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We will sell no wine before its time

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joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

Can you explain what makes Dallas such a different and difficult rental market from a self management perspective?

Being a "True Opponent" of either Putin (and establishment in Russia) or Obama (and establishment in US) does not have the same result. So by "True Opponent", what do you mean exactly?

Good writeup of basic economic policy and how it could impact currency valuations. Yes this is what happens when a place like Mexico or Venezuela starts reneging on their promises or nationalizing industries, capital flight, to places like the USA! Even it times of total crisis for the whole world, like in 2010, capital still came here and the value of the Dollar actually went up.

Yes if we nationalized every company and didn't pay out investors, stopped paying our debts etc....overnight. The value of the dollar would crater, It would be bad for the future of America, but now I that I'm thinking about it, what is the total value of all assets in the USA? 135 Trillion according to a quick search. That is enough to give every man woman and child ownership over $400,000 dollars (in assets) So a family of four would get $1.6 Million. So it could be an attractive short term play for a certain "Pay me now" segment of the population.

I'm not advocating for anything like that. What I've been saying here all along that within this new landscape of worldwide fiat currencies MMT is the only way to play. You don't go back to a gold or crypto deflationary hoarding mentality where the economy is constrained by tokens of wealth.(This caused a few major problems in the past if you recall)

You treat money like what it is, an idea to be experimented and played with for the betterment of your country, to get the most real resources for the least value in return. To do otherwise is to place your country at a major handicap for no reason other than stubbornness. As I have pointed out several times the USA is uniquely positioned to take this theory as far as it can be pushed due among other things to the complete financial, technical and military dominance that has allowed it to become the world's #1 reserve currency.

It would be foolish to give up that 3% rate. That is free money dude! What are the rental comps looking like. You're also locked in except for tax increases/insurance, the rent rise a lot over the next 30 years but the mortgage will be the same in 2045 as it is today! Tenants aren't that bad if you vet properly. Just self manage and tell the tenants you're just the property manager. Saves a lot of headaches.

How about a more extreme example then rather than just the revealed preference as shown by the Berlin wall needing to be put up. Just about anyone in the world would rather live in the USA than Bangladesh. One country and society is obviously better by any reasonable metric I can personally think of. Just because both governments may do something you don't like doesn't make them the same.

There is no approaching economic crisis. The USA is doing better than every single country in the world economically. Why do you say this like is is a default belief we should all accept. What proof do you have?

True, I did not take your full headcanon into account while being a grammar Nazi.

The main thrust here is that we are trading promises (however trustworthy or not) for actual goods. If you can do that with cheap money, as we have been, all the better. Worst case you just inflate the pain away. What matters is the underlying assets, the Oil the car company, the wafer fab, the farms, money is just an idea.

It is important to remember that sound is what determines what article is used, not the letter that a word begins with. The above should read 'an Xbox' since the letter X has a vowel sound

Well just spin up another. How is this a thing? Unless you're writing man hating screeds from 40 years ago you're not going to DOX yourself. I swear...

The twisting to come to this conclusion is almost head spinning. I hear what you're saying from a 10,000 foot level, but the boots on the ground reality does not match with your assessment of this hypothetical. Some regimes and societies are better to live in than others. That is just a fact. If you would rather live under Stalin than Obama then I don't think anyone can have a real conversation with you unless you're a hard core USSR stan.

So to circle back to @quiet_NaN's point. It is much better to be a an actor playing a peasant in a Monty Python sketch than to be an actual peasant in 6th century Britain. Things are actually quite a bit better now.

As NaN so eloquently states. Repression is not a blanket catch all, nor an equally applied device. There are gradients and subtilties. To compare the USA currently to Nazi Germany or Russia or the Stasi in East Germany is farcical.

Poker is a solved game so it is all scams now if you're not playing in person. The rake will just eat you. You can try tournaments but the result will be the same over a longer timeline.

The trailers looked really CGI, so I wasn't going to give it a shot. Now I will. Thanks for the recommendation.

Help help I'm being 'repressed! https://youtube.com/watch?v=l8ukak8P2vY

  • -15

It isn't a tribute system. It is just the implication. These women are not in any danger. https://youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE

If you're borrowing at or below inflation or what have you, you're leaving a ton of resources on the table that you should be trading worthless promises to secure. This is the new world!

Speaking of magical thinking. To quote Who's Line is it Anyway? "Everything's made up and the points don't matter". Debt is just a human construct. When you see people wax on about there being 200 trillion in ghost credit default swaps ready to doom the world economy when a butterfly in China's housing market flaps its wings it is hard not to just dismiss it all out of hand. MMT is, I think, a result of some institutions evolving to understand and use this concept. If we have the raw resources and the might to decide how they get divvied up, the rest is just semantics.

They aren't.

I'm 100% with you except for the massive fraud stuff. This political witch hunt is setting up banana republic style precedents where if you want to stay out of jail after your time in power you must remain in power forever... It is terrible for the country. The US election process is pretty safe and accurate though and the stolen election stuff is just wrong.

That would be a good niche to fill. Remember pop up videos on MTV or VH1? Those were great. This is a good idea.

I know you don't like deficit spending, but I don't think I was particularly rude or dismissive in that recent exchange. I didn't accuse you of magical thinking as you accused me for disagreeing on monetary policy (I save that for the religious debates where I am summarily chastised). I feel that budget hawks continually underestimate the power of extend and pretend, and we may, in fact, be able to do it forever.

Missing the forest for the trees here don't you think? I'm using the term gulag because that is what the Russian prison system and work camps were called in western media for decades, no need for quotes. If you mix in some forced labor and politically motivated charges then you've got yourself a gulag. So if they had Trump breaking rocks and cutting lumber and he got sick from being outside in the winter then yeah it would be an American gulag. The term is still used as a mildly derogatory nod towards Russian notions of justice. The gulag is bad, but not as bad as suffering from the one of the rash of defenestrations that seem to come for you if you badmouth the boss man.

Yeah I've been around this particular weird space since 2013ish so 2 years ain't a lot. The fact that I can see an admin amongst the posters from your example is not a point in the favor of this argument.

Deleted post, what happened here?

Well it is make believe to start. How would you react to being asked why the 3 little pigs were a not solution to societal ills?

Also the countries that have tried that are all total shitholes. Been to a theocracy lately? Not great.