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Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

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joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


User ID: 407


Intel Pentium III 450 / Nvidia Riva TNT2 Ultra / Corsair 128MB PC133 / ABIT BH6

4 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 02:40:37 UTC


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User ID: 407

I am curious what proposition, overt or covert, you take the depiction of interracial or LGBT families to be propaganda for.


I refuse to vote for Death By Sununu. 💦😫🍆

Perhaps we will finally realize the importance of community in our lives and to our happiness, and start adding economic numbers and frameworks to those who create social goods. Have the government fund people to run local meetup groups, or help their neighbors with tasks, volunteer at old folks' homes, etc. It's a bit of a bludgeon solution right now, but we could refine things over time.

Didn’t Klaus Schwab recommend this recently? Some kind of caring-based economy, where your social credit is redacted off the blockchain for not being sufficiently homosexual or deferential to the man who mugs you?

Based. I’m all for this as long as it keeps power from the Yud-crowd. I wonder in what way I can pay ritual tribute to this incipient ASI so it will eat me first.

I don’t believe that complete mongrelization of the lightcone is an inevitability, or even likely. The motivation to present the game with a striking (vitiligo anyone?) medley of brown and black character races, and mostly ugly regardless of race, is to pay tribute to the Current Year (not 2330!) preoccupation with DEI. I reject that. As far as I know, not having played it, it is not to bring forth some worthwhile narrative exploring ethnic strife of some afrofuturistic faction causing a planetary-scale South African catastrophe - it’s window dressing and it’s not my window dressing.

And my conspicuous rejection (see Nexus Mods preemptively banning the pronoun mods) makes my enemies upset and anxious, and I want to maximize this.

Edit: I just realized that a character designer for Bethesda is some Brazilian mutt, gloating about his mystery meat creations in Starfield. Go figure.

Edit2: looks like possibly more ESG influence?

In order to understand why Starfield turned out so awful, and to show how bad AAA gaming has become, we have to look at the place developers ironically least expect us to check: The end credits. Starfield's takes over 45 minutes, and this is because despite Bethesda having hundreds of employees, a laundry list of voice actors, support from ZeniMax and backing from Xbox, they have nonetheless outsourced the game to - and this is not an exaggeration - 27 global studios, who do everything from sound design to VFX to modeling and so on. It's a total racket, worse than any of Todd's lies • (You Tube] Starfield Credits 4K (embed) [Embed] In the order in which they are shown in the credits, we have: Sonic Boom Sound, JSR Post, Iron Galaxy, The Multiplayer Group, Spera Soft, Snowed In Studios, GameSim, The Forge, Nobody Studios Undertone FX, Wardog. Sparx*, Scyth Games, Rouge MoCap, RedHot, Kaptured Motions Inc., Airship Interactive, Lakshya Digital, NXA Studios, Goodbye Kansas, GL33k, FuryLion, Cubic Motion, Cloud Mark, M aka Original Force, WIlF aka Mindwalk Studios. You probably picked up on the Chinese ones, but these companies operate everywhere from Ukraine to Vietnam to India About half of these companies are owned by Keywords Studios, a shady as fuck company using investment dollars and ESG points to help give what is effectively sweatshop labor to AAA developers They work with literally everyone. EA, Tencent, Capcom, Bamco, ActiBlizzard and of course Bethesda. Remember the whole rigamarole about crunch? Well, look at this https://www.keywordsstudios.com/prevention-of-modern-slavery-statement/

PM me your sentiments instead. I’ll tip you.

I’m very surprised, in the past 5-10 years there have been a number (handful?) of these high visibility cases where the family, typically parents of these victims make sure to prioritize giving a public statement of some racial slave morality bent. In a proper country these family members would be held accountable as accomplice to these homicides. I’ll throw “stochastic” in front of homicide to give it the imprimatur of reason.

As the wheel turns in reaction against the culture these displays issue from, we might one day delight in seeing them crushed underneath that wheel.

Hey I’ll post it and they can whack-a-mole my alts.

Let me know if this is better suited for the suggestions thread, but as it stands Skylab's comment is at 20 downvotes. Is Skylab not contributing to the conversation? Not enough evidence of claims? Is TheMotte.org userbase already eagerly using downvoting as a disagree button?

Not that this necessarily applies here, but I always thought of a solution where mods could booby-trap unpopular but constructive comments - high-signal rule-conforming comments, and automatically warn or even temporarily remove voting privileges from users who downvote the tripwired comment to 'train' them. I probably would've already tripped this trap a couple times by now, fwiw. This might lead to accusations of mod-favoritism.

You really haven’t pooed until you’ve pooed with friends.

Does this “New Age” church conduct wedding ceremonies for homosexuals?

Never meet your heroes. Scott is, to put it politely, not the kind of person to model your own intimate affairs after. More to the point, he is a Jew, so you can't expect much here. It isn't coming from a rational place.

I’m driving 5-7 hours across however many state lines to do the same. Skipping my check-in with my parole officer for this. For me, just my regular aviators and a revolver in case things get dicey. White sheets seem to be for recording equipment. Just take it in and keep an eye on traffic and erratic behavior (both others and yourself). Stay safe.

For how long have you been a committed champion of the longhouse?

Do you believe taking your children to the gun range to target practice is unreasonable or bad parenting?

Her name is Marsey and you will respect her.

All sexual abuse accusations against men are false, regardless of his status. #BelieveAllMen, but the inverse if he admits to it - which would only be the case if he has been longhoused so thoroughly that he has developed a false gynocentric consciousness.

Stop being so relaxed, focus on anxious things, drink caffeine. I find doomscrolling helps.

I don’t believe you.

You don’t need to worry about a thing lad; I’m in my 40s and my future wife hasn’t even been born yet.

Well, maybe Effective Altruists will build a Singleton with SBF's loot, and it'll find some clever one-and-done solution, but I hope not.

Excellent post as always, and like some of your others it ties back to this theme. Is TheMotte a safe space for further exploring it, or where do we read more about it? Should I just read Revelation and call it a night?

Dose testosterone.

Absolutely, in my personal experience private profiles == trolls.

Planescape likely has the highest volume of text among those infinity engine options. But if you were to compile every bit of it into a pdf book, which some have, and read through it as a novel without the game giving it an interactive body, you’d find it is pretty lame and cringe standing on its own. I don’t know of any good writing in games off the top of my head, save for a recent run though Disco Elysium.

That shouldn’t stop anyone! Hit the gym.

Go for surgery