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Friday Fun Thread for May 10, 2024

Be advised: this thread is not for serious in-depth discussion of weighty topics (we have a link for that), this thread is not for anything Culture War related. This thread is for Fun. You got jokes? Share 'em. You got silly questions? Ask 'em.

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I have no idea what you lot are on about, she sounds fake as fuck.

My honest reaction

Congrats on being a well-adjusted member of society, /g/oons have been habitually falling in love with bare text for quite a while. You'd be surprised(?) how little a sufficiently desperate median anon needs - surely an added voice dimension isn't gonna result in another flood of dazed goslings until the novelty wears off, right? Personally I'm not that into it, I only said there's no way it's not intentional, but I've been fiddling with Elevenlabs back when they first opened up their service and if it's as easy to splice voiceovers as it was on that service (and tie it to the assistant somehow, I doubt it's customizable yet), I might just get blind from how bright the future is. (edit: oh hey I actually found the old rentry

Anyway, can't believe anyone gave credence to Yud and the Rats, and their convoluted AGI X-risk scenarios

Agreed, I for one welcome our AI overlords state-mandated girlfriends. I am only partly facetious.