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Dedicated Pessimist

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User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

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User ID: 333

Could also have the redheaded stepchild of a /r/cwr weekly thread on the motte that allows low effort. On the bright side it would attract all the witches. On the downside it would drain effort from this thread.

Mothers with young children heard me and glared.

Is this meant to be a 'men are idiots and bad parents' thing? Why wouldn't the mothers be on side?

I reject your framing. Your use of the FVEY acronym does not lend weight to your argument that because 'Well acktually, Five Eyes is just a SIGINT focused intelligence sharing apparatus', and because of this it does not imply other deep historical alliances based on shared cultural backgrounds and systems of government under the international rule of law.

You seem to be asking for an NATO article 5 or the like formal agreement signed by the US and the other partners, the absence of which implies that partners are under no expectation to intervene when their allies' territorial sovereignty has been violated. There is precedent that this has not been necessary in the past to provide support and retaliation when assassinations have been conducted against allied nation's citizens on their home soil.. Note the response of non-NATO members (such as Australia) in expelling diplomats in solidarity in the example.

What, beyond rhetoric, is Canada even asking for?

Various news articles have described that this discussion took place out of the public view. I presume Canada has asked for support in sanctioning India in some form, potentially expelling diplomats as occurred in the example above.

As for the rest of your post, I will concede that perhaps all of the Five Eyes partners decided together that they would not support Canada beyond toothless statements of concern and it wasn't the US doing so unilaterally with their outsized influence. It does not change my cynicism of the value of these alliances when partners have other interests.

Not that my cynicism was purely directed at the alliances themselves. It was also concerning the ability of Middle Power western nations to individually defend their sovereignty against the interests of their suzerain and the machinations of neutral/friendly contemptuous powers. Not doing so will only encourage future acts of interference.

Edit: a couple of words for clarity

I had this conversation with a red tribe engineer in a heavily blue tribe family environment recently at some social cost. Nuclear is the way to go if you want to be pragmatic. I'm really hoping for Germany or anyone in Europe to restart building these.

Yes. I'd add cutting down screen time and also mindfulness meditation.

Yeah can easily count the ballot boxes from democrat voting areas first and then whoopsie, no time to count ballot boxes from republican areas.

A quick google brought this up:

EVALI is a serious medical condition in which a person’s lungs become damaged from substances contained in e-cigarettes and vaping products.


Fortunately, there has been a substantial drop in cases since they peaked in August and September of 2020. What’s more, researchers have also identified vitamin E acetate, a chemical added to some THC-containing vaping products, as the main—but possibly not the only—cause of the illness.

Some other identified additives seem to be bad for a variety of reasons. Related conditions include pneumonia, lung collapse, 'popcorn lung'.

Seems to be that vaping by itself seems ok, its just when certain chemicals are used that things turn nasty.

I think you're in the right. You pre-discussed valentine's day and 'did it' on the Saturday. Then she wanted it again on the Wednesday in spite of your earlier agreement and got upset when you didn't do it twice. You're somehow in the wrong because you should have known that any deals about valentines day are completely void because of how important it is to her. I don't know how taking her to dinner and a symphony of all things is half assing it.

I applaud you for talking it out and fixing it, but I think your wife has been immature and this sort of thing is likely to happen again unless she works on herself. I kind of get it because my long time girlfriend will negotiate doing something for her birthday on the weekend before it happens because we have more free time. Then she will 'spontaneously' want to do something on her weekday birthday evening even though I'm tired from work. Then she will try triple dipping and ask to do something on the Friday night post birthday because we couldn't do 'enough' on her birthday. I was lucky that when I calmly talked her through what had happened and said 'its enough, we've already done all this stuff so you can't have a "Birthday Week" where I'm at your beck and call' she pulled her head in. I think this is because she knows I'm not a doormat and that I'm willing to weather emotional storms. Ironically because I'm willing to endure fights, they don't happen and we manage to talk things out before they ever get that far.

Its this last part that's important. While its ideal to 'never go to bed angry' and resolve fights on the day they happen, I think its more important to show your partner that you can set proper boundaries when you are actually in the right. If she can't help feeling upset and self regulate, well that's something you need to learn to tolerate until she finally gets over it. Be willing to extend an olive branch, but don't apologize. If you can't self regulate and push through when your wife is unhappy with you (even though she is in the wrong), well I'd say try to work on that.

If your body and social skills atrophy while you are playing games it is an issue. If you are just gaming as a hobby with moderation, there is no problem.

I'm wondering if The Motte needs an additional 'low effort' /r/drama style culture bitching weekly thread with relaxed rules. Has this been considered?

<I may or may not be a /r/cwr poster>

I see escalations like this as a move towards Total Law, or full spectrum lawfare in the culture wars. Same with the Georgia Trump indictment. Justice has nothing to do with it.

Nobody can stop White Flight.

I think they'd try if the trickle became a deluge. I'm reminded of how difficult it is to give up US citizenship (to avoid paying tax while living overseas). Basically you used to need to pay US$2k+ and prove 5 years of IRS tax compliance. Also exit taxes if you own more than $2 million.

In this WaPo article from 2014, this sort of strike and international condemnation seems par for the course.:

"Israeli military officials, for their part, say the reality of the strikes is substantially more complicated and claim Hamas’s maintenance of military operations inside civilian institutions precipitate such attacks.

“Hamas chooses to use these protected areas for military purposes in order to shield itself from IDF strikes,” the Israel Defense Forces said this week. “And to draw international condemnation of Israel if the IDF is forced to respond."

Not evidence one way or another, but hiding weapons caches and personel in schools, mosques and hospitals seems to be Hamas' method of operation as is the Israeli response to not incentivise civilian shields in this way.

It seems that Hamas wins either way by doing this. Either they successfully use civilian shields or Israel gets bad press by striking these sorts of targets.

If you go check out some heavily progressive spaces, some seem to be against Biden for not being progressive enough. This is probably an olive branch to them in the lead up to the elections. Devout Christians are largely voting republican and I think he's gambling he will gain more votes than he loses. I'm guessing this is a pure election play. There is no way Biden's team didn't know that this would be antagonistic.

Oh wait, the sterling and terminally resistant to reality claim that all human populations are equal, especially cognitively so, acts as a barrier to even recognizing there is a problem, or at least it's not the kind of problem you solve by giving them handouts or schools.

I predict that progressives will turn on a dime on the idea of HBD as soon as gene therapy becomes a viable way to bring all groups into IQ parity. They might not acknowledge the change publicly, but there will be zero barriers to implementation.

Yes "failed shooting" would technically cover the use of Iron Dome, but make it seem like a malfunctioning rocket in a Motte and Bailey.

I remember the uncertainty of the outcome of the protest as it was happening and the discussions about whether hard or soft tactics from the protestors would be more effective. It's good to see that the soft tactics did enact change in the end.

It's much simpler, and more harmonious for the liberal worldview, to just admit that some men get screwed over by the way women judge attractiveness and by the way society teaches men to date, and that they should get to vent harmlessly if they so desire. And they should eventually let go of the resentment! But they shouldn't have their venting be held against them.

By doing so they'd open the status quo up to legitimate critique. Their reluctance to do so is because of some combination of women are wonderful (women can do no wrong) and male hyperagency (men are responsible for everything that happens to them).

By not doing so it does lead to many men going through the 'anger stage' when they find out they'd been indoctrinated with social mores that are against their own personal interest. You could find them on forums like /r/theredpill and some never get over it.

Milo is definitely done. Fuentes is much too young as you say.

I could see the Kanye as new VP to galvanize and rally MAGA back to Trump, but the 'you be my VP Trump' angle just ruins everything.

No, I think if someone was acting according to your intent it would be more akin to beating a kid to the point of hospitalisation to 'toughen him up'. American cultural resilience is not anti-fragile.

I'd like to say I'm a connoisseur, but I normally go for a good single malt that I can mix with water, or dry ginger ale. Jamesons, Glenfiddich, heck even Chivas Regal.

I learnt a long time ago that alcohol tasting is a sham. Just pick something you like and don't try to compare against others.

I see the knife guy eating a bat hit and having a fractured arm/ribs/cheek as he lunges in before sticking bat guy in the ribs. Once that knife goes in, its over.

I thought about differences in age and athletic ability though. Bat guy could spring backwards on the knife lunge and have a glancing slash on this arms while still getting the bat hit off, but its uncertain.

I also saw the Lindybeige sword/spear video and think if the knife guy tried to get smart and look for openings he might lose. Bat swings are slower than a spear jab though with much less reach difference from knife/bat compared to sword/spear.

Besides the 'they're idiots' angle, there is a lot of heat that rifles bring that your typical saturday night special would not. It displays a level of sophistication that law enforcement would gravitate towards as a problem. Also, using a sniper rifle requires a certain amount of training that might be better spent in a cough Private Military Company or similar endeavor.

Vox Day had some discussion on his site around the possibility of this spilling out into WW3. Basically it was through considering Ukraine/Russia, Iran/Israel and China/Taiwan as separate fronts. China and Russia both gain from flashpoints such as what is happening in Israel, as it draws focus and resources away from their spheres.

I'm a big fan of bulk cooking your favourite stew/curry in a slow/pressure cooker. Probably worth the couple of hours on youtube or the cooking wiki to find a good recipe made from unprocessed ingredients. Cooking from base ingredients tends to be fairly clean no matter what you make.

This really all depends on you not being a super finnicky eater though that can eat your favourite food 4 meals in a row.