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6 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC


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Well yes, college ball is too much like the pros these days. Need something lighthearted and trashy, for to let the chainsmoking wives of America fly their regional prejudices proudly over the most trivial excuses.

Because "maximum security labor camp in the Russian Arctic" is literally the actual definition of a gulag.

Presumably because the backlash to an assassination would lead to Trump's successor getting elected in a blowout.

I have long said that the eurovision song contest needs to be imported to the USA. We need an outlet for regionalist jingoism and dumb arguing and snark. We need something to get politics notionally out of the news. I need another opportunity to insistently call Taylor Swift 'Travis Kelce's girlfriend' because football is more notable.

I mean I did say we had a relative increase; I've been here since before we left reddit.

We don't have any socialists that I know of, but we've got some techo-optimist progressives. I think this is an expression of the IQ here; internet socialism seems like a phenomenon of just not understanding markets or capitalism, and techno-optimist progressivism has some of the same impulses towards utopianism and unlimited future progress, without the basic obvious factual errors and delusions.

We definitely have some prominent racists. And I'd definitely lean towards them being disaffected blue tribers- indeed, our white nationalist effort poster is explicitly so- but I'd dispute that far right wingers generally are opposed to being associated with guns, Jesus, casual homophobia, and beer-and-forklift-jousting blue collar America.

I haven’t noticed any uptick in Nazi posts. I suppose we’re more racist on average than we were on Reddit, we definitely have a higher fraction of socially conservative tradcaths. But most people here seem to be, on average, fairly centrist, blue tribe but fed up with antics, the sort of people who would be persuadable Biden voters in a better economy.

On the other hand, it’s iirc a tactic kagame has used to remain in power, and Orbán, erdogan, etc could very plausibly do something similar.

But manchin will probably not cooperate with replacing an assassinated justice, that’s a pretty big jump, and the core blue tribe has a widespread perception of the right being better at violence, so a big escalation like that is something they’re scared of.

Eh, it seems like most SJ types recognize a civil war puts them against the wall while a fascist regime takes power. There’s some resistance libs who crow about the military beating up gun owners but I don’t think they’re talking about a civil war. They have an insurrection in mind.

Bashir Gemayel’s assassination, maybe? Alexander III’s assassination definitely contributed to a communist revolution, albeit in an accelerationist way and not directly.

That’s of course ignoring Game of Thrones-style assassinations of family members to seize the throne; those are historically confined to certain circumstances(Macedonian monarchies, the Ottoman Empire, etc) but well represented in the historical record.

This is because assassination, in America, is not an action usually attempted by rational actors, it’s attempted by schizos who just want to be deranged in public. In countries where assassinations are used by ‘normal’ political actors the targets are chosen a good deal more rationally.

Trump isn’t a Gracchus anyways, he’s Marius.

In the staggeringly unlikely event of trump being in gen pop, he’ll do fine by smearing some money around.

On the other hand, the blue tribe is bad at doing, and the red tribe army camped on the border with Mexico hasn’t kicked off a constitutional crisis yet- and factually the feds have backed down every time it looked like they were about to.

Wikipedia says their black population is 10%, i.e. a smaller percentage than what the US has.

But Brazilian pardos have much more African ancestry than mestizos elsewhere in latin America, including many who would be called black in the USA. Only those with entirely black ancestry- which isn’t the majority of the AADOS population- are considered negros(the Brazilian term; ‘black’ is considered offensive there).

There’s no magic dirt, but mesoamericans assimilate much better than anyone else does. Culture matters. Just go look at Russia- high average IQ, culture that inhibits fixing institutions.

White and mestizo citizens of Brazil are mostly productive. Brazil’s dysfunction is due to a very high black population(the USA’s is shrinking in relative terms) and institutional factors. We have better institutions and can function with a lower average IQ than we currently have because not everyone needs to be a doctor or an engineer.

The American right is not actually very focused on the country’s demographic makeup, and unless a portal to Nigeria opens up across the southern border I think that’s the right call; migration is mostly people who easily can be productive citizens if they assimilate and care.

I live in Texas. Assimilated Hispanics are everywhere. They’re underrepresented among engineers and doctors and over represented among janitors and that’s fine- the lower average IQ doesn’t stop them from contributing to society because nearly all of them are capable of doing productive non-math heavy work. Lots of Hispanic blood in a future American population isn’t an HBD-wrecking catastrophe.

The Virginia national guard arresting FBI members for insubordination is a nightmare scenario for the deep state and it won’t happen because the DOJ will not #resist hard enough to bring it about.

Real talk- I expect the welfare parasites have above replacement TFR partly due to haredi Jews and partly due to teen pregnancy. I don't think the average man in the ghetto actually has elevated fertility; it's more likely that there's a few who commit a lot of statutory and a few groups like haredi jews or the FLDS that push welfare user TFR higher by having 6+ children each even if there's not very many of them.

Virginia is a blue state to begin with and it tends to swing away from the party in power, not towards it. They also have a weirdly timed election that would strongly benefit democrats if Trump wins in 2024 and IIRC Youngkin can't hold two consecutive terms.

If Trump can't bring in competent staffers to implement his plans, and he doesn't have a well of 'replacement' workers to step up and actually give the old ones the boot, 4 years is almost certainly not enough to significantly cut down the Federal Bureaucracy.

Trump is planning to raid the Abbott, Desantis, and Youngkin administrations for personnel. In particular the next governor of Virginia is overwhelmingly likely to be a democrat who fires them all anyways and both Texas and Florida have functioning conservative talent pipelines. It’s not like trump can’t get competent people.

What’s stopping trump from responding to that by declaring them all in a state of revolt and deputizing red state national guards to restore federal authority? Resistance libs already fever dream about that in their persecution porn; they won’t take a chance on Abbott and Desantis being de facto dictators for half the country, and if there’s already a constitutional crisis, well, alea iacta est.

Trump can definitely pardon himself, and his chances of firing jack smith are better than you think because at the end of the day he can always send law enforcement in to escort him out of the building if he gets ignored. Changing schedule F is probably one of trump’s first acts in office and the former Desantis staffer in charge of drafting that executive order will not leave that particular loophole in place.

I wouldn’t say it’s certain, but pissing off young blue collar males specifically is highly likely to be expressed with ‘oh the nigs are burning the city down again’ in the specific case of highly concentrated and very badly educated urbanites(which big chunks of the black community are) in close proximity to seats of power.

You’re correct that the black community is not very politically aware, but that political lack of awareness is generally expressed through ‘of course we get the short end of the stick every time’, which is a bad combination with a policy like a draft which by its very nature is going to impact poor young men- the violent demographic- the hardest anyways. And to the nybbler’s suggestion of not formally but de facto exempting blacks that probably won’t stop either black draft riots(lots of these people tend to read anything except explicit favorable special treatment as discrimination when they’re pissed off which they will be because draft) or widespread red tribe resistance. You’d probably just get the cops getting out of the rioters way and pointing them at elite neighborhoods- after all, their kids aren’t getting exempted.

Draft riots are historically common and we know the black community rioting is a thing that happens from time to time. The draft would be a highly unpopular policy without recent precedent and the working class population is likely to view it as a beyond the pale onerous imposition.