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User ID: 1560



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User ID: 1560

Who was that?

I don't think Chinese childhoods are horrible experiences all around, and upper class Chinese parents certainly don't think that.

You don't seem to be engaging with Chrispratt's initial point about the dishonesty of the org name. If the 'freedom not to have one's children indoctrinated into the state religion' is liberty, then anything can be liberty. Can you name an example of a political issue that cannot be framed as liberty in this way? I agree with you that determining curriculum is not anti-liberty. I disagree that it is honest to call it pro-liberty.

People are not being dramatic. There was indeed an arms race, but twitter just shut down the functionality core to nitter. The dev behind nitter has given up and declared nitter dead. The instances still working will stop working soon.

"the strength of these" : these=the efforts?

It seems like this collapses into saying that learning requires effort/strategy and that people only expend effort on things they want to do. Do you intend to make a stronger claim?

I don't think the reward is actually causing the learning, but maybe you're not saying that. The reason flash cards are better than plan reading is because they require recall while reading (mostly) does not. A student who doesn't care about getting improving their flash card score will still benefit as long as they genuinely try to answer correctly.

I will give you the best steelman I can. Cities are not responsible for border security. If ICE is not properly enforcing border control the city of Chicago cannot change things. Sanctuary laws will protect some criminals, but it will also protect long-time illegal residents. There is a tradeoff being made, and proponents think the cost is worth it. Your wife is correct that criminals and terrorists can just come in, but this is ICE's failure, not that of Chicago. Sanctuary laws only affect deportation.

Sanctuary cities are supposed to function as a sanctuary from unjust and brutal laws. Proponents would say it is unjust to deport a family who have resided in the US for twenty years, even if they immigrated illegally. The rationale is the same as that for hiding slaves/jews/etc. It is not abnormal to try to safeguard people that are being persecuted.

flyover country construction workers are making $70k a year now easily

This is untrue unless they are working 70+ hr weeks


Leaving a child near a hot stove will teach them something, and has nothing to do with a 'present system' or with world transformation.

Why would you not say what your suggestion was?

when even America and Britain had concentration camps and killed civilians by the hundreds of thousands

Can you explain this comment?

An overview of statistical inference inspired by the seeming statistical illiteracy of most of this community as seen in discussions of Aella. It was pretty hard to read, and made me doubt if the crowd here is equally clueless about other things where I'm less knowledgeable.

Because everyone is not happy. Nowhere close.

what it says on the tin.

If it says "Russell" on the tin, yes it will certainly cover that.

Beliefs aim at truth. When we are speaking, we are very rarely concerned with truth or aiming at truth. Consequently we rarely speak about our beliefs. John wants to impress his girlfriend, your sister wants to feel like she's part of a movement, and your father wants to express his aesthetic repulsion for Islam. I don't think any of this requires newfangled S-Dispositions. The causes of S-Dispositions seem more basic/important. John "had a strong disposition to agree to statements like 'Meat is murder'" because he desired to impress. The desire explains the action, the S-Disposition isn't needed.

Also, I know it's standard for academic philosophy, but I think you wrote 5x more than necessary to explain your point. That said, I find belief fascinating and haven't read anything in a while, so thanks for the interesting post.


Charles Haywood gives a decent summary and review here. He narrates all his reviews, too, so you can listen rather than read if you prefer.

Try Snakes and Lattes on Milwaukee. It's got a good crowd every weekend, though mostly board games, not Warhammer or D&D.