city admins, but funding is 'external'. The money spent is largely for consultant hour costs with the consultant being the charity staff. As such the IRS form for Dominique Davis, CEO of Community Passageways, lists his yearly income of about 150k for one hour of work per week, while Wyking Garrett has amassed 20m of building assets to manage for his organization and pays himself 250k yet by its own metrics fails to succeed in either placing applicants in jobs or rehab programs or long term shelter, and demand more assets gifted for free since failure is proof of the gravity of its mission.

This is how the state speaks out both sides of its mouth. The state says they are responsible stewarts of tax dollars and are not directly funding these charities, but instead the state is funding specific charity projects that do not in fact effect any change and are just vehicles to extract taxpayer money for admin staff.

By being charities, the money disappears into a black hole, project costs bloated and inflated behind an opaque IRS submission that does no breakdown of expenses.

Fundamentally the charity grift exploits the goodwill of humans, the byzantine arcana of chanting the rituals of bureaucratic doublespeak, and the incestuous nature of charities being unaccountable money pools open for skimming with facilitators and grifters taking their turns at the trough. The left protects its own to dine off the proceeds of others, redefining gluttony as restitution. So long as the left has enablers allowing this definitional warfare to continue, it will always abuse language and procedure to take from others instead of creating for itself. Charities need to lose their fight to continue existing, but they get to choose what losing means.

Its all about who is given cover that makes it easy to arrest. Arresting white people for mean tweets is easy because white people don't have dedicated activists eager to assist them in order to grift the community. For all of Tommy Robinsons screeching, there hasn't been any fund raised to fight for rioters to be released from jail or sympathetic journalists flooding the media environment with intellectual brainpower devoted to expatiating their crimes. Contra that with Islamists and LGBT+ (really just trannies) who get the entire editorial staff of the Guardian and the Mirror running cover for mass islamist gang rape or demanding unlimited trans representation. Thats not to mention the endless armies of lawyers in London who plaster buses with their ads for migrant or tranny legal advisory services.

Axel was black, which makes it impossible for any overt action to be taken. Arrest him without him having done anything but watch videos and say mean things and say mean things to his father, you have a Racism and the liberal elite will use this as an example of the fundamental racism infesting the police. To fix the UK the first thing to do must be ignoring all the liberals eager to give unlimited cover for criminal minorities. How to ignore them is an exercise for the UK to decide.

First, see who uses the word Woke. It is used by anti-Woke types to categorize practices and beliefs employed by upper class residents and aspirants to effect resource transfer from social actors that are not themselves sufficiently engaged in these practices and beliefs.

Said practices and beliefs are:

  • categorical groupings are nonoverlapping (blackness is totally separate from whiteness)
  • a categorical groupings declaration of its own outcomes are irredutable (blacks are incarcerated at higher rates than whites due to racism and not crime commitment rates)
  • unequal outcome is due only to the actions of the party which had the more positive outcomes (whites doing better than blacks is entirely due to whites which grants whites hyperagency),
  • that these categorical groupings should actually have equal outcomes (blacks being statistically equal to whites in outcomes is a first order state of reality)
  • that it is the responsibility of the agentic power to effect change on themselves to equalize the outcomes (reality is being stymied by whites so whites must take active action to assert the reality of black equality).
  • the dominance of one categorical party is defined by who the losing categorical party presents as the winner (whites are the active power keeping blacks down, not arabs funding janjaweed militias or indian H1Bs flooding jobs or asian cars destroying Detroit: the sole cause of all black woe is the white)
  • intersectionality means that the disparities suffered by other categorical groupings is concurrent and thus contributes to net disparities (white oppression of blacks is different from white oppression of latinos and thus whites are doubly agentic for disparate outcomes, and doubly responsible by transitive property)

What results is that one party can declare themselves whole and distinct from another, define its own outcomes for itself and who is responsible for it, and demand the responsible party be the one to change in order to redress the disparity. Principally, it gives license to a a party to declare its own aggrievement and thus its place in the queue for restitution.

No one actually calls themselves Woke since 2022, but instead there still is an assertion that the above principles are inalienable states of reality. Go to MSNBC, Slate, Salon, and see how it is constantly asserted that whites are responsible for the poor state of blacks, even when whites do not claim any ownership or do anything to effect black failure. And wokeness, by being definitionally nebulous, allowed everyone to label themselves as such when trendy and shed it when not.

The defitional warfare employed by anti-Woke vs the 'woke' is precisely because the 'woke' party has shed its names multiple times as the logical incongruities of the various principles get associated with a concrete term, exposing the inability of the stated principles to mesh together in reality even without active actions by the opposition these principles define themselves against. Woke was previously Social Justice, which was previously Political Correctness. Given that being Woke has fallen out of favor so rapidly all the practitioners are now claiming they never advocated woke policies, yet in observed reality there is endless proof of the presence of DEI corporate policies, thinkpieces about lesbians being transphobic for not giving blowjobs etc from the early 2010still early 2020s.

Wokism is externalizing responsibility by fiat, and appropriating high valence moral principles to effect desired outcomes. What ends up happening is not that everything turns out to truly be racism), but that racism becomes so nebulously redefined that it does not matter anymore. If everything is racist, nothing is racist. Woke crybullying started reaching a stop when everything was being declared fascist, and more practitioners started realizing people were getting increasingly alright with being called as such.

Progressives are explicitly pro-Islam. They just redefine Islam to be ONLY GOOD THINGS and blame the bad bits of Islam,. Pakistanis systemically raping white children under the encouragement of Imams urging womb jihad, ISIS committing barbarities against other muslims, rmass public sexual assault in Cologne and Tahir square against women (insert endless examples); all of these things are Bad Western Values that innocent muslims absorbed due to the trauma of colonialism and the crusades.

The easy way to see this is observe the media commentary following muslim terrorist attacks in the 2010zs. The Guardian, Slate, Salon, NYT... they all had think pieces about how ISIS was not true Islam, that true Islam was peaceful and should be supported, that all these terrible things were due to the trauma of colonialism. There were even puff pieces about how the Pulse nightclub shooting was not done out of the shooters own declared islamist motives but instead due to his internalized homophobia, and after the manchester bombings there were endless articles about how muslim cab drivers rallied to give free rides to the hospitals for victims, which is particularly funny since it was sikh cabbies who did that.

Contrast that with anything involving a white mass shooter, where active efforts are made to highlight the christian or white character of the shooter, which is normally easy since the Christchurch shooter and Brevik all published their manifestos. Yet Christians have sufficient agency to act on their own declared words, but muslims who kill the kuffR after stating which passages in the quran they are following are simply misled by the depth of their trauma.

Progressives are explicitly pro-Islam, and make every effort possible to whitewash the efforts of muslims themselves to get their intentions publicised. To an extent I will grant that progressives are pro-Islam only out of reflexive opposition to Whites and Christians, but even that was starting to fade as a justicication in the late 2010s, with progressives being pro-Islam without even mentioning Christianity as an opposing point.

The Chinese have... a goofy meme robot with a cannon on its crotch

Modern Chinese cultural attitudes towards robots are largely taken from the most effervescent outputs of cultural proximates.

In otherwords, Chinese robotics developers are anime nerds. And specifically the anime nerds that got excited by robot companions, with the cutesy human interface therein.

Pudu robotics sells the cat faced robots, with that design feature specifically meant to evoke friendliness and relatability, not the depersonalized industrial robots that western companies like Aethon built. Chinese dog robots like the Go2 and its knockoffs all come with the "dance" and "sit+handshake" command preloaded into hotkeys on the controllers because it is expected that these cute whirring things will be entertaining to children. The Chinese attitude to robots is largely founded on the idea of usability in the human sphere, and the idea that robots will rise up to be a threat to kill us all isn't really on the forefront of their mind.

This is not to say the Chinese are moral in terms of their attitude to robots. They, like everyone else, have military technologists who enthusiastically adopted nerdy shit to be destructive killbots. In particular fixed wing loitering munition robotics seem to be developed by nerds that saw terminator and went 'yes we want that' as opposed to the nerds that saw robots as companions to our lives.

On that note, watch the Chinese space for humanoid form factor robotics. They are using AI to train humanoid movements for dynamic locomotion, or at least an approximation of such. Uh ok no easy way to say this, its sexbots. A number of sex doll companies have already started training AI on porn videos to learn technique and visual presentation, and have integrated character AI (one poster here talked about character chat AI a few months ago and it was great I can't remember who), and said personalities were already rather advanced mid 2024. Fully expect to see domestic humanoid form factor robots come out of China in 2026 onwards. Special functions hidden behind paywall of course.