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Small-Scale Question Sunday for September 3, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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Can you summarize the article? I started to read it but it was quite dry and I lost interest hah.

My cocktail party idea recently has be introducing (or re-introducing) slight psychedelic substances to the Christian Eucharist, or other similar religious traditions. Not enough for a full blown trip, just microdosing to get a little bit of enhanced sensation. There's even some slight evidence that this was done historically.

I'd also like to add WAY more holidays, and make them longer. There should be at least four week-long feast holidays, in my opinion. The ancient world had a lot more brutal material things to deal with than we do, but their social fabric was way richer and more fun. I mean come on, for the Romans they had holidays where priests would whip naked women running through the streets, there would be public drunkenness and masks, servants would order around masters, et cetera. I have no idea why we got rid of awesome holidays (even the Christians used to have a ton, see Orthodox Christianity) but it was a huge fucking mistake! Bring back the celebrations!!!

Another one would be to force psychologists, before getting their degree, to drop a huge dose of acid and go through some ritual basically. Maybe anthropology would make more sense here. But damn our modern rituals are so defanged and boring they might as well be skipped. Most people are bored at graduation, and just go for their parents. That's so sad! These rites of passage used to be the highlight and pride of people's entire life!

The anointing oil of ancient Judaism is very likely to have had cannabis in it.

What makes you say that? Haven't actually seen sources for that.

Ty!!!! I want to do some writing on this but need to do a way deeper dive into the research first. It's a pretty fucking exciting topic of scholarship if you ask me.