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User ID: 505



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User ID: 505

They use a tactic that's common to leftist thought. Set up an 'essentialist' strawman of a concept that is 100% discrete and definitive and then after knocking down this strawman declare any more nuanced approach just as essentialist and false as the strawman. It doesn't matter if the 'essentialist' idea of race or sex works 99% of the time, you already defeated any notion that discrete races or sexes exist, so any attempt to categorize people by race or sex must be just as false as the strawman(and motivated by racism and sexism).

This is the same kind of circumlocuted reasoning that Karl Marx used to explain why the obviously in charge bourgeoisie allowed other classes to rule in their place. You can always make up some reason why the supposed rulers of society allowed something to happen instead of allowing for genuine ideological belief that has no material basis or the fact that society is multi-polar.

This will definitely end up erasing a lot of Native American culture from our interpretation of history.

No, the point is to let the Native Americans be the sole interpreters of that history and culture. We don't need pesky archeologists and geneticists telling us about how their tribe only moved into that area a few hundred years ago. We need to rely on indigenous ways of knowing that are much more valid than the colonialist violence of western science.

Memoirs and other historical documents obtained by later researchers seem to generally support Flynn’s accusations by indicating that Roosevelt ordered his diplomats to exert enormous pressure upon both the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany, thereby leading to the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

Wow, Germany was provoked into invading Poland; because, they were not just handed Polish land on a silver platter. What an argument. Just like Russia was provoked into invading Ukraine; because, they were not just handed eastern Ukraine on a silver platter.

I don’t think you could get 1000 bronies in a room together simply because that’s not how bronies work.

Hippies, new atheists, trekkies and bronies have all had conventions that had, at least, an order of magnitude more attendants. Multiple conventions even.

Why spend all the time and energy in the first place convincing people you were a Nazi!

Why do Satanists spend so much time and energy convincing Christians they literally worship Satan? Because, they know it will strike a nerve.

They could just be garden variety secular atheists, but that doesn't get the same kind of reaction in the post-war world.

I don't think it's just counter-signalling. Freddie really is a dyed in the wool leftist who does have contempt for any remotely rightwing people, even principled liberals and moderates. He hopes he can win those people over to leftism by presenting a more reasonable version, but he knows which side he is on.

Just read this piece from his substack. He hates the anti-woke. Full stop. He hates James Damore and he hates Quillete and he hates Jordan Peterson. He is a leftist. He is 90% woke, he just wants to push for a less insane version.

This isn't a rhetorical tactic, it's what he really believes.

Christians could never accomplish such a feat, because the Meek will Inherit the Earth. Fortunately for Jews, they don't believe that tripe so they get their Menorah on the White House lawn with no Nativity or Cross in sight.

What do you mean? Christians have done this over and over again in every country they have gained power in. They took axes to the sacred groves. They toppled pagan statues. They expelled Muslims from Jerusalem. There are still blasphemy laws in many Christian countries.

One third of Indians in the USA marry outside their race. 95% marry in their caste in India, and that's a historic low. They aren't importing any caste system. Most 2nd or 1.5 generation Indians couldn't tell you their caste if you asked.

Russia was on paper far superior to the Ukrainian forces early in the war. They were shelling Kiev and there was a very real fear it could fall, before Russian logistical and morale problems forced a retreat. No one, not even the Russians themselves, expected such a pathetic showing by the Russian armed forces.

Is there something wrong with this? I mean I doubt the person who said it is some kind of doctrinaire Marxist criticizing profit(or at least, I doubt that they're criticizing Home Depot for profit), so they're criticizing construction as something inherently bad.

Why would you doubt a leftist activist in Berkley could be a doctrinaire Marxist? If they aren't explicitly Marxist they at least believe some adjacent far left ideology that borrows heavily from Marxist theory.

Dale Gribble is definitely a positive portrayal of that kind of character. Especially, considering every character is flawed. Just look at the subreddit. They love Dale.

Have you seen these alt right rallies of the last 7 years? Half the people are at least half Hispanic, Asian or Indian. American racial politics is fundamentally blacks vs everyone else. Most of the Asians and Indians who act very woke and talk about white supremacy are just a slightly darker shade of the white progressives they so hope to emulate.

Second, many better tools already exist (standardized tests, colorblind policy, merit based immigration vetting).

Sure, and then when you use those tools and a disparate racial impact is found the courts find you've run afoul of the Civil Rights Act.

People say that a lot here, but honestly illegible systems are better for having to acknowledge that the system is fundamentally wrong. Children who grow up in the system will naturally see it's immorality. Once you commit to the idea that discrimination is good, then you end up like India with riots every year over whether such and such caste or tribe deserves reservation benefits. People in India view the whole thing not as a matter of morality, but just a crass materialist way to get more for you and yours.

Forcing Progressives to say the quiet part loud on affirmative action is a victory in it's own right.

The Tutsis are mostly descended from East African Cushitic pastoralists. They have significant Bantu admixture, though. Hutus are almost all generic Bantus genetically. There has been no formal studies on this as the Rwandan government doesn’t allow it, but Razib Khan privately analyzed some samples he got from Rwanda years ago on his blog.

So stop with the pretense and give me the real thing. Give me actual agency and consequence. Or commit to your singular vision for the story and write a book instead.

The point of the game is the game. Mario isn't about rescuing princess peach it's about platforming. The story is just window dressing for the mechanics. It's just complaining that the game chess doesn't have a canon ending.

There are two contradictory interpretations of the pagan gods and animistic spirits in the Abrahamic religions. One interpretation sees them as inert wood and stone having no real existence. The other sees them as actual demons who have power in this world and have tricked men into worshipping them as gods.

Yeah the ‘threat’ that killed 4000 Americans during 9/11.

The problem I have with the peak woke narrative is that it acts like this level of wokeness being the new normal is somehow a victory. Like making it to the peak of Mount Everest was somehow a victory even as our oxygen tanks are running dry. Even if we descended down the other side to the Tibetan plateau, we are still way to high up to thrive. It would be like Germans celebrating their defeat in WW1; sure, the war is over; but, at what cost (Though, in this analogy the Germans almost made good use of the reprieve given; so, I guess there is still hope)

Now in practice I think it's more complicated; 'if only the tsar knew' is a meme for a reason. But- formal one man rule seems to incentivize anti-corruption drives at the very least.

You don't seem to be advocating one man rule. You seem to be advocating feudalism. China had formal one man rule and this rule was carried out by a massive, powerful bureaucracy. Same thing in France, Britain or Prussia. Whether the state was being run by a parliament of nobles, an elected parliament or just a king. They all needed bureaucracies once they became centralized.

During Celeste’s development, I did not know that Madeline or myself were trans.

Yeah, I believe that this story is really about being trans just as much as I believe that The Matrix is really about being trans. That is, not at all. The ability of people to mold their memories to reflect a new identity narrative is amazing.

Lisa Littman published her study on rapid onset gender dysphoria in 2018 where she argues it could likely be caused by social contagion. And she suspected it was a kind of social contagion back in 2016 when she first made the study. But the parents of these kids suspected something like social contagion much earlier even if they didn't have the word for it.

I think it's getting talked about more now, because the once successful effort to suppress talk of the idea has failed and even very mainstream center left publications have been talking about it as a not crazy idea.

How is it weird? Leftist always laud authoritarianism when its in their favor. And, criticize it when it is against them. This is the standard that started with Marx and Engels.

I don’t think it’s cognitive dissonance, since caricatures of other moral scolds like fundamentalists Christians are common. People don’t like being told they are sinners regardless of how true they think the accusation is deep down. If anything the more people genuinely believe the accusation is false the more they mock the moral scold.