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Notes -
I'm once again recommending Walter Blaire, a very unknown, self-published writer who is, nevertheless, fairly skilled. It's ostensibly military SF, and there's fair amount of action and some SF but is really more about societies, organisational and individual psychology in the context of a somewhat believable and internally consistent setting of eternal war. Unlike in 40k, in this case the 'eternal war' is strictly local and something that needs be preserved at all costs. The saving grace is that the ..people who fight it are enjoying it greatly, having the time of their rather short lives and really don't mind dying, having been engineered and then evolved to fight. The people directing it and keeping it going, not so much, but their suffering is usually related to bureaucratic snafus, old age, observing their country going to the shitter, summary executions for incompetence or deaths in duels.
Here's my review of 'the Eternal Front'
And here I'm going to offer a short review of 'What the Thunder Said', a shorter book he published after 'The Eternal Front'. It's a short SF novel, with military themes and sort of coming of age/romance framing, I guess. Unlike the Front, which has .. at least four viewpoint characters and several story strands, this one is centered on a single person, and is a sort of a coming-of-age. No worries- it's not smut - it never gets further than violations of prescribed distance and some unresolved interspecies* sexual tension. I say 'interspecies' because technically and practically, while the Tachba military servitors Haphans are stuck with look human, albeit extremely chad-ly[1], they're psychologically quite different and definitely not interfertile. And, like the Adeptus Astartes whom they somewhat resemble, very much not horny either. I said 'slightly resemble' but if you go by it line by line, it does seem they're supposed to be a realistic take on supersoldiers. Not some archetypal, mythical badasses but what would be practical, possible and physiologically feasible. It's not long for a novel and very readable.
Anyway I'm shilling it because as I was reading through the slush pile of Kindle store, I was struck by the writing quality and feel the author deserves more exposure.
[1]: honestly I feel like asking the writer if he had Gigachad in mind while writing it. quoting:
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