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User ID: 1089



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User ID: 1089

How does a project stop these people from getting a toehold and leveraging that into a takeover?

I've heard this called a "preference cascade", and I think I first heard it on the Timur Kuran episode of The Portal podcast.

Does anyone here know is going on with NixOS? There seems to be a new round of explosions and fresh community drama of some kind.

Once you realize that most people lack intellectual standards or believe in the principles they claim each week, you can go looking for the people who actually do.

Don't listen to the feminists. You are not a monster for being attracted to women, It is okay for men to like women, it's okay to court women you're interested in, sex is not something men take from women but rather something men and women can share. Don't have such a stick up your ass about proper behavior. Instead, enjoy flirting with the cute girl at the supermarket, or at college, or...

Maybe then I wouldn't have missed the signals. Maybe then I wouldn't have been too scared to say something. Maybe then I wouldn't have waited for an imagined thing with the girl back home who wasn't that interested. Maybe then I wouldn't be the last one left as all my friends paired off and started families.

There's a lot more "tokens" involved in modern cards, wtf? Do most people use post-it notes?

One of the reasons I don't like the modern game, but anyway. Most people will buy one of those little Chessex boxes of like 24 D6s, then put them on the cards to represent whatever the "obvious" token is, or even use them just on the table as "number of 1/1 White Human Soldier Tokens in play".

Have you considered the Alaskan wilderness?
Obviously it's not the most appealing place, but as @George_E_Hale says, you shouldn't just be thinking about yourself.
Choosing where your children grow up is a big influence on their development, so it's worth considering all options.
Kids are resilient, and if they make it to adulthood, the hardship will make them infinitely attractive and set them up for a good life.

The Time Magazine Piece about the coordination after the 2020 election makes me think this is false, and that there is a lot of coordination.

Fantastic post.

DRM is "Digital Restrictions Management": it grants no extra rights, and manages restrictions by which consumers may use the software or content.

It would be great if you could expand on CRT, as expanding the initialism doesn't say what it actually means.

Clearpill is a reference to https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-clear-pill-part-1-of-5-the-four-stroke-regime/ but damned if I'm reading a five-parter of Yarvin's to remember what it actually means.

Purple pill is also important, I think.

I think GP is claiming that OP is insufficiently blackpilled, and that rejection of current "sacred truths" like the current party line on trans will be grounds for total disenfranchisement.

If you assume these are pathologically controlling busy bodies, which I think you are right to assume, the fact that anybody can program anything probably terrifies them. They barely understand technology to begin with.

It's worse than that. "SJW's can't code" is a dead meme from 2014 or so. The existence of the Rust community proves that there's now a technical community of true believers, not just entryists writing Codes of Conduct.

Civ 4 is the mechanical peak of the series (especially with community QoL mods like BUG), but Alpha Centauri is the best setting.

Is this Cultist Simulator but for Castaway?

Industrial Annihilation is vaguely on my radar but I don't know whether or not the factory building is team vs. team.

I believe it still holds up, but if you do give it a whirl, post a report? If a game in the 2000s can make a sympathetic Christian fundamentalist, it's gotta be doing something right.

You seem to be a little aggravated that the government got COVID wrong but you are.. also a little mad that they got monkeypox right.. because it feels unequal?

Something like that, because it shows that the correct thoughts were in people's heads and yet they still managed to get COVID so wrong.

I disagree that poly is not victimless. I briefly dated a poly girl, and I hated being put in the double-bind of either not pursuing other women or having to have "the poly/ENM conversation" with them, and the latter made me feel like I was leaking bad memes into the groundwater. Missed out on a possible relationship with a lovely mainstream girl that way because my ethics wouldn't allow me to hook up under those circumstances. I've said this before, but a world where poly is more normalized is a world where it's more acceptable to proposition other people's partners because "they might be poly, you never know these days, she can just say no". And then you have a world where the baseline temptation to cheat is raised, making monogamous life harder for those that want it.

Was the government supposed to tell gay men to stop having sex?

If you take the COVID response as yardstick, which many on the left still endorse, then the answer should be unequivocally "yes". While not the same as HIV/AIDS, I found the contrast between the "stay indoors/wear a mask/etc" response to COVID and the soft-touch response to monkeypox incredibly jarring. After large parts of the country were imprisoned in their own homes and dissent suppressed in response to a novel disease, the message to the gay community dealing with its own novel disease was more like "please consider at least getting the names of the men you have unprotected sex with, so that we can actually attempt some contact tracing". I wish I'd saved some tweets from that era, which feels like another lifetime ago, but my browser history is being uncooperative.

That said, it all seems to have died down, so maybe the monkeypox response worked, which is more than can be said for the COVID response. And perhaps that soft response was necessary to get enough gay men to come forward and get vaccinated, which cut off the transmission chains.

Would anyone living hard in the trans debate still have a problem with it then? How could they?

Almost certainly, in the same way that they capital-D deaf community can be prickly about things like cochlear implants.

Part of it is that guy's page is sexually very loud and screams "you could have a sex life like this!" to get people struggling with OLD to fix their shit.

Unfortunately, it appears to have tempted you into thinking "I could have a sex life like this!"

Your comment was a big part of it starting, yeah.

I'm very sorry.

He is full of confidence that he has but to seek and he will find. And he feels that way (which isn't a bad way to feel, of course) because he is puffed up with sexual confidence. Nevermind that he gained this confidence because he has a stable, supportive relationship.

Bang-on. When I was younger and stupider, and closer to OP's age, I'd stumble into relationships that felt so easy and natural. And then I'd expect to be able to do that all the time, and the grass beyond the fence would start looking pretty damn green. Of course it wouldn't work like that, and I spent a lot of time single.

desire to try and have casual sex.

I felt similar feelings digging up the Tinder advice pages for whoever it was a couple of weeks back. I'm not as far along these roads as you (either relationship length or intensity of the casual-sex-desire), but I definitely felt it. I sometimes also feel it social dancing: we go out together and have a great time, but of course we dance with other partners, and I feel it dancing with pretty young women who really know how to move and to respond to my lead.

In my case I've finally found someone that I could see things going long with, after years of short-term relationships with (largely) decent women that just didn't work out, a whole lot of heartbreak on the apps, and years of lonely posts to various advice threads across the internet and manosphere. We've been together for a much shorter time than you and Syreen, and while we haven't yet had the exclusivity conversation, it looks pretty close and I find myself excited when I think of her.

Because we haven't had the exclusivity conversation, I'm in this weird position where I have the apps installed, but I don't need to interact with them. I haven't touched Tinder or Bumble for nearly a couple of months, despite them sending increasingly desperate notifications and promotions trying to lure me back. And on Hinge, while I haven't sent a single like, I sometimes open Hinge's "standouts" page and find myself so uninspired. Another one who likes wine and picnics with her dog? Be still, my beating heart! This is the best that the algorithms can find for me?

The grass is nowhere near as green as you think, unless you're a rare specimen. And you're probably not. Pursue novelty within the relationship, or direct that sexual energy into something else which isn't going to blow up one of the best things to have happened to you. Because you're a man, which means you're meant to have a layer of reason and virtue on top of the bag of random impulses.

Another thing to consider, if the anecdote and admonition doesn't help: are you scared of the relationship going well and leading, nearly inevitably, towards the "end state" of marriage? As others have said, it is not a static state, but meant to be a state where new kinds of growth become possible. Kids, yes, but also that you've taken all this bullshit off the table and committed fully to each other.

Enshittification originally meant when a platform linking two sides of a market (e.g., Uber) screws over both sides as it desperately tries to become profitable.


Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.