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User ID: 1327



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User ID: 1327

I think the difference is that the elites aren't going to be banning large homes and meat, they're just trying to price in externalities as appropriate. The conspiracies are embarrassing because the have the vibe of "The elites hate us and we should angrily riot to resist them". The better response would be try to come up with other more acceptable solutions that price in externalities.

The Lord of the Rings cards could exist in a world where skin colour can have a wide variance from one's family based on exactly which genes someone gets and nutrition and what not. Like how a short mother can have a tall daughter, a dark skinned father can have a pale son. It's a bit ridiculous and personally I don't like it, but it's Or maybe genes don't exist there and people physical traits are personally determined by Eru when they're in the womb. It's silly and I don't like it, but it's ultimately one change to the world: skin colour isn't genetic like how it is in our world(unless they release other materials indicating that in their set Eomer is actually adopted or something, which would bring back to being really upset).

Someone needs to put their foot down.

Are you defending people's right to discuss which governor you'd most want to have sex with in the workplace? I don't think that's ever been an acceptable topic. You could probably get away with it in small workplaces where you're joking with friends and it'd never leak, but I think it'd pretty much always cause controversy if it was leaked.

I'm reminded of that case of the guy restraining the addict on the subway who was making everyone uncomfortable.

He killed the homeless guy. I'm sympathetic to the issue of nuisances on subways, but the right solution isn't literally killing them. From the Wikipedia page, it seems like he didn't choke the guy for less than 5 minutes. Depriving the brain of oxygen will start causing permanent damage after 1 minute, and will just about always be lethal by 5 minutes.

There's a big difference between what's appropriate at blue collar jobs and what's appropriate at white collar jobs.

They might not, but He does. They just decided to highlight the foot washing because they personally thought it was most valuable to highlight. Even if you think it didn't deserve to be highlighted, doesn't mean it was theologically incorrect.

There is more to womanhood than being attractive to men, and some trans women embody that better than some cis women.

What do you do when trans people pass so well they fool the caveman brain?

e.g https://old.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/lnf0lw/conservatives_dont_really_understand_biology_smh/

Women are the thing that trans women are attempting to emulate.

So what do you do when a trans woman manages to emulate womanhood better than many real women? Man and woman is not a binary; you have feminine men, masculine men, feminine women, masculine women. There are absolutely males who are so feminine they better encompass the "woman" concept than a good chunk of cis women.

Like this meme: https://old.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/lnf0lw/conservatives_dont_really_understand_biology_smh/

I wouldn't want the person on the left to be in a woman's washroom tbh. And to a lesser degree, I wouldn't want the person on the right to be in a men's washroom.

I didn't read the article you linked and honestly I don't really care enough about the topic to.

It wasn't supposed to be a slight at him. Khan Academy is a great learning resource, and I'm pretty sure he's never learnt any economics beyond articles and blogs(If he has and just chose to reject it, then I should stop wasting my time here). I think he'd learn from just going through the lessons there than any amount of arguing with me or reading more articles and blogs, because there are actual graphs and formulas involved that Khan Academy is better set up to teach.

I haven't seen any actual significant numbers of lefties complaining about DignifAI, only people on the right crowing about how it owns the libs.

Maybe it's not technically illegal, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was according to some sort of workplace law. But the reason why it's not an acceptable thing is that it makes the employees really uncomfortable. Having standards for acceptable, professional workplaces is good.

That wouldn't solve fertility really, it'd just fix the demographic problem

I have never met a woman who's open to hearing about real strategy. There are simply other concerns that take precedence - the pleasure of lashing out at someone and saying their dick's small, the enjoyment of having multiple male partners, the sublime freedom of movement that being unattached conveys, avoiding the inconvenience and discomfort of raising kids.

Would you say the same about your own wife?

I missed your reply originally and was just going over my old comments.

Anyways, I very much hope you wouldn't spend much time writing 3 paragraphs to clarify the position you already thought over in great detail, enough to write 3234 words(including quotes) in just your previous response. My whole point is I want something short, about 250 words max, that I can actually understand.

I don't know why you comment on this site. I do it because I enjoy being able to think through my thoughts, have others point out any mistakes I make or facts I miss, to convince others of my positions, and to get upvotes. You writing out what's basically a 12 page essay that I can't understand the thesis or conclusion of doesn't accomplish much of that, and I don't know what it did accomplish

If Jesus can wash his disciples feet, his disciples can wash the feet of the homeless and desperate.

I meant more why do you think that's a sign that the world would be better off with the West destroyed.


Now, you could argue that grammar isn’t all that important, but if it is, I don’t see how you’re going to teach it in history class. Or take metaphors and figurative language.

If they're still at that level, they aren't really ready for Shakespeare either. I am talking about replacing Shakespeare and To Kill a Mockingbird with history. Below that, fiction is fine.

Alternative hypothesis: the story is actually deliberate propaganda against a particular type of guy (and against a very specific guy, once you're familiar with the details), and arguably even a particular type of girl, and it's reacted to accordingly. It's a little bit like someone wrote a ficitional story about Jews murdering Christian babies, and drinking their blood, and when understandably people got upset you counter with "Well, do you murder Christian babies and drink their blood? No? So the story is not about you". Bonus points for the characters closely resembling a particular Jewish family.

I think a complication in this metaphor is that, as far as I know, Jews murdering Christian babies and drinking their blood was never once actually a thing that happened. But this archetype of creepy man is very much a real thing, and I know of a few guys at the school I went to like that. I am sympathetic to your point, because when the archetype in fiction and also the blogosphere becomes really common, it makes it seem like roughly 50% of guys are like that, and that's like an attack on all guys. But there are a real rough 1% of guys who really are just like that and I think it is important for people, and especially women, to be aware of and slightly on guard against that archetype.

I think they do exist and have a measurable influence, but that influence is about as small as possible while not being non-existent. I would agree that alien abduction believers are more influential.

https://twitter.com/RichardBSpencer?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Richard Spencer does have 70k followers on Twitter, and while he does seem smart enough to avoid putting any blatant "Blacks are dumb beasts and Jews want to control us" on his actual Twitter, his podcast is a bit less veiled and does get at believing blacks are worse than whites.

My opinion is that people panicking about Nazis being on the verge of taking over are fools. But that it is a good policy to do stuff like ban open Nazis from social media platforms, because spreading that rhetoric isn't good.

I think the investigation of Hillary was definitely botched. I don't have a strong opinion of whether they should go back and arrest her today. But ultimately this is about Trump, not Hillary.

That may be a stupid decision on a personal basis, but if these really are Top Top Important Documents, then isn't it better to be able to get them back?

That's true, but the problem is Trump didn't give them back. They were requested multiple times but he held onto them and didn't give them back, and showed them to people without clearance. What option besides arresting him is there when he does stuff like that?

I chose a wrong word then. Entertainment targeted at men is doing fine, books targeted at men are not. If you want a specific name, Will Wight. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Wight He deserves some more awards from some sort of organization that gives awards to people who write entertaining books. I think there are a lot of men out there who'd devour his books, but do not hear about him.

There's a big difference between what's appropriate between friends and what's appropriate between coworkers, yes. A married couple is allowed to have sex in any room in their home, but a married couple is not allowed to have sex in any room in their workplace, even if their the bosses in the workplace. Some behaviour, including most sexual behaviour or discussion, is not workplace appropriate.