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Being broke indicates… a severe inability to exercise financial discipline and planning.


young kids

  • -10

Do you really think that if Fruck's father came out of his coma and found out that his son had kissed him on the forehead during his coma, he'd be outraged and feel that his son had violated his personal boundaries?

"Outraged" is a strong word. I would expect him to be somewhat uncomfortable with his child's touching his unconscious body, but I would also expect him to consider this violation of personal boundaries to be extremely minor and easily forgiven, given the obvious depths of the child's love and grief from which it sprang.

Being broke indicates… a severe inability to exercise financial discipline and planning.


my kids

In the immortal words of Peter Griffin: Oh, my God, who the hell cares?

Why don't you just hit the mute button and let the ads play while you browse in another browser tab? Did your parents fail to teach to you the overwhelming importance of the TV remote's mute button when you watched traditional television with them, two or three decades ago? I don't understand why people complain so much about watching a few short seconds of advertisements in exchange for dozens of minutes of FREE video.

It's my understanding that, if you don't skip until the 30-second mark, then the ad counts as having been "watched", so the uploader still gets paid. There's at least one Chrome extension that you can set up to automatically skip ads after the 30-second mark. I don't know whether Safari has anything similar.

No. The juxtaposition of the two quotes concisely points out that the first quote has already addressed the second quote's concern. It's a convenient convention that I first saw on 4chan.

Perhaps this couple had a higher paying job when the kids were younger but has since been laid off. Perhaps this couple used to be able to afford things but haven't gotten raises despite inflation.

"Financial discipline and planning" includes planning for uncertainty.

Perhaps the female was in her mid 30s and they decided to have kids despite not being financially stable because it was now or never. Should people who don't make enough money be effectively consigned to end their genetic line because you (or the other commenter I was responding to) "don't have much respect" for their decision to have children?

Choosing expensive children and a late retirement over cheap living and an early retirement is a valid choice, in the context of the human mind—but calling it a financially-intelligent choice seems a little too much.

If you download the full spreadsheet and reduce the weight of incarceration rate to zero in the calculations, Texas still ends up at a pitiful #46 on personal freedom.

Gambling: #39
Marriage: #44
Education: #35
Marijuana: #50
Asset forfeiture: #42
Travel: #50

Why don't you just hit the mute button and watch the ads? I don't understand why people complain so much about watching a few short seconds of advertisements in exchange for dozens of minutes of FREE video.

It's my understanding that, if you don't skip until the 30-second mark, then the ad counts as having been "watched", so the uploader still gets paid. There's at least one Chrome extension that you can set up to automatically skip ads after the 30-second mark. I don't know whether Safari has anything similar.

The default template for all tech codes of conduct

It's the most common one out there

Github's two default choices are the Contributor Covenant and the Citizen Code of Conduct, and neither of those documents contains that passage. It's true that a quick Google search for "will not act" "reverse racism" turns up quite a few hits, but I think you need more evidence for your inflammatory claims.

Pedophile != slaver.

a small town (∼50,000 people)

The UN's official definition of "town" (roughly aligning with the common understanding of the word) extends from 10,000 people to 49,999 people. A municipality with "∼50,000 people" is either a large town or a small city, not a small town.

Animated gifs for user badges are crazy fucking distracting.

You can hide user profile pictures by adding the following line to the custom CSS in your account settings: .profile-pic-20{display:none!important;}

Maybe I should differentiate more clearly between overkill and bloat. When I listen to a piece of music that has overkill, I wonder why there are so many different sounds playing at once, when it would sound less confusing/overwhelming/bad to have just three or four sounds. When I listen to a piece of music that is bloated, I wonder why there are so many different sounds playing (whether simultaneously or in sequence), when it would have been so much simpler/cheaper for the composer to use just three or four sounds.

What is a part? Is a chord on a guitar six or one parts?

I guess that's one spot where the synthesized instrument and the physical instrument can diverge significantly in bloat, even though both compositions have exactly the same position on the overkill meter. Many physical instruments, of course, can create a chord standing alone—but an electronic tracker may require one synthesized "instrument" for each note in a chord.

Is a choir one part, 4–8, or ~8–48?

Similarly, a choir would (I assume) be around four instruments in terms of overkill regardless of its physical or electronic implementation, but a physical implementation could be horribly bloated, with dozens of members beyond the minimum.

If I have an orchestra using a bunch of different instruments to produce a single chord is that one or multiple parts?

I would say that, if an entire physical orchestra is being used to generate a single chord, it's horrendous bloat, but not necessarily overkill. MIDI, of course, has the "Orchestra Hit" instrument that can be used to eliminate the bloat.

Is the guitar and bass guitar different or the same part?

I don't know much about musical composition, but if they're playing the same note then I imagine I probably wouldn't be able to tell that there were two instruments. However, if they're playing the "same" note at different octaves, then I might be able to tell, and to wonder what the point is.

The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop

Based and—dare I say it?—Perfect Lionheart–pilled.

I used the Metro only to show that the idea was realistically possible to execute (e. g., on a new Mirage). I wasn't suggesting that the Metro was comparable to a new Mirage.

Cars younger than 25 years can't be imported to the US.

No fuel-economy measurement is given on the for-sale page. But it seems obvious that reducing the car's weight in this manner will improve its fuel economy by reducing its rolling resistance. (I admit that the worsened aerodynamics may cut into that improvement somewhat.)

I am inclined to agree with this framework, but my opinion is not very firm.

It works on my machine. (It's a PDF file with an attached XHTML file.)

They've banded together and declared standard commissions

Source? This article says that any explicit attempt to "declare standard commissions" would fall afoul of antitrust laws.

If I imagine a hypothetical where I have to pick between saving two eighty-year-old men or one eight-year-old boy, I will save the boy every time. Moreover, I would honestly think less of the two men if they advocated for their own lives while understanding the full situation.

I think a fertilized egg is a human life in a very straightforward and technical sense, such that I think it is wrong to kill it, but I would not pick to save a fertilized egg over saving the eight-year-old boy, either. (I also wouldn't pick it over the eighty-year-old man.)

What does your function for the "default value" of a human look like? (Time since conception) × (time until natural death as estimated by a neutral doctor), generally measured in units of daa2 (decayears squared)?