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Culture Peace Roundup threads?

A suggestion: to avoid especially acrimonious discussion and SSC-posting being our only hallmarks as an independent community, let’s discuss things we can generally come together on.

In a Culture Peace thread, I’d expect to see:

  1. An explanation of part of one’s own culture/group identity/tribally specific hobby one feels is misunderstood, without denigrating those who misunderstand

  2. Events or news stories which genuinely sow harmony instead of discord

  3. Suggestions for additional Culture Peace actions we can do on The Motte, elsewhere online, and in real life

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Generally third worlders who immigrate to a 1st world nation just want to live a better life. Living a better life doesn't mean they wish to throw away their entire cultural identity at once. It may be closer to the truth for you to imagine that whenever you meet a 1st generation immigrant their grandson will be the equivalent of what you imagine a fully assimilated native member of your nation to be. You aren't immigrating more citizens to your land ( in the cultural sense not the legal one), you are immigrating more people whose children will be citizens of your land ( in the assimilated and culturally following your country's traditions way).