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Small-Scale Question Sunday for April 28, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

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When will women overtake men in soccer ability?

This is a ridiculous question. The answer is never. Seriously, it's such a bad question, I felt the need to downvote it.

And it's bad in particular because of the contrived argument you present.

My main argument here is that women have advantage over men in terms of social skills mainly because women find people endlessly fascinating.

Your assertion that women are supposedly better at team coordination because of inherently better social skills, is superficially true, but once again, does not apply to this situation whatsoever. And also it's naive in a really grating way. It's like you read some chapters of a fairly advanced book, but completely skipped other chapters.

Did you skip the chapter on greater male variability? Or the chapter on males having significantly better spatial-temporal reasoning? Or that men have a much higher status-driven competitive drive????

You know, just all the things needed to be the best at a team sport (something something men being hunters women being gatherers) that primarily involves lobbing a projectile at a target, in additional to the greatly male advantaged requirements for physical prowess?

Seriously NO. Just NO.

Nothing is stopping women from dominating esports either by this logic. But they tend to suck balls at it, because few women are autistically driven enough to strive to be the top 0.0001% at anything, or lack the mental fortitude to place winning over everything else (even if it means being mean to your teammates and not having friends or family).

Your model of soccer is wrong, your model of men and women is wrong, your model of competitive endaevours is wrong. Your model of how those things tie in together is wrong.