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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

On reddit yes. And auto-collapses your comment. And puts it at the bottom of the thread.

But I thought we didn't have all that around here.

@Amadan am I correct to think the worst features of reddit karma are missing here? It is just a number at the Motte.

Also Hillary funded the Steele dossier and falsely reported it as legal expenses. I notice she wasn't prosecuted in criminal court for doing that.

The votes don't matter at all. They should let you toggle being able to see votes in order to prevent the emotional distress some apparently get.

Be the change you want to see: post relevant non-Trump content. Those griping Trumpers can't stop you.

I heard an audio clip with that word on the radio. So horrible when said outloud by a sycophant speaking to Kamala.

This is a problem I have with Biden. I'm not looking forward to Madame President Kamala.

I think a modern draft would be a disaster. The draft was bad in the 60s and 70s. It would be horrible today. The backlash and mass noncompliance would disgrace our nation.

Too bad we collectively expended all unpopular draft resources on fighting North Vietnam. To this day there's none left over for anything important.

Law enforcement and general government: 5%

Somewhat cynically: actual fucking governance: 5%

a defense contractor (Anduril)

Which is weird, because Anduril makes small drones that defensively destroy incoming attacking drones by flying into them. They make actual defensive drones. They don't make Predator or Reaper style drones that are full sized planed that "drone" people with missiles.

"Good news everyone! Income inequality has really decreased in the past few years. Bad news: everything is now really expensive relative to your inflation-adjusted wage."

Recalling college: many young women's first and only choice is a psychology degree.

Lots of Democrats are not progressives.

But shouldn't it be "yasslighting"? "Yass queen" has more than 1 "s".

Okay. So it is not 100.0% parasitism. But are they economically net positive? The US East coast ultra orthodox communities that I'm vaguely aware of are net negative if I understand correctly. As you say, they subsist on welfare fraud and have large families of severely inbred special needs children.

There's an obvious point that various contrary factions are pushing and pulling the government. So push to get the laws you want or be stuck with the laws they want. Whoever "they" are in any context.

And laws are very sticky, so there's a huge first mover advantage.

Or alternatively preemptively use state coercion to force your way before they do. Ban their stuff before they ban ours.

And for the many people who seem to view the state as a club meant to smash the heads of people with different preferences, that's generally their apparent goal.

In some vague sense we'd be on the slope. Vegans aren't shy about describing how horrific any form of raising animals is. There'd be a push to ban the real thing once an alternative existed.

Unless do-gooders tax or otherwise restrict real meat "for our own good".

I keep seeing posts in my neighborhood about coyotes. "A coyote went through my yard", "Watch out at night, my camera saw a bunch of coyotes running around", etc.

Everyone, yes, I know there are coyotes around here. It is filled with coyotes. Please stop saying you saw one. They are all around every night and sometimes at day. This isn't news. And your little dog that's been missing for a few days was eaten by coyotes the first night it was out.

I blame cell phones. I'd be a better motteposter if I was on my PC.

And as you say: add a distracted teen to the phone problem and quality is horrible compared to an adult looking at a computer screen.

"Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8."

shift hard and fast to the Right and mean it

This is not going to happen. But also I predict almost all American jews will not move to Israel. The author is really setting up a false choice here.

"Send the police at them"? For what? If you mean enforcing public camping bans, then I'm fine with that. Not clear in what other sense the police would be sent after them.

Perhaps you could proactively explain how these malicious actors got to him. I also don't suppose these bad people made his wife sick or made him take drugs.