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Culture Peace Roundup threads?

A suggestion: to avoid especially acrimonious discussion and SSC-posting being our only hallmarks as an independent community, let’s discuss things we can generally come together on.

In a Culture Peace thread, I’d expect to see:

  1. An explanation of part of one’s own culture/group identity/tribally specific hobby one feels is misunderstood, without denigrating those who misunderstand

  2. Events or news stories which genuinely sow harmony instead of discord

  3. Suggestions for additional Culture Peace actions we can do on The Motte, elsewhere online, and in real life

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I actually rather like this idea.

Lemme put it on a TODO list; my plate is absurdly full right now.

Big worry: I don't want to split conversation up too much, especially given that we're likely to take a population hit.

In that case, I'm likely to just preface such items with "Culture Peace Item" in the Culture War thread.

I absolutely encourage you to do so :)