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Token Midwit

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joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


User ID: 1819


Token Midwit

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 08 14:07:24 UTC


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User ID: 1819

Tangentially related, Popular Front did a short documentary about Jstark a about a year ago. Jstark was pretty up front about his belief that all people should have access to firearms as a defense against authoritarian regimes.

If I understand everything correctly, the whole thing is tied up in court at the moment over what was seized at Mar-A-Lago. The court-appointed special master is still reviewing everything to decide what Trump gets back as part of his personal effects and what the FBI gets to use as evidence in any criminal prosecutions that may move forward. I think once the legal minutia gets settled, the press will start reporting those decisions and it'll get headlines again.

Minus the Muslim thing, this is a perfect take.

Jon Krakeur's Under the Banner of Heaven, about the Lafferty murders and the larger FLDS sect.

The 6000-year-old earth is, I believe, derived from the math done by Bishop Usher. He basically started at Year 0 and worked backwards using the ages of given for various Biblical characters like Adam, Noah, Jacob, etc. No idea where the Black Israelites are getting their number from.

Whom do you think worthy of the vote and how do you propose we find these people?

To clarify, men only or women as well?

One more question, if you don't mind. How strict are we talking for no criminal record? Squeaky clean down to zero moving or parking violations or do we allow a certain amount of flexibility for misdemeanors? I'm not poking at you, I'm just genuinely curious about your ideas on this.

Trump's ability to make anything radioactive is truly astounding. I swear, if he cured cancer tonight, tomorrow morning Dems would have a press conference denouncing him for putting oncologists out of work.

Why give him a ret-conned Pathetic Kicked Puppy Backstory? Original Real Namor would sneer this pretender into oblivion at the very notion that the Prince of Atlantis was ever reduced to such a state!

I have no idea but I wish it would spot. It reeks of the "bullies really just have low self-esteem" non-sense everyone was spouting off in the 90s.

Mentally-challenged, I'll grant you. You're going to have a harder time selling on welfare recipients and women.

Honestly, I see this as a win-win situation. Whether Musk succeeds in turning Twitter into something useful or burns it to the ground, a cultural blight will have been nullified.

Lab-grown meat one step closer to sale in the US

I'm neither a vegetarian nor an EA animal suffering activist, but I consider this largely a good thing. If we can produce lab-grown meat that costs the same or less than traditionally-raised or industrial-produced meat and is equally tasty and nutritious, I see very little reason not to do so. I've tried the various meat substitutes and, frankly, they just don't taste like meat or have the same texture. This isn't to say they aren't tasty in their own way, they just clearly aren't meat. The best ones I've had barely rise to the level of "gas station sausage patty" in terms of flavor and texture. Likewise cutting down on cattle ranching in the US would alleviate a lot of environmental pressure and gives us the opportunity to rebuild healthy habitat for native wildlife populations.

What does give me pause is the further connotative removal of people from food production. A farmer I know has an anecdote about a well-to-do customer who pulled up to his farm stand to buy some produce and was appalled to find potatoes sitting in a pile on a pallet. The farmer swears the customer, without any trace of irony, asked for "potatoes that hadn't been in the dirt". I'm hunt deer and small game and the bulk of my urbanite coworkers normally react to this somewhere on the spectrum between bafflement and outright disgust, all the while munching on ham-and-cheese sandwiches or a fish taco. (I work in a pretty blue area, so that's probably coloring things.) I can see scenarios in which PETA and other animal suffering activist organizations use lab grown meat as an attack surface to further restrict hunting and fishing activities.

shrug I repeat what the farmer told me

Different style of war. Your run-of-the-mill US groundpounder is used to having air supremacy and artillery support based on both the combined arms approach the US takes to warfighting and the last twenty years in the Middle East. Sounds like a lot of the Americans that showed up were used to being on the other end of the power spectrum and didn't adapt well to not having the firepower and logistics capabilities they were used to.

Interesting link, thanks for sharing.

Before. It's the last thing you do at MEPS before stepping onto the bus for basic training. It's also pretty standard to take the oath at commissioning (for those going warrant or graduating from a military academy / ROTC / OCS) and promotion ceremonies.

I recently started a MeetUp for tabletop stuff and it's either super-woke Blue Tribe (e.g. a black woman who said "Well, Africa's my culture", despite having never left the US in her life) or aspies that I can only tolerate for about an hour before I get the urge to strangle them. I've met about two or three people whose I genuinely enjoy gaming with. It's maddening.

It might be interesting from a "own my enemies" kind of view, but I'm not interested in owning the whomever, I'm interested in what actually happened. This drip-drip-drip / insistence on controlling the rate/flow of information is making me suspicious in ways I can't quite articulate properly.

You Suck At Cooking by the YouTuber who runs the eponymous channel. Since I met my reading goals this year, I decided to reward myself with something light and silly.

This is possibly better saved for a small questions Sunday, but can someone explain why is the federal government up-in-arms over Southwest's latest boondoggle to me?

I understand why Southwest is getting hammered by popular opinion and in the press. I wasn't personally affected but I know a few people who were (8 hour delays, last-minute cancellations, etc) and I understand their frustration. I absolutely understand customers demanding refunds on cancelled flights or compensation for excessive delays. This, to me, is the market reacting and correcting itself. Southwest failed to deliver what it promise and it is reaping the economic and PR whirlwind.

What I don't understand are promises from both the Secretary of Transportation and POTUS to "hold the airlines accountable", which just seems weird to me. Is there a regulatory or national security reason for the Feds, much less POTUS, to be weighing in on this? Is it a straight-forward consumer protection issue or is it just the straight populist look-we-are-doing-something-to-people-you-currently-hate kind of politics that I am currently reading it as? What am I not seeing/understanding here?

Aha, this seems to be the context that I was missing.

I dislike exercise less than I dislike being a fat-ass. While I could substantially restructure my diet, I really enjoy pie and beer.


Place names are female;

Chad begs to differ