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User ID: 505



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User ID: 505

That is what happens in rush hour; though, economists call it induced demand. It's a classic example of a market failure and something that should ideally be regulated away.

  • -10

Brahmins in the west, at least America, don't care at all about caste. It's not something relevant here.

You and that person were misinterpreting what induced demand means. It means the only cost to driving on a road is traffic, so in high demand times the cost will equal the benefit of driving and traffic will be at a standstill. It is agnostic over whether greater capacity is a good thing, it just says greater capacity won't fix rush hour problems.

Are you not counting the Tatars as true Mongols? Surely a Russian like yourself would know about the legacy they left culturally and even genetically to the Russian people. Modern Russia is as much a creation of the Golden Horde as it is the Rus.

I can't tell if you are being facetious. Either against the cause of the Confederacy or the cause of the American Revolution. Or, if somehow you don't notice the contradiction.

Again, can you explain your point with respect to my claim? Are you claiming the caste system in India has non-Indo European origins? Is it not an example of a genetic strategy as a religion as I have said? Hinduism is the expression of the unique combination of genes and environment on the continent, I wouldn't expect it to be identical to all IE civilizations. But caste endogamy is absolutely a common feature in IE civilization and that feature in Indian civilization has IE origins.

No it is not, not anywhere close to the extent of Indian society. And the non-Indo-European Dravidians have this endogamy too. I have gave you examples of Indo-European exogamy like the non-Indo-European Etruscans who were found to be identical to the Romans next to them even before they were assimilated to a Roman identity.

The Bell Beakers who both groups were half assimilated were almost 50% EEF. Far more than the Corded Ware Culture people like the Aryans who were only 20-30%. The Latins had nothing like the endogamy in India. Over 2000 years they became identical to their non-Indo-European neighbors. In 3500 years the Brahmins still have more steppe and Harappan ancestry. The Shudras in South India (who are denied, categorically, upper caste status by the Northern Indian Brahmins) have higher steppe and Harappan ancestry than the Dalits.

There is no evidence the Patrician class was more Indo-European in ancestry than the lower classes. Even the Etruscans had similar rates of R1b to the Romans. The Basque who are more EEF shifted than fellow Iberians have higher rates of R1b. The extremely steppe Swedish are modally the non-steppe I1 haplogroup.

Endogamy is a greater concern in IE civilizations with greater diversity including: South Africa, Latin America, Colonial America, the British Empire. Granted none of those are like the Hindu caste system, and those are all examples of post-Christianization European civilizations which would again support my argument for religious changes being synonymous with changes in genetic strategy (the Catholic church outlawing cousin marriage is significant here). Still, those civilizations had caste system with high levels of endogamy including in America, where the colonials resisted mixing with the natives.

The colonials resisted a little bit, but look at them now. They are not quite thoroughly mixed, but they are making great progress, and that is with large amounts of immigration from Europe and even the Middle East and Asia! It isn't panmixia, but you don't need that to remove genetic distinctions between populations. You only need a little.


Here's a link on the Indian caste system being Harappan.


Here's a line on Eastern Iranian genetics.


And here, note Brahmins are less than 30% Sintashta like ancestry even in the North-West.


Only the Jats and Rors who are clearly descended of ancient Eastern Iranian peoples, who invaded later, have more steppe ancestry, despite being considered low-caste Shudras.

So sterilization of Uighur women is fine?

Unless it's a draw...

What do these dystopian sci-fi scenarios of yours have to do with modestly easing California's land use regulations? You constantly attack strawmen positions instead of actually arguing against the policies being proposed.

I assume Mongols, Magyars, Turks, and so on don't count?

Not that it matters, but their blood lies, spilt, in the dirt of the Pannonian Plain, not in any modern Europeans in appreciable quantities.

There are lots of supernatural acts that are tied to suffering in the bible and Christian mythology. Jesus' own bleeding of water instead of blood when he is pierced in his side and his eventual resurrection, including him still having the wounds he suffered on the cross. The saints suffered like Christ and in doing so became magical like him. Objects associated with Christ and the Saints are considered magical relics, these include supposed body parts of Christ and the Saints. If that isn't magic I don't know what is.

If someone thinks kissing my foreskin or finger can heal them, that is magic.

magic actually works but you have to literally either go through extreme suffering...

it would be the best to approach all of this precisely through an institution that says "That's bad...

(most likely) Christianity.

Are thinking about the same Christianity? The one I know glorifies martyrdom, suffering and self sacrifice. At least the Catholic version.

You don't need quantum mechanics for that sort of interference though. Even in an apparently deterministic universe, you could just say that your mind influenced what happened. Quantum mechanics adds nothing to either the plausibility or mechanics of the thought experiment.

That's what OP is suggesting and it works in every possible universe. There are an infinite number of possible models that describe our universe and the only thing constraining them is their complexity.

Rationalism is choosing the least complex option; because, it makes the best predictions.

We believe the theory of evolution and not other theories, because, the facts back it up, not in spite of those facts like Aristotelian metaphysics and transubstantiation. If the facts showed the theory of evolution was likely false I would believe in t was likely false. The Church just throws up it's hands and says it's a mystery don't think to hard. If transubstantiation was true it would be the greatest discovery in physics ever, even more important than a theory of quantum gravity; yet, people are fine just shrugging their shoulders and calling it a mystery.

That's true, but Christians were originally the Jews who supported Jesus. Modern Judaism is descended intellectually from the Pharisees who were explicitly the enemies of Christ and the ones who condemned him. The idea that the struggle is racial is a Nazi contrivance, but the idea it is ideological is just history.

So your only issue with this line of reasoning is the racial line, but you are 100% on board with the cultural idea that Jews want to destroy Christian civilization and have been actively working on that program for centuries?

And what are those of us billions who number the people who are not the sons of Judah? What does the law of this universal and great god say of us?

Did you read anything I said or the Torah itself? I have no doubt they thought it meant morality. Morality meant following the covenant they made with a god. Moses wrote it down for them. That was their morality. I just reject it's truth, not that they thought it was morality.

Sure, let's all worship the true prophet Zoroaster. It was the Orthodox Christians who took this to far.

Hell, even before(and after) Zoroaster, who the Judeans and then Christians stole so much of their theology and cosmology, various pagan and animistic faiths allowed for a world constructed by fickle gods and spirits, not much different from men, except in form and grandeur.

In theory they could just let the exchange rate vary, but in practice they don't. That was my point. It's no coincidence inflation fell world wide after 1982 when it fell in the USA. Just like there was worldwide deflation in 2008 when there was deflation in the USA.

I'm a short thin man who drinks a lot of alcohol and also has lots of sugary drinks alongside that. I can't subsist off one meal a day. there is no way anyone else can either. What kind of meals are you eating that you can fit 2,200 calories on one plate?

The administrative state was always like this, though. It's nothing new and it doesn't seem to be particularly bad in modern America or the West more generally. You had all these problems and worse in Imperial China or Rome. You had these problems in the supposedly absolutist Bourbon dynasty that had to call on the Estates General to try to get around the recalcitrant regional Parlements.

There’s absolutely nothing in the Jewish Bible that suggests a human sacrifice for sins.

And? He was raised a Pharisees, then has his literal 'Road to Damascus' incident and adopts the Christian belief in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

The lambs killed during Passover were not sin offerings.

No, but Jesus' death was in Christian belief. The lamb is just a parallel to Christs' sacrifice. The claim he is like the sacrificial lamb can easily be explained as a parallel coming from them both being sacrifices, not that the lamb was a way to remove sin from people (if it was why would Jesus' sacrifice be needed when we could already sacrifice a lamb?).

Jesus is the sacrifice that creates a new covenant. This parallels the creation of the old covenant in Egypt where lambs were sacrificed. Paul is very explicit that the new covenant parallels the old one that began in Egypt.

I think both religions are jokes, but you are misrepresenting Paul here.

In my example it was also having that famous person as your teacher. Your advisor even. I don't see what's absurd about a Pharisee having another Pharisee as a teacher. Some people must have been taught by Gamaliel. Why not Paul?