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Friday Fun Thread for December 15, 2023

Be advised: this thread is not for serious in-depth discussion of weighty topics (we have a link for that), this thread is not for anything Culture War related. This thread is for Fun. You got jokes? Share 'em. You got silly questions? Ask 'em.

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Cooking is as much an art as a skill. I follow a hobby Youtube chef and while he's perfected pasta and, indeed, pastry making, cakes continue to be his downfall.

I know people who can do many recipes wonderfully, but have an Achilles heel when it comes to a particular set of skills. Baking is hard! It depends on so many variables, particularly your oven and how fast/slow it heats, how consistent it is in temperature and so forth.

I've given up, after producing one too many attempts at a sponge cake which come out more like pancakes no matter how diligently I follow the recipes or how hard I try to incorporate enough air, etc.