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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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Because prime ministers are well known for going by train into combat zones and dodging artillery shells. Yes, yes. that's what they do.

Yeah, very reputable journalists. This article is likely to be true - as much as that article about Israel nuking USA on 9/11 and Beirut. To say nothing about UFO.

US media is tightly controlled, if you are not on message you won't get published. Hence why e.g. Steve Sailer has to publish over at unz.com.

Could you not be an NPC and look at the actual claims ?

Look at the Uke photos of the visit. Look at the railways stations photos.

I did. The article seemed to check out, and I found the idea that multiple prime ministers would make a very risky trip into a place where their train might get bombed. (gee, we thought it was carrying munitions, sorry) just plain crazy.

  • -12

Fleeing was a choice he very much could have made, that many leaders have made

He is alleged to have fled to Lviv early in the war.

Some of the early videos were thought to be done using bluescreen..

It looks suspicious, the mismatch in lighting and color alone is somewhat odd, and there are many more anomalies.

Later came the the hard to believe trip to Kiev by various prime ministers from staunchly anti-Russian countries. Hardly believeable, because at the times there were Russian units within artillery range of the rail tracks, etc.

A American journalist in Russia wrote an article that claims Zelensky fled to either Lviv or a NATO base in eastern Poland.

I've checked the various claims about the layout of train station, and yes, the Kiev station doesn't look like the one purporting to be the Kiev one in the photos.

Again, truth is immaterial, of interests only to weirdoes and autists; what matters is what people believe. And they believe Zelensky is somehow the next Churchill(ha!). Ukraine was reportedly ready to make peace in March, not sure on what terms, but that was scuttled by BoJo playing messenger boy, saying "we are not ready for peace now".

  • -11


I get tons of downvotes when I point out 'sanctions' are no such a big deal when the country with half of the world's industry and the world's most rampant IP theft program refuses to sanction Russia on account of it being its biggest ally.

Cope & seethe, cope & seethe. Keep the downvotes coming.

The entire fucking continent is going to become irrelevant.

The continent has been irrelevant since it lost WW2. Economically EU could never compete on account of not being energy independent and not having the scale or more friendly business environment of the US.

EU itself is a fucking joke, with cargo-cult education policies, inability to keep out unproductive riff-raff such as North Africans and blacks, inability to have a solid energy policy, etc. It's been a joke since it came into existence, because the same cretins were in charge. Any university teacher not in pedagogy could have told you that the 'Lisbon strategy' and 'Bologna process' which herded everyone with IQ above room temperature into universities, were just pure BS.

Maybe as a west-slobbering Russian you had some rosy glasses on, but in all metrics that mattered EU and Germany specifically was coasting on past accomplishments. Apart from former WP countries it can't even claim it's safe.

And are unlikely to be able to expand that much while under sanction.

Yes. Chinese are completely unable to build gas liquefaction machinery. It requires high tech industry such a backward country cannot possibly manage to build.

Imagine telling a Roman in 100 AD that 1500 years in the future, the world's best scientists would be from Britain and Germany. Or telling him that for much of the next 2000 years, Europe would be dominated by a religion created by Jews.

That's what they want you to think. But there's a some amount of evidence Christianity is just disguised Imperial Cult that went a bit astray. Of course we as a civilization and especially academia cannot possibly acknowledge the truth of it, that'd be unthinkable.



So, Christianity was supposedly a psyop ran on the Jews by Romans, although they kind of fumbled it at the end by not managing to deprecate the old testament entirely.

In my experience, Europeans are absolutely obsessed with America.

You should provide some data, such as EU music charts.

While I get the utility of cars, if I lived in the same spot I live in now and had a family, I could still do a weekly grocery run by simply getting a bigger backpack.

My record in load carrying was 120 lbs. Well, wasn't pleasant but hey, probably not hazardous to one's health seeing as soldiers do that all the time and they spend way, way more than 40 minutes a week on that.

The only threat Russia has to NATO are nukes.

Yeah, sure buddy. It's not like they have deep diving submarines that can do god knows what, or can launch about half a ton worth of warheads in hard to intercept suicide drones out of one shipping container. Or, you know, launch cruise missiles just off the coast of North America.

What do you think would happen if Russian secret service got a truck into say, Ludwigshafen and targetted a 20 drones against various choice storage tanks in the plant area ? You really think every vulnerable location in old world American provinces has point defense anti-air guns ?

Even if it's just the former biggest chemical plant in the world, if it was set on fire in two dozen places at one, it'd be impressive.

technology have been demonstrated to be a joke

The 'joke' that has killed by UA admissions more Ukrainians in six months than Americans killed by North Vietnam over a decade. We might be getting into Korean war deaths territory if Russian numbers are to be believed.

The 'joke' that has drained NATO arms inventories to the point where they're stopping training because they're short.

Not such a useless joke. Disappointing, sure, but it only shows Putin is no militarist or imperialist, but just a bog standard somewhat competent autocrat.

pretty strong military hegemony in NATO and America.

That's a smug illusion, which is being dispelled by the inability of the entirety of NATO to give Ukraine enough weapons to defeat a militarily inept country with the nominal GDP of Italy.

Russians are being barely competent and are not even trying that hard when it comes to war-economy measures.

Dead bodies lying in the street, in position that look like they haven't even attempted to flee are more suggestive of people getting killed by a stray artillery shot than having been shot. They'd have been running after the first shots, so it'd look different.

In any case, Ukraine is claiming there are 'hundreds of bodies' and insinuating Russia murdered them all without really saying so. More likely is, the weeks of fighting and artillery exchanges killed most, soldiers being dicks / panicking / untrained most of the rest and as to executions, they're quite likely. Both sides have been noted saying they kill or want to kill those reporting their positions to the enemy.

Have to admit I was expecting a link to some Russian wunderwaffen instead of a 1980s tracker that can be completely foiled by turning your radar off (like anti-radiation missiles haven't been a thing for decades).

a) no, it can't. These systems work by comparing reflections of second hand sources, e.g. navigation beacons, etc.

I imagine the assessments of Russian IADS have changed somewhat since then.

After some embarrassment (e.g. entirely avoidable losses due to Bayraktars), Ukraine doesn't dare to fly their jets above treetop height. The only one who has done so was Russia, and even then in a neighboring country (Belarus).

but whether NATO forces could do so quickly enough to avoid defeat on the ground

Since Russia is unlikely to be attacking, that'd mean NATO, to fight, in response to a desperate Russian move, would have to cross the border into Russia to engage in a ground fight. Russia doesn't have any tactical artillery nuclear shells, but it probably does have lots of tactical nuclear warheads on short range rockets.

I'm not sure how enthusiastic NATO would be about advancing out of the Baltics while dodging nukes daily.

So I get downvoted because some Japan tier messed up porn genres, ones I haven't even heard of are.. not allowed on Steam.

Got it.

You can't even find insects that hunt cooperatively.

That is, it is our world when all the bad things are solved - war, sickness, poverty, greed and so on.

War ? War is what created man and what created civilization.

We'd be nothing but bugs without war.

The suffering modern man experiences because he has been deprived of war and struggle is rather evident.

War destroys lies, reveals all the cards. It's truly horrible but like most others, we are a horrible species and pretending otherwise is useless in the face of historical record.

Seriously- mass shootings are pretty much all young males with no male role to fill.

It's almost always narcissism and rage, not lack of a role.

People who don't know what to do just stagnate, they don't lash out and kill random people.

There's not much more to say here than 'duh'.

Of course people, if we use the term very loosely, in provinces are going to ape trends from the imperial center. Fortunately it's limited to trendy & leftist university students.

There's no biological imperative that men shouldn't be allowed to wear dresses, or makeup, or be considered submissive or cute.

Are you sure about that ? You think sexuality is entirely environmental, there are is no genetic component to it ?

That's bullshit.

The fundamental asymmetry between male and female genetic interests has been there essentially forever. Submissive men do exist, but they're more rare than the other way around.

And as to cute... ditto. Men aren't cute. You can try to 'consider' them cute, but that's the same level of as talking about feminine penises.

I personally feel society ought to be militarised completely, or at least, all people with any measure of political power ought to be soldiers involved in some capacity in the army.

That'd pretty much prevent unnecessary wars & ensure the political class was healthy and cohesive. There'd be mandatory wargames held continually (computer simulations of conflict, fought for real money) and less frequent physical exercises.

It's a fun class but I'm the kind of weirdo for whom coming up with half-baked policy policy proposals is a 'fun' activity.

If multiverse is truly infinite, somewhere they have a very entertaining timeline where I'm an absolute monarch of some country and driving the bureaucrats up the wall constantly.

So, the question I have is: where did all this come from, and why? Is it what some call "safetyism," the impulse to prevent harm at all costs and take no risks whatsoever? Relatedly, is it because legal liability is treated as a mortal risk, because lawsuits can be a punishment in themselves?

Simple, it's a consequence of the top man-made disaster ever, the 19th amendment of the United States constitution.

Less facetious reply:

Consequence of both the tend to 'therapeutic state' and legal liability. Female suffrage probably playing a fairly significant role here, I believe.

Albanians, who would get EU citizenship somewhere in Central Europe

Lol what.

I don't think so. None of these countries give citizenship out lightly. Not the former WP countries, not Germany - I still remember the anguished editorials from 1990s about how Turks who came to Germany in 1970s for work still didn't have citizenship.

just to own the hohols.

No, he specifically says it's to own the Americans and secure a multipolar world accepting of diversity.

I didn't mean TAMARA but the general class of systems. Almost certainly that's not the only such system in existence as both Russia and China have a very strong interest in detecting stealth planes.

PET does rely on you having your radar turned on.

Yeah, because the many electronic and electric systems in a plane have no emissions whatsoever, right ?

If you think people are going to be less mad when a solution to the energy problem is off the table, think again. Germans may be cucks but after some weeks of freezing their asses off Africa style (few know that most cold-related deaths happen in the tropics) that may change. Banks in western EU have been preparing for riots since summer started.

They say the Jews are smart:

The offer was first made by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to Theodore Herzl's Zionist group in 1903. He offered 5,000 square miles (13,000 km2) of the Mau Escarpment in what is today Kenya. The offer was a response to pogroms in the Russian Empire, and it was hoped the area could be a refuge from persecution for the Jewish people.

Its high elevation gave it a temperate climate, making it suitable for European settlement. However, the observers found a dangerous land filled with lions and other creatures. Moreover, it was populated by a large number of Maasai people, who did not seem at all amenable to an influx of people coming from Europe.

It's inexplicable what happened, and to me it seems it must have been deliberate negligence on party of Israeli military and security services.