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joined 2022 September 05 21:42:31 UTC


User ID: 726



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User ID: 726

as well as contractual poly families as described in Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land

You're thinking the of the line marriages and so forth in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?

That's not how the game works at all!

How does it work?

When Diplomacy Fails: episodes, website (which has kind of suffered during Zach's Ph.D. quest).

James Rhodes was Iron Man at times. Sam Wilson was Captain America at times. There have been various Captain Marvels.

(Let's not quibble about the fact that Urdu and Hindu are pretty much the same language with a different script, that's beneath us)

Not knowing either, my mental model is that the spoken languages map in the same way that American English and British English map. Different vocabulary for various things, but once you internalize the truck/lorry pairing (for example) you're okay. Is that the case?

I mix those little squeeze bottles of drink flavorings with mineral water for my ersatz sodas. I also drink it by itself.

It's sort of like the Wii's "Go Vacation"?

As the old saying goes, "Remove one piece of jewelry". Unfortunately, that's hard to do with makeup.

My mental model now has a Twitch "Lounge section" for non-gaming stuff.

Edit: And when I go to https://www.twitch.tv, it looks like Youtube For Games.

  • Extroversion: 1
  • Emotional stability: 98
  • Agreeableness: 5
  • Conscientiousness: 26
  • Intellect/Imagination: 80

To quote Tom Wolfe, my emotional stability has a center of gravity like a 102-inch High Point Vinyleather sofa.

Really? I recall BCAA powder tasting like death.

I think you underestimate ironic Nazi slogan larping.

That's like 90% of 4chan.

For the leg workout: split squat, or split squat, or split squat.

How are deadlifts on your back?

Dysphoria is not the issue; gender is. Remove gender entirely from the equation, then there is nothing for dysphoria to latch on to.

What would you remove from the equations for weight and muscle dysphorias?

Just no pixel-by-pixel scrolling banners, please. Some sub-reddits have them, and they chew up CPU.

Inclusion into strangely discriminatory female spaces

Something like this?

"Having been both a student and teacher at MIT, my personal explanation for men going into science is the following: 1. young men strive to achieve high status among their peer group; 2. men tend to lack perspective and are unable to step back and ask the question 'is this peer group worth impressing?'"

I haven't seen these, but the first thing that pops to my head by way of analogy is the way that close masculine friendship is now frequently coded as gay. Arab men holding hands? Gay. Two bros hugging it out? Gay. Telling your decades-long friend that you love him? Gay. Slap on the butt or other physical encouragement in sports? Gay. Just hanging out together? Believe it or not, still gay.

John Woo films? Total sausage fests.

The focus on male friendships in Woo's film have been interpreted as homoerotic. Woo has responded to these statements stating "People will bring their own preconceptions to a movie .... If they see something in The Killer that they consider to be homoerotic then that is their privilege. It's certainly not intentional."

That was 1989.

Summoning up the faux anger...

Why didn't you post about Vermis when my wife was pestering me for Christmas present ideas?!?

Bookmarked for when Hollow Press gets back to the office.

Like how Kameron Hurley and Seanan McGuire and Ann Leckie are all decent writers but such insufferably hateful harpies that, like Scalzi, I can't stand to read them anymore.

Without going into too much detail, Seanan McGuire appeared on my radar recently. What informs your description?

What should I do if I got Janitor Duty but the post was "Deleted by author"?

Oops, found the conversation below.

For the LacklustreFriend link for September 12... This is the posted link:


It renders the destination page, but at the top of the page, with no highlighting of the specific AAQC post. This is what the relevant AAQC post's "Context" link links to:


The link takes me to a page where the relevant post is in the window and highlighted in blue. All of the AAQC links here seem to use the first format.

With the right cybernetic chair and daily sacrifices he'll be fine.

Sometimes it was just easier to do than put it back on three minutes later at your next stop.

Twitter's API has been throttling lately. Just keep hitting refresh periodically.

and also I guessed by the end of the first Mistborn trilogy that the author was a Mormon without knowing anything about him

What prompted that?