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Friday Fun Thread for December 8, 2023

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I invite you to show me anything that makes all these images I've generated samey.

You're prompting it wrong.

Common link is they are all have far too many unnecessary elements that detract from the image. I will grant that only image #2 looks like a 100% match for the Dall-E 3 archetype.

What do you mean by "unnecessary things"?

They're precisely what I asked for, within the limits of my prompting and the model. Without knowing the prompts, I have no idea what you think they're missing.

At the very least the last one is a minimal brutalist logo for a PMC, I can hardly imagine what could be less so.

While I like (and sometimes exploit!) this trait, a lot of settings on both generation and upscaling (especially with latent upscalers) will result in visual clutter that a normal artist would not use.

This is most noticable and obvious on the PMC brutalist logo: the scattered white pixels around the 'shoulder' and well outside of the logo's boundaries are just not what you'd expect to see. Maybe as some sort of deep-fried jpg artifact, were the rest of the image busier? But they're not actually those things, or even human interpretations of those things.

The wave-face image is the one where clear errors are most human-like -- anatomy and cloth flow mistakes, overpronounced foreshortening, slightly jank perspective are all totally things even good artists do, sometimes intentionally! -- but separately it's also got some weird distractions. Why are there blue highlights on his abs? If the flow of the image is supposed to be toward his face, why are so many lines going to his shoulders?

The ARMA one is the closest to human-like (there's a few physics/layout errors, but they're absolutely ones humans would make), though the genre it's coming from tends to be cluttered and intentionally disorienting to start with.

You can work around and stop these sort of issues, but you have to really heavily ride and push it toward specific low-clutter styles, and even then it takes some futzing with SD parameters to avoid the image coming out overdone or undercooked.

/images/17023968095808215.webp is prompted by meta at the FurryDiffusion discord, but outside of the hands/paws (and... subject matter), it's as close to human-created art as you'll get.

Maybe you just don't have an eye for this stuff. It seems really obvious to me how these images are cluttered.

Maybe you're not explaining yourself very well.

1 - looks video game inspired, I would expect it to have about that level of detail, it makes sense for the genera. It looks like it's trying to put in slums and high-rises by the explosion, and it seems likely the prompt asked for both slums and high-rises. In which case, I can't think of a less cluttered way to show them.

2 - The monitors are presumably part of the prompt. There seems to be a bit of office chair and some extra table legs and some lights intersecting on the ceiling back there, which, yeah, probably would be better left out.

3 - Do you mean you don't like the jagged shapes breaking up the main image? That's clearly an intentional stylistic choice

looks video game inspired

Indeed. For once, my Arma clan didn't commit a war crime, they just happened to witness one.

The monitors are presumably part of the prompt

The prompt asked for a cyborg with a very particular set of features in a futuristic office. No chairs specifically, but that's hardly unheard of in an office. The fact that it got the Great Wave correct on his face is enough to blow me away compared to previous models, which would have just given him swamp ass.

Do you mean you don't like the jagged shapes breaking up the main image? That's clearly an intentional stylistic choice

It's the outcome of asking for brutalism in a minimalist vector art logo for a fictional private military company. If you don't add such stylistic markers, it defaults to the kind of slop you see on police officers trying to be hard men, in other words the Punisher skull emblem. But it can obviously do better and different if you ask.