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Political Survey

Some of you (OK so like... three of you) may remember the last time I ran a survey on political values; I was really happy with the responses everybody gave me at TheMotte, and now a few other people I know who post on Substack are wanting to use the results to answer some questions of their own. So long story short, here's another poll:


Don't worry if you think you're unusual and might skew the results - in fact we'd very much appreciate your perspective, whatever it is.

Thanks guys!

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The taboo survey doesn't emphasize fantasy the way the kink survey does, which probably has some impact.

At least from the survey format, I also wouldn't have associated oviposition with giant (non-sapient) insects, tbh. I've probably been spoiled because of the furry fandom having a lot of dragons or eggs sometimes just happening, but even for non-furs I would associate it more with stuff like silicone eggs or aliens/monsters, especially post-Alien, or (more rarely) as a sanitized pregnancy/birth kink first. There was another question that was more focused on infestation sorta stuff that seems a closer fit to the often-degradation-focused insect egg kink, though no guarantee that the average survey-taker would get the questions in the same order.

Oviposition's still weird, but it's not the sorta thing you'd get taken to court or jail over the way abusing an animal can.

The taboo survey doesn't emphasize fantasy the way the kink survey does, which probably has some impact.

I had no idea these were two separate surveys.

Yeah, it's more explicit on her site. The taboo survey had many fewer responses (around 1300 to the around 30,000 of the kink survey as of Aug 2023) and looks like it was collected more heavily from Aella's readership until later in the process (where she started to sell through Positly). She assumes that a lot of the taboo stuff will converge quickly with fewer data points because it's such a social thing, and that's probably not wrong, and keeping the surveys separate probably does help avoid lower kinks scores because of people feeling shamed about kinks.

Right, then my assumption makes sense, it's explicitly formulated as "what would people think". Someone's interest in sexualized oviposition probably weirds out just as many people as their interest in sex with other species of mammals, but it creeps them out less, since it's clearly an imaginary act.