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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

On 1. Can a lawyer answer for me how that case has gone forward. It feels as though there are serious questions on the law in the case versus proving whether he did the acts in question.

Interpreting the law seems like a question for judges not juries. I guess my question is did Bragg provided the SOL run to the current judge and he agreed it’s a correct interpretation. Now the jury is deciding if he did the actual acts? If he’s convicted then does Trump challenge Bragg’s interpretation of the law to try and get the conviction thrown out. To me it would make more sense to challenge the legal interpretation of the law first (does SOL apply). Then do the jury trial.

Even if Trump is convicted now I feel like there are years of appeals. Potentially all the way to the SC to litigate whether SOL applies. Obviously not a lawyer but I would have thought he could have done a lot of challenges before the trial on the SOL issues. There is no reason to have a jury trial on whether he’s guilty if the underlying act he’s accused of either isn’t a crime or is protected by SOL.

Can you defend how praciticing religion harder isn’t a solution to most societal ills?

Is Tiberius Gracchus someone we are expected to know here as common knowledge? I’ve actually read Gibbons huge book and can’t place him a long time ago. I assume I am just expected to be smart enough to google and hit Wikipedia.

I remember that posts. But Trump appears to no longer be Gracchus. Trump seems to be rising from the dead. He survived the Jan 6 loss in popularity. Crushed the GOP nomination. I saw on Twitter today that everyone on Wall St assumes he’s won the election. I know the prediction markets say 50-50 but I don’t feel those vibes at all and prediction markets have some issues. If the elections goes as expected and he’s survived all of this that feels like he’s crossed the rubicon with all the memory of his own experience being Gracchus. I think we have to upgrade him to Caeser if he pulls off the election victory.

Average global citizen - depends if you like him

Voters - I think more than not think it’s an abuse of process

Trump - he has a big ego. There would be a certain historic parallel if he was assassinated with Julius Caesar. Who probably is a good comp for his career so far. If little Ron or Vivek or someone not known emerged as Augustus finishing his goals and Trump was remembered as Caeser then he might not mind being assassinated

You are probably correct. He has funded a lot of the Trump opposition.

I sort of hate just stating narrative that it was already dying versus Trump torpedoing it. I remember hating it when there were just rumors of what was in the bill but maybe the actual torpedoing took Trump and the establishment GOP was game. Who got where first I do not know.

The political situation sort of feels to me like the GOP had the high ground in war separating Biden (winning elections) from his food supply, but Biden was raping and pillaging a significant region (facilitating mass immigration today). If we give up the high ground we can protect our villages but it allows Biden access to his farms to resupply his armies (winning elections).

Feels like a retreat to me.

Fairly sure you are technically wrong on “illegals immigrants”. Being intellectually honest when these debates were going on the asylum seekers are “legal”. They are allowed to claim asylum without proof but that status makes them legally allowed to be in the U.S.

But I too just call them illegals immigrants for dramatic effect. But the Biden administration has in fact found a way to make them “legal”. It’s embarrassing that illegal is technically wrong.

And as everyone else has replied to you it’s really not a double or nothing strategy. The bill doesn’t do anything to prevent the current asylum situation especially if you do not control the Presidency.

It’s a bet to win strategy versus a nothing accomplished.

Maybe you are correct it’s the biggest win on immigration we’ve had. But it doesn’t solve the issue. The failings of the bill just expose how bad are immigration system currently is. The bill solves 5% of the issue and only if you control the Presidency.

I’m starting to think you might just lack political instincts. This is a lot like Russias military doctrine which often involves escalate to deescalate.

I do think the right has a chance to win on the issue. I expect a landslide for Trump in 2024 if the Dems can’t figure out how to cheat.

I just saw this on Twitter, the guy whose literal a lifelong Dem and has been funding anything to prevent Trump from winning is now talking about voting for Trump.


Also I would not call it strawmanning you when you explicitly blame Trump for torpedoing the bill. In my opinion the bill was dead before Trump came in. He just read the room that people were pi$$ed off when they read the bill leadership came up with and felt betrayed.

The Biden administration themselves are the people who built the networks that tell immigrants about the asylum loophole. All those organization and NGOs organize this are Biden aligned groups.

For winning the election.

You pass the bill. Biden then implements tighter policy for 6 months thru the election claiming victory. Then he uses all the loopholes later to go back to open borders. It’s far better to expose the immigration issue and pass a clean bill after the election.

Also - I opposed the bill before Trump opened his mouth. You are not being honest when you say Trump tanked the bill. The opposition was organic when many of us read the bill and saw how awful it was. Perhaps our system was awful before hand, but this bill doesn’t fix the main issues as many here have pointed out to you.

I meant what I said when I said tactical retreat. This is no victory in this bill. It’s admitting defeat and falling back with little value.

I get it you don’t like Trump. I’ve never voted for Trump. I don’t like his personality. But when I looked at history the dudes always right. He’s earned the goodwill of the American people because he has good judgement. So sure many Americans don’t have time to read the bill and will make decisions on vibes. All of us do this everyday and trust people who have proven trustful because we can’t be knowledgeable in everything. Trump has earned that trusts.

You also when you say Trump did nothing ignore the fact that in 2016 he had no experience and no institutional support. People like me loathed his personality. Now I am on his side. And we have Project 2024 to build out institutional capabilities. The Heritage Foundation is backing him in 2024. Ken Griffin is like begging him for the Treasury Secretary job. He’s got A team support this time.

His analysis also ignores the arguments here placed on why Sotomayor shouldn’t retire. I think the consensus came to be if you have a star justice you shouldn’t force them out because you want to strategically gain seats but you want to move the Overton window by having a top tier justice on the bench (more like Ginsberg or Scalia).

The bill was basically a tactical retreat in a losing war. Sure the bill did some good things but it’s on the lose the war trajectory. The GOP needs to change the Overton window. One persons vibes is another persons attempt to change the Overton window.

The correct play was to put the election on immigration as a major issue and try to get support to change the entire system. Perhaps this is a long shot but if you’ve already lost your best play is to buy a lottery ticket.

The bill is like buying an annuity with high inflation. It’s going 0 in time. A riskier investment that can survive inflation is the only viable option.

The Low-IQ version of MMT while the high IQ version is right enough it may have been a better model in 1925.

It also I don’t think generalizes as well for a small open economy that isn’t as diversified or a powerhouse in every industry.

Ok fair enough. Average human low liability but big corporate gets $30 million a life.

Though I guess solutions can be found when it’s necessary.

That wouldn’t even be a correct interpretation of MMT


I think some butchered downstream version got all deficits are fake thing perhaps from the 2010’s where inflation was low so plausibly in their theory it was fake when inflation was below 2% and we had excess unemployment.

Yes this is a trivial problem to solve. We already have a massive auto insurance industry. Everything looks like self-driving cars will be safer than human drivers.

You either add it to the costs of the car as essentially pre-bought insurance for the purchaser (which should be cheaper than current policies) or work out some long-term payment plan on the buyer for yearly insurance (with some kind of termination in time after so many years etc).

I think his interview was taken out of context. Atleast I hope it was. The reason we borrow money instead of just printing all we need is it basically soaks up money that would end up elsewhere and cause inflation instead of being saved. And inflation reduction device.

He should be smart enough to know that so I have to assume he was just tired or wasn’t sure where they were going and didn’t feel like providing a better answer.

Trust to me seems like why the immigration bill failed. If you don’t trust the other party to implement legislation in good faith and all the power rests with the executive then winning the next election is far more important.

Indians are fairly racists or in their case castiste.

The data shows Indian being a relatively low IQ country. But at the same time they have no problem finding extremely brilliant people to be US executives. It’s just the caste system and having inbred Ashkenazi Jew type groups.

As an investor I always heard the term India is the next big thing. 1.4 billion people where in America the ones who made it here are extremely successful. Until you start jumping into the hbd game it seemed logical India would be a very rich country because the population is huge and the Indians who come here are brilliant.

Disclaimer: That avoids doing anything for ADOS.

But that gets the right ratios and avoids negative selection bias. Even if I believed HBD was smaller but we still had affirmative action then Google recruiting at HBCUs is bound to fail. A 1400 SAT black high school student is going to select into Harvard and not go to the HBCU. I could almost say this is true even if HBD did not exists. New England private liberal arts schools have collapsed and can not compete with the big boys. If HBD was not true then the best HBCU would be like Amherst. And what does everyone at Amherst have a rejection letter from Harvard. Once you add in affirmative action and hbd the gap gets much larger.

Glad how you ignore my Milei comment who is a conservative icon. Who is a much bigger deal than the “Goldman Sachs analyst”. Whose accomplished more than that now.


I guess I did not give supporting evidence but here it is.


He says he’s planning on converting.

I an am an ‘80’s kid. We had Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George Bush. Bill Clinton had to brand himself as a neoliberal because the GOP was crushing it.

For all George Bush faults we still worked off the old American deal of a meritocracy. I don’t know the exact date things changed but everything was normal then.

I think the Weatherman sort of prove my point. A few got academic posts but were no threat to me.

One of my thoughts on this issue is it highlights I am not a free speech absolutists. A quote from Godfather 2 highlights my view on this:

“Michael: The soldiers are paid to fight, the rebels aren't.

Hyman: What does that tell you?

Michael: They can win.“

When we had campus protests a decade ago I did not care. College kids being silly and they will grow up and take the corporate job and pop out a couple kids. Now I watch the protests and I see a future Supreme Court Judge, the executive team at Disney, and at worse a future HR executive whose rules I need to follow or I end up unemployed.

I do not care about your speech when I think it will just stay in academic circles or in fringe communities. Today I am increasingly pessimistic that it will stay only speech and instead fear that it will become the government. How does a liberal Democracy protect itself if it’s very values allow it to be attacked? Pacifism seems cool until the Mongol horde is outside your door.

It’s also made me greatly admire the Jewish community which seems capable of defending themselves while white people seem to just rollover when their interests are attacked. Judaism at its core is a people while White America’s core is the slave morality of Christianity. Conversion to Judaism in Christian white spaces is starting to become a small thing. Antonio Martínez García converted. There are rumors Milei wants to convert but has not for political reasons as the leader of a Catholic nation. If I was not a believer in Christ I would convert.

The evidence synthesized infant formula is bad is entirely from confounded studies showing mothers who breast feed lead to better results. But mothers who breast feed have a lot of other advantages for kids.

Fetterman is pretty much a socialist maga now. I wouldn’t count him as a true blue Dem anymore. He’s basically one of the old unionists Dems who until he got in office forgot they left him behind.