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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 24, 2025

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Americans should care about it because they've been taught that national socialists declaring themselves the master race and committing genocide is bad, actually, and both their personal and political will ought to be bent/pulled forcibly toward the end of preventing such an occurrence. Seems to me that per the national mythos Americans ought to be ferociously outraged about people who believe themselves to be "god's chosen" ethnically cleansing their hated neighbors for Lebensraum.

The person I’m replying to thinks that mythos is perhaps the greatest fraud and/or mistake of the 20th century.

All of this rhetorical tap-dancing of course boiling down to the idea that SS believes that Zionists ought to be held to account for their vicious criticism of post-Weimar German behavior and their simultaneous total embrace of it while you believe they should never answer to anyone for anything.

No, all of this is rhetorical tap-dancing around the fact that he cries fake tears for Arabs while dreaming of a white Israel that guards against his enemies more zealously than Israel does. Almost all dissident right criticism of Israeli conduct in Gaza is envy, it's that it's "unfair". It's not principled criticism of settler colonialism (see their views on Rhodesia and South Africa).

SS believes that Zionists ought to be held to account for their vicious criticism of post-Weimar German behavior and their simultaneous total embrace of it

This is a monumentally dumb argument. It's the literal inverse to "white nationalists can't complain about immigration because they immigrated to non-white territories en masse and took many of them over". If someone says mass immigration of Europeans to Rhodesia was good, but mass immigration of Somalis to Sweden is bad, should they be similarly "held to account"? 'Nooo, you can't possibly justify settlers fighting a war against barbarians who want to rape and kill them unless you ALSO justify them being expropriated and slaughtered in the land where they previously lived for a thousand years, which also led many of the survivors to flee to that very place'. Don't think so.

Of course you're obviously sidestepping the point that Zionist's criticism and hatred of Nazi Germany is blasted on full volume through all channels of media, politics, and schooling in the western world while all discussion of Nazi Israel's ambitions is kept thoroughly in-house.

This is a forum for the discussion of unusual, niche and often radical politics. Responding to that debate by saying that you can't criticize one view because the opposite view is more socially popular and more visible in the media is an irrelevance when the question is not about which view is more popular but about the arguments themselves. SecureSignals would like to live in a world where the inverse of your description is true, so the debate occurs on that basis.

Responding to that debate by saying that you can't criticize one view because the opposite view is more socially popular and more visible in the media is an irrelevance when the question is not about which view is more popular but about the arguments themselves.

This is only true if the "popularity" is organic and not yet another outcome of a concerted effort by Zionists to manufacture consent.