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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 26, 2022

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Anglin, being an extreme Sinophile, argued (like local American hawks who deny any data out of Communist state or Russia, amusingly enough) that the Chinese are imitating their Zero Covid measures and actually don't test or quarantine or vaccinate or care at all – they're not the NWO slaves, see, they know what's good for them, they're only fooling the stupid big-nosed barbarians. This was in late 2020; haven't been reading him since the elections. He had a lot to say of the future, should Biden and not the Lion Don become President.

He's some analyst.

That's stacking the deck against the pro-«decisive Ukraine victory at any cost» side. Could you, as an Intellectual Turing Test, stack it against your own beliefs?

I've seen a few thousand too many posts on this. In the end, here's what this is about: Putin's Russia, like Russia historically, is a challenger to the System – the Washington Consensus, the «Rules-Based International Liberal Order» or however you want to call it – explicitly, officially, and virulently so. It bitterly, if ineffectually, opposes this System's values, methods and ambitions. It, alone among such challengers, has the capacity (that's pretty costly to maintain) to annihilate or severely debilitate this system and thus steer it off the clear course towards planetary and, soon, Universe-spanning eternal triumph and ability to implement its values unperturbed on almost arbitrary scale. Russia is openly waging a large-scale war on a nation that has proclaimed alignment with the system, on the borders of the System's loyal members, even killing some of the System's citizen zealots.

This is enough to justify nearly any expense in supporting the attacked party, short of initiating a nuclear exchange while Russia is still capable of responding.

Now there are more normal strategic, politic, economic, moral, signaling considerations of course, many of which would be sufficient by themselves, and the obvious fact that Ukraine plus the System are winning, and the winning party tends not to give up mid-war (except if you're Russia in WWI, and that didn't go well). But this is the world-historical one, as I see it.

...One last thing. The problem of fascist regimes is they are irrational, pride themselves on irrational precommitments, drink their own Kool-aid, and assume that their opponents are scaredy, sovlless, too-rational-by-half merchants who can be played like a damn fiddle, by dangling incentives they'll myopically follow.

This fails every time. Their opponents have pride too. More importantly, they can reason through the pic related.

Can you?


Anglin is not 100% right about every prediction, that's a given, but he's been pretty good about Covid.

His analysis of current events is head and shoulders above any mainstream media coverage.

As an alt-right leader he told his followers not to go to events like Charlottesville or J6.

He saw the crackdown coming.

and the obvious fact that Ukraine plus the System are winning, and the winning party tends not to give up mid-war (except if you're Russia in WWI, and that didn't go well). But this is the world-historical one, as I see it.

The System is winning but not against the Taliban. The System is 'winning' where the System says it's winning, in the eyes of the followers of the System. All of the good followers of the System like you are fleeing from Russia.

Is this weakening Russia? Are they losing out when all their atheist, gay activists, anti-family subversives are fleeing?

Are they losing when the American fast food companies are shutting down and no longer reliably and consistently poisoning their population?

More importantly, they can reason through the pic related. Can you?

Wars are not bi-dimensional problems and Moloch did not save the Romans from what happened 300 years later, with the emergence of a class of people that would align Death > Slavery > Freedom in some cases. Not that this is predictive of anything regarding the Ukraine v Russia situation.

The System is winning but not against the Taliban. The System is 'winning' where the System says it's winning, in the eyes of the followers of the System.

Do you suppose the Taliban poses any threat to the System? It's quite a threat to the population of Afghanistan, which already faces starvation due to the System's comprehensive withdrawal. But for the Washington Consensus, conclusively beating it – what with Russia, China, Iran still kicking - is not a priority at all.

All of the good followers of the System like you are fleeing from Russia. Is this weakening Russia? Are they losing out when all their atheist, gay activists, anti-family subversives are fleeing?

  1. Man, what's the point of talking to what you consider an irreconcilable enemy with no commitment to truth? Are you just soapboxing into the void? That's not healthy. As for me: I've the psychological profile of a priest (I have the assessment in print), so consider this community service.

  2. You should try getting news from someone other than Andrew Anglin, for a change. I'd concede losing gay activists etc. isn't strategically threatening, but more importantly Russia is losing money – both current assets and potential revenue – and engineers. Who's gonna make those missiles to attack Ukraine? Who's gonna design new ones once Ukrainians succeed in begging for proper anti-air defenses? Why do you think loyalists back home are mostly demented grandmas and raving lunatics speaking in semi-poetic vomit and faggoty sentimental generalities, like Anglin and other foreign fashist LARPers, while people who've been warning the MoD for years – in vain! – that we'll need semiconductor production, drones and normal encrypted comms in case of a war are now talking to me from USA, South America and Central Asia? Why do you figure Russia, the successor to the Soviet Union with all its military industry, is bombing Ukrainian cities using Iranian loitering munitions, for want of indigenous ones? Hell, I've talked even to patriotic Chechnya veterans and Airborne troopers who've noped out of the Motherland – though unlike others, these folks did so only after the «partial» mobilization was declared!

  3. As for anti-family subversives. Well, back in March, in Sheremetyevo airport, was the first time in my life I've seen so many decent-looking, middle-to-upper-class ethnic Russians with lots of kids – and lots of luggage on heavy carts, frantically saving their families from a lifetime in squalor... or worse. Were they atheists? Maybe. But ever since Stalin (some would say Pyotr or even Alexis) Moscow Patriarchate is not so much a religious organization as it is an Okhrana/FSB branch, so you'd have better luck meeting actual God-fearing Eastern Orthodox Christian Russians abroad.

Are they losing when the American fast food companies are shutting down and no longer reliably and consistently poisoning their population?

As a matter of fact, all McDonalds properties have been absorbed by Tasty.Period (yeah, pretty lame name and logo) and continue to serve the same stuff – with deteriorated quality controls, according to folks who've found roaches and the like in their burgers. Now this reminds me of something I wrote in the summer of 2021.

You don't know shit about this war, Russia, or people leaving Russia. All you can proceed from is your own political alignment and general, illiterate notions of degeneracy and virtue, and your parochial gut feelings and sensibilities of an anti-Western Russia Stan, cheerleading at a safe distance from Inferno. Indomitable Russian spirit something something, the Ukrainia pig not a country, the West has fallen, yadda yadda yadda. No matter how you try to distance yourself from your political enemies, you're still an obese consumerist with a taste for HFCS in matters of flesh and spirit alike, preferring cheap, quick and easy hit of gratification over truth and self-improvement 10 times out of 10. No wonder you're informed by The Daily Stormer, literally an unhinged tabloid.

I won't hold its Nazi roots against you. God knows there are some smart and diligent Nazis out there.

You still aren't willing to see how alone and outmatched you are. Russia won't save you.

Russia won't even save herself.

Do you suppose the Taliban poses any threat to the System?

I think it does in a way, in a cosmic justice way. What comes around goes around.

Who knows if the next big international influencer won't be some kid who saw Americans first come in and destroy his country then send blue-haired gender studies operatives to remodel it, then just shut down and disappear?

If the Taliban consistently protect their population from say, Pfizer products for the next n iterations of 'global pandemic' they might become a decisive demographic, somehow.

I don't know your reasons for leaving Russia, maybe they're really good who knows.

Perhaps your assessment of the state of the Russian military and economy are completely correct and Russia is on the verge of collapse.

I like these direct accounts much better than the overt propaganda found everywhere else.

Well, back in March, in Sheremetyevo airport, was the first time in my life I've seen so many decent-looking, middle-to-upper-class ethnic Russians with lots of kids – and lots of luggage on heavy carts, frantically saving their families from a lifetime in squalor... or worse.

I don't blame them, but where are they going?

Are they really getting a better existence for their families? Or are they just looking for things of this world?

Russia is purifying itself from the materialist type, the engineers, the thinkers, the cowards, the revolutionaries maybe... Who knows where this is all going. Worst case, return of the Golden Horde.

No matter how you try to distance yourself from your political enemies, you're still an obese consumerist with a taste for HFCS in matters of flesh and spirit alike, going for the quick and easy hit of gratification.

You still aren't willing to see how alone and outmatched you are. Russia won't save you.

I'm not looking for Russia to save me. That would be someone else.

What do you mean by alone and outmatched? From a political pov? As in the whole world is becoming globohomo it's over or something?

Luckily a lot of the alt-right is just becoming straight-up religious extremist. Revenge of the Taliban, so to speak.

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